function Get-PwSsSecurityPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0)] [string]$ExportedElementXml ) # It's nice to be able to see what cmdlet is throwing output isn't it? $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PwSsSecurityPolicy: " # Check for path and import if (Test-Path $ExportedElementXml) { $ExportedElements = Get-Content $ExportedElementXml } # Setup return Array $ReturnArray = @() # Exported data should be xml $ExportedElements = [xml]$ExportedElements $SecurityPolicy = $ExportedElements.generic_import_export.fw_policy # This makes it easier to write new cmdlets $LoopArray = @() $LoopArray += $SecurityPolicy # Process data foreach ($entry in $LoopArray) { $AccessList = $ foreach ($rule in $entry.access_entry.rule_entry) { # Initialize the object $NewObject = [SecurityPolicy]::new("") $ReturnArray += $NewObject $NewObject.AccessList = $AccessList $NewObject.Number = $rule.rank $NewObject.Name = $rule.tag $NewObject.Comment = $rule.comment # disabled if ($rule.is_disabled -eq 'true') { $NewObject.Enabled = $false } # Source/destination/service $NewObject.Source = $rule.access_rule.match_part.match_sources.match_source_ref.value $NewObject.Destination = $rule.access_rule.match_part.match_destinations.match_destination_ref.value $NewObject.Service = $rule.access_rule.match_part.match_services.match_service_ref.value # Action if ($rule.access_rule.vpn_action) { $NewObject.Action = $rule.access_rule.vpn_action.vpn_ref.ref } else { $NewObject.Action = $rule.access_rule.action.type } } } $ReturnArray } <# [string]$AccessList [int]$Number [string]$Action [string]$SourceInterface [string]$DestinationInterface [string]$Source [string]$Destination [string]$Protocol [string]$SourcePort [string]$DestinationPort [string]$PacketState [string]$RejectWith [string]$IcmpType [string]$Enabled #> |