function Get-PwAsaSecurityPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Gets named addresses from saved ASA config file. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'path')] [string]$ConfigPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'array')] [array]$ConfigArray ) # It's nice to be able to see what cmdlet is throwing output isn't it? $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PwAsaSecurityPolicy:" Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Getting rules from $ConfigPath" # Check for path and import if ($ConfigPath) { if (Test-Path $ConfigPath) { $LoopArray = Get-Content $ConfigPath } } else { $LoopArray = $ConfigArray } # Setup return Array $ReturnArray = @() $IpRx = [regex] "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" $n = 1 $TotalLines = $LoopArray.Count $i = 0 $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # used by Write-Progress so it doesn't slow the whole function down $ReturnObject = @() :fileloop foreach ($entry in $LoopArray) { $i++ # Write progress bar, we're only updating every 1000ms, if we do it every line it takes forever if ($StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds -ge 1000) { $PercentComplete = [math]::truncate($i / $TotalLines * 100) Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Support Output" -Status "$PercentComplete% $i/$TotalLines" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $StopWatch.Reset() $StopWatch.Start() } if ($entry -eq "") { continue } $entry = $entry.Trim() ########################################################################################### # Check for the Section $RegexIpOnly = [regex] "(?x) ^access-list\s (?<aclname>[^\ ]+?)\s ( (?<type>extended)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?) # protocol \ ((?<prottype>object-group|object)\ )?(?<protocol>[^\ ]+?) # source ( \s((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\s)(?<source>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<srcnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<srcmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<source>any) ) # destination ( \s((?<dsttype>host|object-group|object|interface)\s)(?<destination>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<dstnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<dstmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<destination>any) ) # flags (?<log>\ log(\ (?<loglevel>\d+|warnings))?)? (?<inactive>\ inactive)? | (?<type>standard)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?)\s ( ((?<srcnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<srcmask>$IpRx))| ((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\ )?(?<source>[^\ ]+) ) )`$ " $RegexDestinationService = [regex] "(?x) ^access-list\s (?<aclname>[^\ ]+?)\s ( (?<type>extended)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?) # protocol \ ((?<prottype>object-group|object)\ )?(?<protocol>[^\ ]+?) # source ( \s((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\s)(?<source>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<srcnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<srcmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<source>any) ) # destination ( \s((?<dsttype>host|object-group|object|interface)\s)(?<destination>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<dstnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<dstmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<destination>any) ) # service ( \ (?<svctype>object-group|eq)\ (?<service>[^\ ]+)| \ (?<svctype>range)\ (?<service>\w+\ \w+)| \ (?<service>echo) )? # flags (?<log>\ log(\ (?<loglevel>\d+))?)? (?<inactive>\ inactive)? | (?<type>standard)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?)\s ( ((?<srcnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<srcmask>$IpRx))| ((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\ )?(?<source>[^\ ]+) ) )`$ " $RegexSourceDestinationService = [regex] "(?x) ^access-list\s (?<aclname>[^\ ]+?)\s ( (?<type>extended)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?) # protocol \ ((?<prottype>object-group|object)\ )?(?<protocol>[^\ ]+?) # source ( \s((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\s)(?<source>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<srcnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<srcmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<source>any) ) # sourceservice ( \s(?<srcsvctype>object-group|eq)\s(?<srcservice>[^\ ]+)| \s(?<srcsvctype>range)\s(?<srcservice>\w+\s\w+)| \s(?<srcservice>echo) )? # destination ( \s((?<dsttype>host|object-group|object|interface)\s)(?<destination>[^\ ]+)| \s((?<dstnetwork>[^\ ]+)\s(?<dstmask>$IpRx))| \s(?<destination>any) ) # service ( \ (?<svctype>object-group|eq)\ (?<service>[^\ ]+)| \ (?<svctype>range)\ (?<service>\w+\ \w+)| \ (?<service>echo) )? # flags (?<log>\ log(\ (?<loglevel>\d+))?)? (?<inactive>\ inactive)? | (?<type>standard)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?)\s ( ((?<srcnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<srcmask>$IpRx))| ((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\ )?(?<source>[^\ ]+) ) )`$ " $RegexRemark = [regex] "(?x) access-list\s (?<aclname>[^\ ]+?)\s remark\s (?<remark>.+) " $MatchRemark = Get-RegexMatch $RegexRemark $entry $MatchIpOnly = Get-RegexMatch $RegexIpOnly $entry $MatchDestinationService = Get-RegexMatch $RegexDestinationService $entry $MatchSourceDestinationService = Get-RegexMatch $RegexSourceDestinationService $entry if ($MatchRemark) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix MatchRemark: $i`: $entry" $Match = $MatchRemark } elseif ($MatchIpOnly) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix RegexIpOnly: $i`: $entry" $Match = $MatchIpOnly } elseif ($MatchDestinationService) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix RegexDestinationService: $i`: $entry" $Match = $MatchDestinationService } elseif ($MatchSourceDestinationService) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix RegexSourceDestinationService: $i`: $entry" $Match = $MatchSourceDestinationService } else { $Match = $null } # access-list outside-in extended permit tcp any object-group DESTINATIONOBJECT eq www #$Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Match) { #Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix match: $i`: $entry" <# if ($Match.Groups['srcservice'].Success) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix SourceService found" if (-not $Match.Groups['dstnetwork'].Success) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix dstnetwork not found" if (-not $Match.Groups['destination'].success) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix destination not found, updating match" $Regex = [regex] "(?x) access-list\s (?<aclname>[^\ ]+?)\s ( remark\s (?<remark>.+) | ( (?<type>extended)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?) # protocol \ ((?<prottype>object-group|object)\ )?(?<protocol>[^\ ]+?) # source ( \ ((?<srcnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<srcmask>$IpRx))| \ ((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\ )?(?<source>[^\ ]+) ) # destination ( \ ((?<dstnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<dstmask>$IpRx))| \ ((?<dsttype>host|object-group|object|interface)\ )?(?<destination>[^\ ]+) ) # service ( \ (?<svctype>object-group|eq)\ (?<service>[^\ ]+)| \ (?<svctype>range)\ (?<service>\w+\ \w+)| \ (?<service>echo) )? # flags (?<log>\ log(\ (?<loglevel>\d+))?)? (?<inactive>\ inactive)? | (?<type>standard)\s (?<action>[^\ ]+?)\s ( ((?<srcnetwork>$IpRx)\ (?<srcmask>$IpRx))| ((?<srctype>host|object-group|object)\ )?(?<source>[^\ ]+) ) ) ) " $Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry } else { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix dstnetwork found, keeping current match" } } else { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix destination found, keeping current match" } } else { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix no SourceService found, keeping current match" } #> if ($Match.Groups['remark'].Success) { $Remark = $Match.Groups['remark'].Value #$NewObject.Comment = $Remark Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Adding remark: $Remark" continue } else { # create new ace $NewObject = [SecurityPolicy]::new("") $NewObject.AccessList = $Match.Groups['aclname'].Value $NewObject.AclType = $Match.Groups['type'].Value # See if we need to increment the sequence number $CheckForAcl = $ReturnArray | Where-Object { $_.AccessList -eq $NewObject.AccessList } if ($CheckForAcl) { $n++ } else { $n = 1 # had to add this to account for remarks that are leftover at the end of ACLs $Remark = $null } # add remark if ($Remark) { $NewObject.Comment = $Remark $Remark = $null } $ReturnArray += $NewObject $NewObject.Number = $n Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Creating new SecurityPolicy: $($NewObject.AccessList):$($NewObject.AclType):$n" } $NewObject.Action = $Match.Groups['action'].Value $NewObject.Protocol = $Match.Groups['protocol'].Value # Source if ($Match.Groups['srcnetwork'].Success) { $Source = $Match.Groups['srcnetwork'].Value if ($Match.Groups['srcmask'].Success) { $Source += '/' $Source += ConvertTo-MaskLength $Match.Groups['srcmask'].Value } $NewObject.Source = $Source } else { #$NewObject.SourceType = $Match.Groups['srctype'].Value $NewObject.Source = $Match.Groups['source'].Value } # Destination if ($Match.Groups['dstnetwork'].Success) { $Destination = $Match.Groups['dstnetwork'].Value if ($Match.Groups['dstmask'].Success) { $Destination += '/' $Destination += ConvertTo-MaskLength $Match.Groups['dstmask'].Value } $NewObject.Destination = $Destination } else { #$NewObject.DestinationType = $Match.Groups['dsttype'].Value $NewObject.Destination = $Match.Groups['destination'].Value } if ($Match.Groups['inactive'].Value) { $NewObject.Enabled = $false } #Service $NewObject.Protocol = $Match.Groups['protocol'].Value $NewObject.Service = $Match.Groups['service'].Value <# if ($ProtocolType -match 'object') { $NewObject.Service = $NewObject.Protocol } else { #> if ($NewObject.Service -match ".+\ .+") { $NewObject.Service = $NewObject.Protocol + '/' + ($NewObject.Service -replace ' ', '-') } elseif ($NewObject.Service -match '^\d+$') { $NewObject.Service = $NewObject.Protocol + '/' + $NewObject.Service } <# } #> #SourceService $NewObject.SourceService = $Match.Groups['srcservice'].Value if ($NewObject.SourceService -match ".+\ .+") { $NewObject.SourceService = $NewObject.Protocol + '/' + ($NewObject.SourceService -replace ' ', '-') } elseif ($NewObject.SourceService -match '^\d+$') { $NewObject.SourceService = $NewObject.Protocol + '/' + $NewObject.SourceService } continue } } return $ReturnArray } |