function Get-PwSsServiceObject { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0)] [string]$ExportedElementXml ) # It's nice to be able to see what cmdlet is throwing output isn't it? $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PwSsServiceObject: " # Check for path and import if (Test-Path $ExportedElementXml) { $ExportedElements = Get-Content $ExportedElementXml } # Setup return Array $ReturnArray = @() # Exported data should be xml $ExportedElements = [xml]$ExportedElements $ServiceUdp = $ExportedElements.generic_import_export.service_udp $ServiceTcp = $ExportedElements.generic_import_export.service_tcp $ServiceIp = $ExportedElements.generic_import_export.service_ip $TcpServiceGroup = $ExportedElements.generic_import_export.tcp_service_group # function ParseServices { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0)] [array]$RawServices, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string]$Protocol ) $ReturnArray = @() foreach ($entry in $RawServices) { # Initialize the object $NewObject = [ServiceObject]::new() $ReturnArray += $NewObject # Properties that exist on all types $NewObject.Name = $entry.Name $NewObject.Comment = $entry.Comment $NewObject.Protocol = $Protocol # IP Protocols if ($entry.protocol_number) { $NewObject.Protocol = $entry.protocol_number } # Source ports if ($entry.min_src_port) { $SourcePort = "" $SourcePort = $entry.min_src_port if ($entry.max_src_port) { $SourcePort += '-' + $entry.max_src_port } $NewObject.SourcePort += $SourcePort } # Destination ports if ($entry.min_dst_port) { $DestinationPort = "" $DestinationPort = $entry.min_dst_port if ($entry.max_dst_port) { $DestinationPort += '-' + $entry.max_dst_port } $NewObject.DestinationPort += $DestinationPort } # For groups if ($entry.service_ref) { $NewObject.Members += $entry.service_ref.ref } } $ReturnArray } $ReturnArray += ParseServices -RawServices $ServiceUdp -Protocol 'Udp' $ReturnArray += ParseServices -RawServices $ServiceTcp -Protocol 'Tcp' $ReturnArray += ParseServices -RawServices $ServiceIp -Protocol 'Ip' $ReturnArray += ParseServices -RawServices $TcpServiceGroup -Protocol 'Tcp' $ReturnArray } |