function Get-PwAsaObject { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Gets named addresses from saved ASA config file. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'path')] [string]$ConfigPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'array')] [array]$ConfigArray ) # It's nice to be able to see what cmdlet is throwing output isn't it? $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PwAsaObject:" # Check for path and import if ($ConfigPath) { if (Test-Path $ConfigPath) { $LoopArray = Get-Content $ConfigPath } } else { $LoopArray = $ConfigArray } # Setup return Array $ReturnArray = @() $IpRx = [regex] "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" $TotalLines = $LoopArray.Count $i = 0 $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # used by Write-Progress so it doesn't slow the whole function down :fileloop foreach ($entry in $LoopArray) { $i++ # Write progress bar, we're only updating every 1000ms, if we do it every line it takes forever if ($StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds -ge 1000) { $PercentComplete = [math]::truncate($i / $TotalLines * 100) Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Support Output" -Status "$PercentComplete% $i/$TotalLines" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $StopWatch.Reset() $StopWatch.Start() } if ($entry -eq "") { continue } ########################################################################################### # name objects $EvalParams = @{ } $EvalParams.StringToEval = $entry $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^name\ (?<ip>(?:\d+\.){3}\d+)\ (?<name>[^\ ]+)(?:\ description\ (?<description>.+))?" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $Value = $Eval.Groups['ip'].Value if ($Value -match '\.0$') { $Value += '/24' # this isn't quite right but I can't figure out how to determine the correct mask from the config file. } else { $Value += '/32' } $NewObject = [NetworkObject]::new() $NewObject.Name = $Eval.Groups['name'].Value $NewObject.Member += $Value $NewObject.Comment += $Eval.Groups['description'].Value $ReturnArray += $NewObject } ########################################################################################### # Check for the Section $Regex = [regex] "^object(?<group>-group)?\ (?<type>[^\ ]+?)\ (?<name>[^\ ]+)(\ (?<protocol>.+))?" $Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Match) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix found object $($NewObject.Name)" $KeepGoing = $true $Protocol = $Match.Groups['protocol'].Value # Duplicate name entries can exist for object NAT $Lookup = $ReturnArray | Where-Object { $_.Name -ceq $Match.Groups['name'].Value } if ($Lookup) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Duplicate Found $($Lookup.Count)" $NewObject = $Lookup } else { $ObjectType = $Match.Groups['type'].Value Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix New Object: $($Match.Groups['name'].Value), type: $ObjectType" switch ($ObjectType) { 'network' { $NewObject = [NetworkObject]::new() break } { ($_ -eq 'service') -or ($_ -eq 'protocol') -or ($_ -eq 'icmp-type') } { $NewObject = [ServiceObject]::new() break } default { Throw "$VerbosePrefix ObjectType not handled: $ObjectType" } } $ReturnArray += $NewObject $NewObject.Name = $Match.Groups['name'].Value } continue } #More prompts and blank lines $Regex = [regex] '^<' $Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Match) { continue } $Regex = [regex] '^\s+$' $Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Match) { continue } # End object $Regex = [regex] "^[^\ ]" $Match = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Match) { $KeepGoing = $false $Protocol = $null } if ($KeepGoing) { # Special Properties $EvalParams = @{ } $EvalParams.StringToEval = $entry # fqdn $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ fqdn\ v4\ (?<fqdn>.+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['fqdn'].Value } # subnet $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ subnet\ (?<network>$IpRx)\ (?<mask>$IpRx)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $Mask = ConvertTo-MaskLength $Eval.Groups['mask'].Value $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['network'].Value + '/' + $Mask } # host $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ host\ (?<network>$IpRx)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['network'].Value + '/32' } # network-object $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ network-object\ (?<param1>$IpRx|host|object)\ (?<param2>.+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $Param1 = $Eval.Groups['param1'].Value switch ($Param1) { "host" { if ($IpRx.Match($Eval.Groups['param2'].Value).Success) { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['param2'].Value + '/32' } else { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['param2'].Value } } "object" { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['param2'].Value } { $IpRx.Match($_).Success } { $Mask = ConvertTo-MaskLength $Eval.Groups['param2'].Value $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['param1'].Value + '/' + $Mask } } } # port-object $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ port-object\ (?<operator>[^\ ]+?)\ (?<port>[^\ ]+)(\ (?<endport>.+))?" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $Operator = $Eval.Groups['operator'].Value $Port = (Resolve-BuiltinService $Eval.Groups['port'].Value 'asa').DestinationPort switch ($Operator) { "eq" { $NewObject.Member += $Protocol + '/' + $Port } "range" { $EndPort = (Resolve-BuiltinService $Eval.Groups['endport'].Value 'asa').DestinationPort $NewObject.Member += $Protocol + '/' + $Port + '-' + $EndPort } } } # group-object or protocol-object $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ (group|protocol)-object\ (.+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams -ReturnGroupNum 2 if ($Eval) { $NewObject.Member += $Eval } # icmp-object $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ icmp-object\ (.+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams -ReturnGroupNum 1 if ($Eval) { $NewObject.Member += "icmp/" + $Eval } # range $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ range\ (?<start>$IpRx)\ (?<stop>$IpRx)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['start'].Value + "-" + $Eval.Groups['stop'].Value } # object nat $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\ nat\ \((?<srcint>.+?)\,(?<dstint>.+?)\)\ (?<type>static|dynamic(\ pat-pool)?)\ (?<nat>[^\ ]+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $global:testing = $NewObject $NewObject.NatSourceInterface = $Eval.Groups['srcint'].Value $NewObject.NatDestinationInterface = $Eval.Groups['dstint'].Value $NewObject.NatType = $Eval.Groups['type'].Value $NewObject.NatSourceAddress = $Eval.Groups['nat'].Value } # service-object # service-object tcp source eq www eq www # service-object tcp eq 9997 $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] '(?x) ^\sservice-object \s(?<protocol>[^\ ]+) (?:\s (?: ( (?:source\ ) (?<srcoperator>[^\ ]+)\s (?<srcport>[^\ ]+) (?:\ (?<srcupperport>\d+))?\s )? (?:destination\ )? (?<operator>[^\ ]+)\s (?<port>[^\ ]+) (?:\ (?<upperport>[^\ ]+))? | (?<port2>[^\ ]+) ) )?' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Found: $($Eval.Value)" $Protocol = $Eval.Groups['protocol'].Value $Port = $Eval.Groups['port'].Value $UpperPort = $Eval.Groups['upperport'].Value switch ($Protocol) { 'object' { $NewObject.Member += $Eval.Groups['port2'].Value continue fileloop } 'icmp' { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix protocol is icmp, setting port to 0" $Port = "0" continue } default { if ($Eval.Groups['port'].Success) { if ($Protocol -ne "icmp") { $Port = (Resolve-BuiltinService -Service $Port -FirewallType 'asa').DestinationPort } } } } if ($Eval.Groups['operator'].Success) { $Operator = $Eval.Groups['operator'].Value Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix operator found: $Operator" } else { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix no operator found, setting to none" $Operator = "none" } switch ($Operator) { "eq" { } "none" { } "default" { Throw "$VerbosePrefix service-object operator `"$Operator`" not handled`r`n $entry" } } if ($Port) { $FullPort = $Protocol + '/' + $Port if ($UpperPort) { $FullPort += "-$UpperPort" } } else { $FullPort = $Protocol } $NewObject.Member += $FullPort } # service $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] '^\ service\ (?<protocol>[^\ ]+)(\ source\ (?<srcoperator>[^\ ]+)\ (?<sourceport>[^\ ]+))?\ destination\ (?<dstoperator>[^\ ]+)\ (?<dstport>[^\ ]+)(\ (?<upperdstport>[^\ ]+))?' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { $Protocol = $Eval.Groups['protocol'].Value $SourceOperator = $Eval.Groups['srcoperator'].Value $SourcePort = $Eval.Groups['sourceport'].Value $DestinationOperator = $Eval.Groups['dstoperator'].Value $DestinationPort = $Eval.Groups['dstport'].Value $UpperDestinationPort = $Eval.Groups['upperdstport'].Value if ($SourcePort) { switch ($SourceOperator) { 'eq' { $SourcePort = $SourcePort } 'neq' { $SourcePort = "!$SourcePort" } 'lt' { $SourcePort = "lt$SourcePort" } 'gt' { $SourcePort = "gt$SourcePort" } 'range' { $SourcePort = $SourcePort -replace ' ', '-' } default { } } $NewObject.Member = $Protocol + '/' + (Resolve-BuiltinService $SourcePort asa).DestinationPort } if ($DestinationPort) { switch ($DestinationOperator) { 'eq' { $DestinationPort = $DestinationPort } 'neq' { $DestinationPort = "!$DestinationPort" } 'lt' { $DestinationPort = "lt$DestinationPort" } 'gt' { $DestinationPort = "gt$DestinationPort" } 'range' { $DestinationPort = $DestinationPort -replace ' ', '-' } default { } } $FullPort = $Protocol + '/' + (Resolve-BuiltinService $DestinationPort asa).DestinationPort if ($UpperDestinationPort) { $FullPort += "-$UpperDestinationPort" } $NewObject.Member = $FullPort } } ################################## # Simple Properties $EvalParams.VariableToUpdate = ([REF]$NewObject) $EvalParams.ReturnGroupNum = 1 $EvalParams.LoopName = 'fileloop' # Description $EvalParams.ObjectProperty = "Comment" $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] '^\ +description\ (.+)' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams } } return $ReturnArray } |