#PowerShell module for VMware Cloud Foundation #Contributions, Improvements &/or Complete Re-writes Welcome! #https://github.com/PowerVCF/PowerVCF #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE. ### Note #This powershell module should be considered entirely experimental. It is still #in development & not tested beyond lab scenarios. #It is recommended you dont use it for any production environment #without testing extensively! # Enable communication with self signed certs when using Powershell Core # If you require all communications to be secure and do not wish to # allow communication with self signed certs remove lines 31-52 before # importing the module if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') { $PSDefaultParameterValues.Add("Invoke-RestMethod:SkipCertificateCheck",$true) } if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { # Enable communication with self signed certs when using Windows Powershell [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; If (!("TrustAllCertificatePolicy" -as [type])) { add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertificatePolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public TrustAllCertificatePolicy() {} public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint sPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest wRequest, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertificatePolicy } #### Do not modify anything below this line. All user variables are in the accompanying JSON files ##### Function Connect-VCFManager { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and stores the credentials in a base64 string .DESCRIPTION The Connect-VCFManager cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and stores the credentials in a base64 string. It is required once per session before running all other cmdlets .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Connect-VCFManager -fqdn sfo01vcf01.sfo.rainpole.local -username admin -password VMware1! This example shows how to connect to SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$fqdn, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$username, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$password ) if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("username") -or ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("username"))) { # Request Credentials $creds = Get-Credential $username = $creds.UserName.ToString() $password = $creds.GetNetworkCredential().password } $Global:sddcManager = $fqdn $Global:base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $username,$password))) # Create Basic Authentication Encoded Credentials # Validate credentials by executing an API call $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-managers" Try { # Checking against the sddc-managers API # PS Core has -SkipCertificateCheck implemented, PowerShell 5.x does not if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers } if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Output "Successfully connected to SDDC Manager: $sddcManager" } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -function Connect-VCFManager ######### Start Host Operations ########## Function Get-VCFHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of hosts. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFHost cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of hosts. VCF Hosts are defined by status - ASSIGNED - Hosts that are assigned to a Workload domain - UNASSIGNED_USEABLE - Hosts that are available to be assigned to a Workload Domain - UNASSIGNED_UNUSEABLE - Hosts that are currently not assigned to any domain and can be used for other domain tasks after completion of cleanup operation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFHost This example shows how to get all hosts regardless of status .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFHost -Status ASSIGNED This example shows how to get all hosts with a specific status .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFHost -id edc4f372-aab5-4906-b6d8-9b96d3113304 This example shows how to get a host by id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFHost -fqdn sfo01m01esx01.sfo.rainpole.local This example shows how to get a host by fqdn #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$fqdn, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Status, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("fqdn"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("fqdn")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements | Where-Object {$_.fqdn -eq $fqdn} } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts?status=$status" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFHost Function Commission-VCFHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and commissions a list of hosts. .DESCRIPTION The Commission-VCFHost cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and commissions a list of hosts. Host list spec is provided in a JSON file. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Commission-VCFHost -json .\Host\commissionHosts\commissionHostSpec.json This example shows how to commission a list of hosts based on the details provided in the JSON file. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Reads the commissionHostsJSON json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") # Validate the provided JSON input specification file $response = Validate-CommissionHostSpec -json $ConfigJson # Get the task id from the validation function $taskId = $response.id # Keep checking until executionStatus is not IN_PROGRESS Do { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts/validations/$taskId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -Headers $headers -ContentType application/json } While ($response.executionStatus -eq "IN_PROGRESS") # Submit the commissiong job only if the JSON validation task finished with executionStatus=COMPLETED & resultStatus=SUCCEEDED if ($response.executionStatus -eq "COMPLETED" -and $response.resultStatus -eq "SUCCEEDED") { Try { Write-Output "Task validation completed successfully, invoking host(s) commissioning on SDDC Manager" -ForegroundColor Green $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts/" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson Return $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } else { Write-Error "`n The validation task commpleted the run with the following problems: $($response.validationChecks.errorResponse.message)" } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Commission-VCFHost New-Alias -name New-VCFCommissionedHost -Value Commission-VCFHost Export-ModuleMember -Alias New-VCFCommissionedHost -Function Commission-VCFHost Function Decommission-VCFHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and decommissions a list of hosts. Host list is provided in a JSON file. .DESCRIPTION The Decommission-VCFHost cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and decommissions a list of hosts. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Decommission-VCFHost -json .\Host\decommissionHostSpec.json This example shows how to decommission a set of hosts based on the details provided in the JSON file. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Reads the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Decommission-VCFHost Function Reset-VCFHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs an ESXi host cleanup using the command line SoS utility .DESCRIPTION Performs a host cleanup using SoS option --cleanup-host. Valid options for the -dirtyHost parameter are: ALL, <MGMT ESXi IP> Please note:The SoS utility on VCF 3.9 is unable to perform networking host cleanup when the host belongs to an NSX-T cluster. This issue has been resolved on VCF 3.9.1 .EXAMPLE Reset-VCFHost -privilegedUsername super-vcf@vsphere.local -privilegedPassword "VMware1!" -sddcManagerRootPassword "VMware1!"-dirtyHost This command will perform SoS host cleanup for host .EXAMPLE Reset-VCFHost -privilegedUsername super-vcf@vsphere.local -privilegedPassword "VMware1!" -sddcManagerRootPassword "VMware1!" -dirtyHost all This command will perform SoS host cleanup for all hosts in need of cleanup in the SDDC Manager database. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $privilegedUsername, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $privilegedPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $sddcManagerRootPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$dirtyHost ) # Get the full list of PSC credentials $pscCreds = Get-VCFCredential -privilegedUsername $privilegedUsername -privilegedPassword $privilegedPassword -resourceType PSC # From PSC credentials extract the SSO username and password $ssoCreds = $pscCreds | Where-Object {$_.credentialType -eq "SSO"} # Get the list of all VCENTER credentials $vcCreds = Get-VCFCredential $privilegedUsername -privilegedPassword $privilegedPassword -resourceType VCENTER # Find out which VC is the MGMT. This is use to extract the MGMT VC FQDN ($mgmtVC.resourceName) $mgmtVC = $vcCreds.resource | Where-Object {$_.domainName -eq "MGMT"} # Connect to the Management vCenter without displaying the connection Connect-VIServer -Server $mgmtVC.resourceName -User $ssoCreds.username -Password $ssoCreds.password | Out-Null # Get the vm object for sddc-manager $sddcManagerVM = Get-VM -Name "sddc-manager" # The SoS help says to use ALL not sure if it's case sensitive but I'm converting upper case if ($dirtyHost -eq "all") { $dirtyHost = "ALL" } # Build the cmd to run and auto confirm $sshCommand = "echo Y | /opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --cleanup-host " + $dirtyHost Write-Output "Executing clean up for host(s): $dirtyHost - This might take a while, please wait..." Try { $vmScript = Invoke-VMScript -VM $sddcManagerVM -ScriptText $sshCommand -GuestUser root -GuestPassword $sddcManagerRootPassword $vmScript } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Reset-VCFHost ######### End Host Operations ########## ######### Start Workload Domain Operations ########## Function Get-VCFWorkloadDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of workload domains. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFWorkloadDomain cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of workload domains. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFWorkloadDomain This example shows how to get a list of Workload Domains .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFWorkloadDomain -name WLD01 This example shows how to get a Workload Domain by name .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFWorkloadDomain -id 8423f92e-e4b9-46e7-92f7-befce4755ba2 This example shows how to get a Workload Domain by id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFWorkloadDomain -id 8423f92e-e4b9-46e7-92f7-befce4755ba2 -endpoints | ConvertTo-Json This example shows how to get endpoints of a Workload Domain by its id and displays the output in Json format #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$endpoints ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $name} } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("endpoints"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$id/endpoints" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFWorkloadDomain Function New-VCFWorkloadDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates a workload domain. .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFWorkloadDomain cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates a workload domain. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFWorkloadDomain -json .\WorkloadDomain\workloadDomainSpec.json This example shows how to create a Workload Domain from a json spec #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization # Validate the provided JSON input specification file $response = Validate-WorkloadDomainSpec -json $ConfigJson # the validation API does not currently support polling with a task ID Sleep 5 # Submit the job only if the JSON validation task completed with executionStatus=COMPLETED & resultStatus=SUCCEEDED if ($response.executionStatus -eq "COMPLETED" -and $response.resultStatus -eq "SUCCEEDED") { Try { Write-Output "Task validation completed successfully. Invoking Workload Domain Creation on SDDC Manager" $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson Return $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } else { Write-Error "The validation task commpleted the run with the following problems: $($response.validationChecks.errorResponse.message)" } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFWorkloadDomain Function Set-VCFWorkloadDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & marks a workload domain for deletion. .DESCRIPTION Before a workload domain can be deleted it must first be marked for deletion. The Set-VCFWorkloadDomain cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & marks a workload domain for deletion. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFWorkloadDomain -id fbdcf199-c086-43aa-9071-5d53b5c5b99d This example shows how to mark a workload domain for deletion #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$id" $body = '{"markForDeletion": true}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body # This API does not return a response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFWorkloadDomain Function Remove-VCFWorkloadDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a workload domain. .DESCRIPTION Before a workload domain can be deleted it must first be marked for deletion. See Set-VCFWorkloadDomain The Remove-VCFWorkloadDomain cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a workload domain. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFWorkloadDomain -id fbdcf199-c086-43aa-9071-5d53b5c5b99d This example shows how to delete a workload domain #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFWorkloadDomain ######### End Workload Domain Operations ########## ######### Start Cluster Operations ########## Function Get-VCFCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of clusters. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCluster cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of clusters. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCluster This example shows how to get a list of all clusters .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCluster -name wld01-cl01 This example shows how to get a cluster by name .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCluster -id 8423f92e-e4b9-46e7-92f7-befce4755ba2 This example shows how to get a cluster by id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $name} } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCluster Function New-VCFCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates cluster. .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFCluster cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates a cluster in a specified workload domains. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFCluster -json .\WorkloadDomain\addClusterSpec.json This example shows how to create a cluster in a Workload Domain from a json spec #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization # Validate the provided JSON input specification file $response = Validate-VCFClusterSpec -json $ConfigJson # the validation API does not currently support polling with a task ID Sleep 5 # Submit the job only if the JSON validation task finished with executionStatus=COMPLETED & resultStatus=SUCCEEDED if ($response.executionStatus -eq "COMPLETED" -and $response.resultStatus -eq "SUCCEEDED") { Try { Write-Output "Task validation completed successfully, invoking cluster task on SDDC Manager" $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response.elements } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } else { Write-Error "The validation task commpleted the run with the following problems: $($response.validationChecks.errorResponse.message)" } } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFCluster Function Set-VCFCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & expands or compacts a cluster. .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFCluster cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & expands or compacts a cluster by adding or removing a host(s). A cluster can also be marked for deletion .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCluster -id a511b625-8eb8-417e-85f0-5b47ebb4c0f1 -json .\Cluster\clusterExpansionSpec.json This example shows how to expand a cluster by adding a host(s) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCluster -id a511b625-8eb8-417e-85f0-5b47ebb4c0f1 -json .\Cluster\clusterCompactionSpec.json This example shows how to compact a cluster by removing a host(s) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCluster -id a511b625-8eb8-417e-85f0-5b47ebb4c0f1 -markForDeletion This example shows how to mark a cluster for deletion #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$markForDeletion ) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable } } createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("markForDeletion"))) { Throw "You must include either -json or -markForDeletion" } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { # Validate the provided JSON input specification file $response = Validate-VCFUpdateClusterSpec -clusterid $clusterid -json $ConfigJson # the validation API does not currently support polling with a task ID Sleep 5 # Submit the job only if the JSON validation task finished with executionStatus=COMPLETED & resultStatus=SUCCEEDED if ($response.executionStatus -eq "COMPLETED" -and $response.resultStatus -eq "SUCCEEDED") { Try { Write-Output "`Task validation completed successfully. Invoking cluster task on SDDC Manager" $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters/$clusterid/" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson Return $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } else { Write-Error "The validation task commpleted the run with the following problems: $($response.validationChecks.errorResponse.message)" } } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("markForDeletion")) { $ConfigJson = '{"markForDeletion": true}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFCluster Function Remove-VCFCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a cluster. .DESCRIPTION Before a cluster can be deleted it must first be marked for deletion. See Set-VCFCluster The Remove-VCFCluster cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a cluster. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFCluster -id a511b625-8eb8-417e-85f0-5b47ebb4c0f1 This example shows how to delete a cluster #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFCluster ######### End Cluster Operations ########## ######### Start Network Pool Operations ########## Function Get-VCFNetworkPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of Network Pools. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFNetworkPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & retrieves a list of Network Pools. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNetworkPool This example shows how to get a list of all Network Pools .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNetworkPool -name sfo01-networkpool This example shows how to get a Network Pool by name .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNetworkPool -id 40b0b36d-36d6-454c-814b-ba8bf9b383e3 This example shows how to get a Network Pool by id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$name, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $name} } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFNetworkPool Function New-VCFNetworkPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates a new Network Pool. .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFNetworkPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & creates a new Network Pool. Network Pool spec is provided in a JSON file. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFNetworkPool -json .\NetworkPool\createNetworkPoolSpec.json This example shows how to create a Network Pool #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson # This API does not return a response body. Sending GET to validate the Network Pool creation was successful $validate = $ConfigJson | ConvertFrom-Json $poolName = $validate.name Get-VCFNetworkPool -name $poolName } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFNetworkPool Function Remove-VCFNetworkPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a Network Pool .DESCRIPTION The Remove-VCFNetworkPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager & deletes a Network Pool .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFNetworkPool -id 7ee7c7d2-5251-4bc9-9f91-4ee8d911511f This example shows how to get a Network Pool by id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers # This API does not return a response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFNetworkPool Function Get-VCFNetworkIPPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a Network of a Network Pool .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFNetworkIPPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of the networks configured for the provided network pool. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id 917bcf8f-93e8-4b84-9627-471899c05f52 This example shows how to get a list of all networks associated to the network pool based on the id provided .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id 917bcf8f-93e8-4b84-9627-471899c05f52 -networkid c2197368-5b7c-4003-80e5-ff9d3caef795 This example shows how to get a list of details for a specific network associated to the network pool using ids #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$networkid ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id/networks" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("networkid"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id/networks/$networkid" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFNetworkIPPool Function Add-VCFNetworkIPPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Add an IP Pool to the Network of a Network Pool .DESCRIPTION The Add-VCFNetworkIPPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and adds a new IP Pool to an existing Network within a Network Pool. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-VCFNetworkIPPool -id 917bcf8f-93e8-4b84-9627-471899c05f52 -networkid c2197368-5b7c-4003-80e5-ff9d3caef795 -ipStart -ipEnd This example shows how create a new IP Pool on the existing network for a given Network Pool #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$networkid, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ipStart, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ipEnd ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id/networks/$networkid/ip-pools" $body = '{"end": "'+$ipEnd+'","start": "'+$ipStart+'"}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $body $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-VCFNetworkIPPool Function Remove-VCFNetworkIPPool { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove an IP Pool from the Network of a Network Pool .DESCRIPTION The Remove-VCFNetworkIPPool cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and removes an IP Pool assigned to an existing Network within a Network Pool. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFNetworkIPPool -id 917bcf8f-93e8-4b84-9627-471899c05f52 -networkid c2197368-5b7c-4003-80e5-ff9d3caef795 -ipStart -ipEnd This example shows how remove an IP Pool on the existing network for a given Network Pool #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$networkid, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ipStart, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ipEnd ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/network-pools/$id/networks/$networkid/ip-pools" $body = '{"end": "'+$ipEnd+'","start": "'+$ipStart+'"}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $body $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFNetworkIPPool ######### End Network Pool Operations ########## ######### Start License Key Operations ########## Function Get-VCFLicenseKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of License keys .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFLicenseKey cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of License keys .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFLicenseKey This example shows how to get a list of all License keys .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFLicenseKey -key "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA" This example shows how to get a specified License key .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFLicenseKey -productType "VCENTER,VSAN" This example shows how to get a License Key by product type Supported Product Types: SDDC_MANAGER, VCENTER, NSXV, VSAN, ESXI, VRA, VROPS, NSXT .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFLicenseKey -status EXPIRED This example shows how to get a License by status Supported Status Types: EXPIRED, ACTIVE, NEVER_EXPIRES #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$key, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$productType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$status ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("key")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys/$key" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("productType")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys?productType=$productType" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys?licenseKeyStatus=$status" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("key") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("productType")) -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFLicenseKey Function New-VCFLicenseKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and adds a new License Key. .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFLicenseKey cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and adds a new License Key. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFLicenseKey -key "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA" -productType VCENTER -description "vCenter License" This example shows how to add a new License key to SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$key, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("VCENTER", "VSAN", "ESXI", "NSXT", "SDDC_MANAGER","NSXV")] [String]$productType, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$description ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $json = '{ "key" : "' + $key + '", "productType" : "' + $productType + '", "description" : "' + $description + '" }' $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys" Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $json # This API does not return a response Get-VCFLicenseKey -key $key } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFLicenseKey Function Remove-VCFLicenseKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and deletes a license key. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-VCFLicenseKey cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and deletes a License Key. A license Key can only be removed if it is not in use. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFLicenseKey -key "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA" This example shows how to delete a License Key #> param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$key ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/license-keys/$key" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers # This API does not return a response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFLicenseKey ######### End License Operations ########## ######### Start Task Operations ########## Function Get-VCFTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of tasks. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFTask cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of tasks. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFTask This example shows how to get all tasks .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFTask -id 7e1c2eee-3177-4e3b-84db-bfebc83f386a This example shows how to get a task by id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFTask -status SUCCESSFUL This example shows how to get all tasks with a status of SUCCESSFUL #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("SUCCESSFUL", "FAILED")] [String]$status ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/tasks/" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/tasks/$id" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -eq "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.") { Write-Output "Task ID Not Found" } } $response } elseif ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("status")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/tasks/" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements | Where-Object { $_.status -eq $status } } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFTask Function Retry-VCFTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retries a previously failed task. .DESCRIPTION The Retry-VCFTask cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retries a previously failed task using the task id. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Retry-VCFTask -id 7e1c2eee-3177-4e3b-84db-bfebc83f386a This example retries the task based on the task id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/tasks/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -headers $headers } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Retry-VCFTask #### End Task Operations ##### ######### Start Credential Task Operations ########## Function Get-VCFCredentialTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of credential tasks in reverse chronological order. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCredential cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of credential tasks in reverse chronological order. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredentialTask This example shows how to get a list of all credentials tasks .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredentialTask -id 7534d35d-98fb-43de-bcf7-2776beb6fcc3 This example shows how to get the credential tasks for a specific task id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredentialTask -id 7534d35d-98fb-43de-bcf7-2776beb6fcc3 -resourceCredentials This example shows how to get resource credentials for a credential task id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$resourceCredentials ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials/tasks" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials/tasks/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("resourceCredentials"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials/tasks/$id/resource-credentials" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCredentialTask ######### End Credential Task Operations ########## ######### Start Credential Operations ########## Function Get-VCFCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of credentials. Supported resource types are: PSC, VCENTER, ESXI, NSX_MANAGER, NSX_CONTROLLER, BACKUP Please note: if you are requesting credentials by resource type then the resource name parameter (if passed) will be ignored (they are mutually exclusive) .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCredential cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retrieves a list of credentials. A privileged user account is required. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredential -privilegedUsername sec-admin@rainpole.local -privilegedPassword VMw@re1! This example shows how to get a list of credentials .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredential -privilegedUsername sec-admin@rainpole.local -privilegedPassword VMw@re1! -resourceType PSC This example shows how to get a list of PSC credentials .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCredential -privilegedUsername sec-admin@rainpole.local -privilegedPassword VMw@re1! -resourceName sfo01m01esx01.sfo.rainpole.local This example shows how to get the credential for a specific resourceName (FQDN) #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedUsername, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$resourceName, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("PSC", "VCENTER", "ESXI", "NSX_MANAGER", "NSX_CONTROLLER", "BACKUP")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$resourceType ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $headers.Add("privileged-username", "$privilegedUsername") $headers.Add("privileged-password", "$privilegedPassword") if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("resourceName")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials?resourceName=$resourceName" } else { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials" } # if requesting credential by type then name is ignored (mutually exclusive) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("resourceType") ) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials?resourceType=$resourceType" } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } New-Alias -name Get-VCFCredentials -Value Get-VCFCredential Export-ModuleMember -Alias Get-VCFCredentials -Function Get-VCFCredential Function Set-VCFCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and updates a credential. .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFCredential cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and updates a credential. Credentials can be updated with a specified password(s) or rotated using system generated password(s). .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCredential -json .\Credential\updateCredentialSpec.json This example shows how to update a credential using a json spec #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedUsername, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable } } createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $headers.Add("privileged-username", "$privilegedUsername") $headers.Add("privileged-password", "$privilegedPassword") $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } New-Alias -name Set-VCFCredentials -Value Set-VCFCredential Export-ModuleMember -Alias Set-VCFCredentials -Function Set-VCFCredential ######### End Credential Operations ########## ######### Start Credential Failed Task Cancel Operation ########## Function Cancel-VCFCredentialTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and cancels a failed update or rotate passwords task. .DESCRIPTION The Cancel-VCFCredentialTask cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and cancles a failed update or rotate passwords task. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Cancel-VCFCredentialTask -id 4d661acc-2be6-491d-9256-ba3c78020e5d This example shows how to cancel a failed rotate or update password task. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials/tasks/$id" } else { Throw "task id to be cancelled is not provided" } createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Cancel-VCFCredentialTask ######### End Credential Failed Task Cancel Operation ########## ######### Start Retry Credential Failed Task Rotate/Update operation ########## Function Retry-VCFCredentialTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retry a failed rotate/update passwords task .DESCRIPTION The Retry-VCFCredentialTask cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager and retry a failed rotate/update password task .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Retry-VCFCredentialTask -privilegedUsername sec-admin@rainpole.local -privilegedPassword VMw@reil! -id 4d661acc-2be6-491d-9256-ba3c78020e5d -json .\Credential\updateCredentialSpec.json This example shows how to update passwords of a resource type using a json spec .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Retry-VCFCredentialTask -privilegedUsername sec-admin@rainpole.local -privilegedPassword VMw@reil! -id 4d661acc-2be6-491d-9256-ba3c78020e5d -json .\Credential\rotateCredentialSpec.json This example shows how to rotate passwords of a resource type using a json spec #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedUsername, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable } } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/credentials/tasks/$id" } else { Throw "task id not provided" } createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $headers.Add("privileged-username", "$privilegedUsername") $headers.Add("privileged-password", "$privilegedPassword") Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Retry-VCFCredentialTask ######### End Retry Credential Failed Task Rotate/Update operation ########## ######## Start Validation Functions ######## Function Validate-CommissionHostSpec { Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [object]$json ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts/validations" $json = $json | ConvertFrom-json # Remove the redundant ETS-supplied .Count property if it exists if (Get-TypeData System.Array) { Remove-TypeData System.Array } # Construct the hostCommissionSpecs json format as required by the validation API $body = @() $body += [pscustomobject]@{ hostCommissionSpecs = $json } | ConvertTo-Json Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body Return $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Function Validate-WorkloadDomainSpec { Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [object]$json ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/validations" $json = $json | ConvertFrom-json # Remove the redundant ETS-supplied .Count property if it exists if (Get-TypeData System.Array) { Remove-TypeData System.Array } # Construct the domainCreationSpec json format as required by the validation API $body = @() $body += [pscustomobject]@{ domainCreationSpec = $json } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body return $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Function Validate-VCFClusterSpec { Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [object]$json ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters/validations" $json = $json | ConvertFrom-json # Remove the redundant ETS-supplied .Count property if it exists if (Get-TypeData System.Array) { Remove-TypeData System.Array } # Construct the clusterCreationSpec json format as required by the validation API $body = @() $body += [pscustomobject]@{ clusterCreationSpec = $json } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } Return $response } Function Validate-VCFUpdateClusterSpec { Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [object]$clusterid, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [object]$json ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/clusters/$clusterid/validations" $json = $json | ConvertFrom-json # Remove the redundant ETS-supplied .Count property if it exists if (Get-TypeData System.Array) { Remove-TypeData System.Array } # Construct the clusterUpdateSpec json format as required by the validation API $body = @() $body += [pscustomobject]@{ clusterUpdateSpec = $json } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $body } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } Return $response } ######## End Validation Functions ######## ######### Start CEIP Operations ########## Function Get-VCFCeip { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current setting for CEIP of the connected SDDC Manager .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCeip cmdlet retrieves the current setting for Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) of the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCeip This example shows how to get the current setting of CEIP #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/ceip" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCeip Function Set-VCFCeip { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the CEIP status (Enabled/Disabled) of the connected SDDC Manager and components managed .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFCeip cmdlet configures the status (Enabled/Disabled) for Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) of the connected SDDC Manager and the components managed (vCenter Server, vSAN and NSX Manager) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCeip -ceipSetting DISABLE This example shows how to DISABLE CEIP for SDDC Manager, vCenter Server, vSAN and NSX Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCeip -ceipSetting ENABLE This example shows how to ENABLE CEIP for SDDC Manager, vCenter Server, vSAN and NSX Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ceipSetting ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/ceip" if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ceipsetting")) { Throw "You must define ENABLE or DISABLE as an input" } if ($ceipSetting -eq "ENABLE") { $ConfigJson = '{"status": "ENABLE"}' } if ($ceipSetting -eq "DISABLE") { $ConfigJson = '{"status": "DISABLE"}' } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFCeip ######### End CEIP Operations ########## ######### Start Backup Configuration Operations ########## Function Get-VCFBackupConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the backup configuration of NSX Manager and SDDC Manager .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFBackupConfiguration cmdlet retrieves the current backup configuration details .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBackupConfiguration This example retrieves the backup configuration .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBackupConfiguration | ConvertTo-Json This example retrieves the backup configuration and outputs it in json format #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/backup-configuration" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.backupLocations } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFBackupConfiguration Function Set-VCFBackupConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Configure backup settings for NSX and SDDC manager .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFBackupConfiguration cmdlet configures or updates the backup configuration details for backing up NSX and SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFBackupConfiguration -privilegedUsername svc-mgr-vsphere@vsphere.local -privilegedPassword VMw@re1! -json backupConfiguration.json This example shows how to update the backup configuration #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedUsername, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$privilegedPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) } } Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $headers.Add("privileged-username", "$privilegedUsername") $headers.Add("privileged-password", "$privilegedPassword") $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/backup-configuration" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFBackupConfiguration Function Start-VCFBackup { <# .SYNOPSIS Start the SDDC Manager backup .DESCRIPTION The Start-VCFBackup cmdlet invokes the SDDC Manager backup task .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-VCFBackup This example shows how to start the SDDC Manager backup #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization # this body is fixed for SDDC Manager backups. not worth having it stored on file $ConfigJson = ' { "elements" : [{ "resourceType" : "SDDC_MANAGER" }] } ' $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/backups/tasks" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-VCFBackup ######### End Backup Configuration Operations ########## ######### Start Bundle Operations ########## Function Get-VCFBundle { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all Bundles available to SDDC Manager .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFBundle cmdlet gets all bundles available to the SDDC Manager instance. i.e. Manually uploaded bundles and bundles available via depot access. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBundle This example gets the list of bundles and all their details .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBundle | Select version,downloadStatus,id This example gets the list of bundles and filters on the version, download status and the id only .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBundle -id 7ef354ab-13a6-4e39-9561-10d2c4de89db This example gets the details of a specific bundle by its id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFBundle | Where {$_.description -Match "vRealize"} This example lists all bundles that match vRealize in the description field #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [string]$id ) # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/bundles/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } else { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/bundles" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFBundle Function Request-VCFBundle { <# .SYNOPSIS Start download of bundle from depot .DESCRIPTION The Request-VCFBundle cmdlet starts an immediate download of a bundle from the depot. Only one download can be triggered for a bundle. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Request-VCFBundle -id 7ef354ab-13a6-4e39-9561-10d2c4de89db This example requests the immediate download of a bundle based on its id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/bundles/$id" $body = '{"bundleDownloadSpec": {"downloadNow": true}}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $body } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Request-VCFBundle ######### End Bundle Operations ########## ######### Start Get Upgradable Operations ########## Function Get-VCFUpgradables { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves list of upgradables in the system .DESCRIPTION Retrieves list of upgradables in the system .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFUpgradables This example shows how to retrieve the list of upgradables in the system #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/upgradables" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFUpgradables ######### End Get Upgradable Operations ########## ######### Start APIs for managing Upgrades ########## Function Start-VCFUpgrade { <# .SYNOPSIS Schedule/Trigger Upgrade of a Resource .DESCRIPTION The Start-VCFUpgrade cmdlet triggers an upgrade of a resource in SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-VCFUpgrade -json $jsonSpec This example invokes an upgrade in SDDC Manager using a variable .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-VCFUpgrade -json (Get-Content -Raw .\upgradeDomain.json) This example invokes an upgrade in SDDC Manager by passing a JSON file #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$json ) $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/upgrades" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $json $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-VCFUpgrade ######### End APIs for managing Upgrades ########## ######### Start Upload Bundle Operations ########## Function Start-UploadVCFBundle { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts upload of bundle to SDDC Manager .DESCRIPTION The Start-UploadVCFBundle cmdlet starts upload of bundle(s) to SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-UploadVCFBundle -json .\Bundle\bundlespec.json This example invokes the upload of a bundle onto SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) } } $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/bundles" try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson } catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-UploadVCFBundle ######### End Upload Bundle Operations ########## ######### Start Certificate Configuration Operations ########## Function Get-VCFCertificateAuthConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Get certificate authorities information .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the certificate authorities information for the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateAuthConfiguration This example shows how to get the certificate authority configuration from the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateAuthConfiguration | ConvertTo-Json This example shows how to get the certificate authority configuration from the connected SDDC Manager and output to Json format #> # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/certificate-authorities" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCertificateAuthConfiguration ######### End Certificate Configuration Operations ########## ######### Start Depot Configuration Operations ########## Function Get-VCFDepotCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Depot Settings .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration for the depot of the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFDepotCredential This example shows credentials that have been configured for the depot. #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/settings/depot" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.vmwareAccount } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFDepotCredential Function Set-VCFDepotCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Update the Depot Settings .DESCRIPTION Update the configuration for the depot of the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFDepotCredential -username "user@yourdomain.com" -password "VMware1!" This example sets the credentials that have been configured for the depot. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$username, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$password ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/settings/depot" if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("username") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("password"))) { Throw "You must enter a username and password" } $ConfigJson = '{"vmwareAccount": {"username": "'+$username+'","password": "'+$password+'"}}' $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFDepotCredential ######### End Depot Configuration Operations ########## ######### Start System Health Check ########## Function Start-PreCheckVCFSystem { <# .SYNOPSIS The Start-PreCheckVCFSystem cmdlet performs system level health checks .DESCRIPTION The Start-PreCheckVCFSystem cmdlet performs system level health checks and upgrade pre-checks for an upgrade to be successful .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-PreCheckVCFSystem -json This example shows how to perform system level health check #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("json")) { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable } } else { Throw "json file not found" } $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/prechecks" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PreCheckVCFSystem ######### End System Health Check ########## ######### Start System Health Check Task Monitoring ########## Function Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask { <# .SYNOPSIS The Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask cmdlet performs retrieval of a system precheck task that can be polled and monitored. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask cmdlet performs retrieval of a system precheck task that can be polled and monitored. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask -id 4d661acc-2be6-491d-9256-ba3c78020e5d This example shows how to retrieve the status of a system level precheck task #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/system/prechecks/tasks/$id" } else { Throw "task id not provided" } Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PreCheckVCFSystemTask ######### End System Health Check Task Monitoring ########## ######### Start Foundation Component Operations ########## Function Get-VCFManager { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of SDDC Managers .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFManager cmdlet retrieves the SDDC Manager details .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFManager This example shows how to retrieve a list of SDDC Managers .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFManager -id 60d6b676-47ae-4286-b4fd-287a888fb2d0 This example shows how to return the details for a specific SDDC Manager based on the ID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFManager -domain 1a6291f2-ed54-4088-910f-ead57b9f9902 This example shows how to return the details for a specific SDDC Manager based on a domain ID #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$domainId ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-managers/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-managers" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-managers/?domain=$domainId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFManager Function Get-VCFService { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of running VCF Services .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFService cmdlet retrieves the list of services running on the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFService This example shows how to get the list of services running on the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFService -id 4e416419-fb82-409c-ae37-32a60ba2cf88 This example shows how to return the details for a specific service running on the connected SDDC Manager based on the ID #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vcf-services/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vcf-services" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFService Function Get-VCFvCenter { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of vCenter Servers .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a list of vCenter Servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvCenter This example shows how to get the list of vCenter Servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvCenter -id d189a789-dbf2-46c0-a2de-107cde9f7d24 This example shows how to return the details for a specific vCenter Server managed by the connected SDDC Manager using its id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvCenter -domain 1a6291f2-ed54-4088-910f-ead57b9f9902 This example shows how to return the details off all vCenter Server managed by the connected SDDC Manager using its domainId .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvCenter | select fqdn This example shows how to get the list of vCenter Servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager but only return the fqdn #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$domainId ) # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vcenters" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vcenters/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vcenters/?domain=$domainId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFvCenter Function Get-VCFPsc { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of Platform Services Controller (PSC) Servers .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFPsc cmdlet retrieves a list of Platform Services Controllers (PSC)s managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFPsc This example shows how to get the list of the PSC servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFPsc -id 23832dec-e156-4d2d-89bf-37fb0a47aab5 This example shows how to return the details for a specific PSC server managed by the connected SDDC Manager using its id .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFPsc -domainId 1a6291f2-ed54-4088-910f-ead57b9f9902 This example shows how to return the details for all PSC servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager using the domain ID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFPsc | select fqdn This example shows how to get the list of PSC Servers managed by the connected SDDC Manager but only return the fqdn #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$domainId ) # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/pscs" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/pscs/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/pscs/?domain=$domainId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFPsc Function Get-VCFNsxvManager { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of NSX-v Managers .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFNsxvManager cmdlet retrieves a list of NSX-v Managers managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxvManager This example shows how to get the list of NSX-v Managers managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxvManager -id d189a789-dbf2-46c0-a2de-107cde9f7d24 This example shows how to return the details for a specic NSX-v Manager managed by the connected SDDC Manager using its ID PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxvManager -domainId 9a13bde7-bbd7-4d91-95a2-ee0189ffdaf3 This example shows how to return details for all NSX-v Managers managed by the connected SDDC Manager using its Domain ID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxvManager | select fqdn This example shows how to get the list of NSX-v Managers managed by the connected SDDC Manager but only return the fqdn #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$domainId ) # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsx-managers" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsx-managers/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsx-managers/?domain=$domainId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFNsxvManager Function Get-VCFNsxtCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of NSX-T Clusters .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFNsxtCluster cmdlet retrieves a list of NSX-T Clusters managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxtCluster This example shows how to get the list of NSX-T Clusters managed by the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxtCluster -id d189a789-dbf2-46c0-a2de-107cde9f7d24 This example shows how to return the details for a specic NSX-T Clusters managed by the connected SDDC Manager using the ID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxtCluster -domainId 9a13bde7-bbd7-4d91-95a2-ee0189ffdaf3 This example shows how to return the details for all NSX-T Clusters managed by the connected SDDC Manager using the domain ID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFNsxtCluster | select vipfqdn This example shows how to get the list of NSX-T Clusters managed by the connected SDDC Manager but only return the vipfqdn #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$domainId ) # Check the version of SDDC Manager CheckVCFVersion Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsxt-clusters" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsxt-clusters/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("domainId")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/nsxt-clusters/?domain=$domainId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFNsxtCluster Function Get-VCFvRLI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the existing vRealize Log Insight Details .DESCRIPTION Gets the complete information about the existing vRealize Log Insight deployment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvRLI This example list all details concerning the vRealize Log Insight Cluster .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvRLI | Select nodes | ConvertTo-Json This example lists the node details of the cluster and outputs them in JSON format #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vrli" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFvRLI Function Invoke-VCFCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the specified SDDC Manager using SSH and invoke SSH commands (SoS) .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-VCFCommand cmdlet connects to the specified SDDC Manager via SSH using vcf user and subsequently execute elevated SOS commands using the root account. Both vcf and root password are mandatory parameters. If passwords are not passed as parameters it will prompt for them. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-VCFCommand -vcfpassword VMware1! -rootPassword VMware1! -sosOption general-health This example will execute and display the output of "/opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --general-health" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-VCFCommand -sosOption general-health This example will ask for vcf and root password to the user and then execute and display the output of "/opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --general-health" #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $vcfPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $rootPassword, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("general-health","compute-health","ntp-health","password-health","get-vcf-summary","get-inventory-info","get-host-ips","get-vcf-services-summary")] [String] $sosOption ) $poshSSH = Resolve-PSModule -moduleName "Posh-SSH" # POSH module is required, if not present skipping if ($poshSSH -eq "ALREADY_IMPORTED" -or $poshSSH -eq "IMPORTED" -or $poshSSH -eq "INSTALLED_IMPORTED") { # Expected sudo prompt from SDDC Manager for elevated commands $sudoPrompt = "[sudo] password for vcf" # validate if the SDDC Manager vcf password parameter is passed, if not prompt the user and then build vcfCreds PSCredential object if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("vcfPassword") ) { Write-Output "Please provide the SDDC Manager vcf user password:" $vcfSecuredPassword = Read-Host -AsSecureString $vcfCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('vcf', $vcfSecuredPassword) } else { # Convert the clear text input password to secure string $vcfSecuredPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $vcfPassword -AsPlainText -Force # build credential object $vcfCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('vcf', $vcfSecuredPassword) } # validate if the SDDC Manager root password parameter is passed, if not prompt the user and then build rootCreds PSCredential object if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("rootPassword") ) { Write-Output "Please provide the root credential to execute elevated commands in SDDC Manager:" -ForegroundColor Green $rootSecuredPassword = Read-Host -AsSecureString $rootCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('root', $rootSecuredPassword) } else { # Convert the clear text input password to secure string $rootSecuredPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $rootPassword -AsPlainText -Force # build credential object $rootCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('root', $rootSecuredPassword) } # depending on the SoS command there will be a different pattern to match at the end of the ssh stream output switch ($sosOption) { "general-health" { $sosEndMessage = "For detailed report" } "compute-health" { $sosEndMessage = "Health Check completed" } "ntp-health" { $sosEndMessage = "For detailed report" } "password-health" { $sosEndMessage = "completed" } "get-inventory-info" { $sosEndMessage = "Health Check completed" } "get-vcf-summary" { $sosEndMessage = "SOLUTIONS_MANAGER" } "get-host-ips" { $sosEndMessage = "Health Check completed" } "get-vcf-services-summary" { $sosEndMessage = "VCF SDDC Manager Uptime" } } # Create SSH session to SDDC Manager using vcf user (can't ssh as root by default) Try { $sessionSSH = New-SSHSession -Computer $sddcManager -Credential $vcfCred -AcceptKey } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } if ($sessionSSH.Connected -eq "True") { $stream = $SessionSSH.Session.CreateShellStream("PS-SSH", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000) # build the SOS command to run $sshCommand = "sudo /opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos " + "--" + $sosOption # Invoke the SSH stream command $outInvoke = Invoke-SSHStreamExpectSecureAction -ShellStream $stream -Command $sshCommand -ExpectString $sudoPrompt -SecureAction $rootCred.Password if ($outInvoke) { Write-Output "Executing the remote SoS command, output will display when the the run is completed. This might take a while, please wait..." $stream.Expect($sosEndMessage) } # distroy the connection previously established Remove-SSHSession -SessionId $sessionSSH.SessionId | Out-Null } } else { Write-Error "PowerShell Module Posh-SSH staus is: $poshSSH. Posh-SSH is required to execute this cmdlet, please install the module and try again." } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-VCFCommand ######### End Foundation Component Operations ########## ######### Start vRealize Suite Operations ########## Function Get-VCFvRSLCM { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the existing vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFvRSLCM cmdlet gets the complete information about the existing vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvRSLCM This example list all details concerning the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vrslcm" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFvRSLCM Function Get-VCFvRSLCMEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Get vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager environments .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFvRSLCMEnvironment cmdlet gets all the vRealize products and the corresponding vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager environments that are managed by VMware Cloud Foundation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvRSLCMEnvironment This example list all vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager environments #> Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vrslcm/environments" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFvRSLCMEnvironment Function New-VCFvRSLCM { <# .SYNOPSIS Deploy vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFvRSLCM cmdlet deploys vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager to the specified network. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFvRSLCM -json .\SampleJson\vRealize\New-vRSLCM.json This example deploys vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager using a supplied json file #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { Try { # Call Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization createHeader # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vrslcms" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFvRSLCM Function Remove-VCFvRSLCM { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a failed vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment .DESCRIPTION The New-VCFvRSLCM cmdlet removes a failed vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment. Not applicable to a successful vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFvRSLCM This example removes a failed vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment #> Try { # Call Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization createHeader $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vrslcm" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFvRSLCM Function Get-VCFvROPs { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the existing vRealize Operations Manager .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFvROPs cmdlet gets the complete information about the existing vRealize Operations Manager. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvROPs This example list all details concerning the vRealize Operations Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvROPs -getIntegratedDomains Retrieves all the existing workload domains and their connection status with vRealize Operations. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFvROPs -nodes Retrieves all the vRealize Operations Manager nodes. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$getIntegratedDomains, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$nodes ) createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("nodes")) { $uri = "https://$sddcmanager/v1/vrops/nodes" } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("getIntegratedDomains")) { $uri = "https://$sddcmanager/v1/vrops/domains" } else { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/vropses" } Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFvROPs ######### End vRealize Suite Operations ########## ######### Start Federation Management ########## Function Get-VCFFederation { <# .SYNOPSIS Get information on existing Federation .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFFederation cmdlet gets the complete information about the existing VCF Federation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFFederation This example list all details concerning the VCF Federation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFFederation | ConvertTo-Json This example list all details concerning the VCF Federation and outputs them in Json format #> Try { CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFFederation Function Set-VCFFederation { <# .SYNOPSIS Bootstrap a VMware Cloud Foundation to form a federation .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFFederation cmdlet bootstraps the creation of a Federation in VCF .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFFederation -json createFederation.json This example shows how to create a fedration using the json file #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { Try { CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) # Reads the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFFederation Function Remove-VCFFederation { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove VCF Federation .DESCRIPTION A function that ensures VCF Federation is empty and completely dismantles it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-VCFFederation This example demonstrates how to dismantle the VCF Federation #> CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation" Try { # Verify that SDDC Manager we're connected to is a controller and only one in the Federation $sddcs = Get-VCFFederation | Select-Object memberDetails Foreach ($sddc in $sddcs) { if ($sddc.memberDetails.role -eq "CONTROLLER") { $controller++ if ($sddc.memberDetails.role -eq "MEMBER") { $member++ } } } if ($controller -gt 1) { Throw "Only one controller can be present when dismantling VCF Federation. Remove additional controllers and try again" } if ($member -gt 0) { Throw "VCF Federation members still exist. Remove all members and additional controllers before dismantling VCF Federation" } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-VCFFederation Function New-VCFFederationInvite { <# .SYNOPSIS Invite new member to VCF Federation. .DESCRIPTION A function that creates a new invitation for a member to join the existing VCF Federation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-VCFFederationInvite -inviteeFqdn sddc-manager1.vsphere.local This example demonstrates how to create an invitation for a specified VCF Manager from the Federation controller. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$inviteeFqdn ) CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation/membership-tokens" Try { $sddcMemberRole = Get-VCFFederationMembers if ($sddcMemberRole.memberDetail.role -ne "CONTROLLER" -and $sddcMemberRole.memberDetail.fqdn -ne $sddcManager) { Throw "$sddcManager is not the Federation controller. Invitatons to join Federation can only be sent from the Federation controller." } else { $inviteeDetails = @{ inviteeRole = 'MEMBER' inviteeFqdn = $inviteeFqdn } $ConfigJson = $inviteeDetails | ConvertTo-Json $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -body $ConfigJson -ContentType 'application/json' $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-VCFFederationInvite Function Get-VCFFederationMembers { <# .SYNOPSIS A function that gets information on all members in the VCF Federation .DESCRIPTION Gets the complete information about the existing VCF Federation members. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFFederationMembers This example lists all details concerning the VCF Federation members. #> CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation/members" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers if (!$response.federationName) { Throw "Failed to get members, no Federation found." } else { $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -function Get-VCFFederationMembers Function Join-VCFFederation { <# .SYNOPSIS A function to join an existing VCF Federation .DESCRIPTION A function that enables a new VCF Manager to join an existing VCF Federation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Join-VCFFederation .\joinVCFFederationSpec.json This example demonstrates how to join an VCF Federation by referencing config info in JSON file. #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$json ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) # Reads the joinSVCFFederation json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation/members" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -body $ConfigJson $response $taskId = $response.taskId # get the task id from the action # keep checking until executionStatus is not IN_PROGRESS Do { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/sddc-federation/tasks/$taskId" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' Start-Sleep -Second 5 } While ($response.status -eq "IN_PROGRESS") $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Join-VCFFederation ######### End Federation Management ########## ######### Start Application Virtual Network ########## Function Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all Application Virtual Networks .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork cmdlet retrieves the Application Virtual Networks configured in SDDC Manager - regionType supports REGION_A, REGION_B, X_REGION .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork This example demonstrates how to retrieve a list of Application Virtual Networks .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork -regionType REGION_A This example demonstrates how to retrieve the details of the regionType REGION_A Application Virtual Networks .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork -id 577e6262-73a9-4825-bdb9-4341753639ce This example demonstrates how to retrieve the details of the Application Virtual Networks using the id #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("REGION_A", "REGION_B", "X_REGION")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$regionType, [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$id ) CheckVCFVersion # Calls Function CheckVCFVersion to check VCF Version Try { createHeader # Calls Function createHeader to set Accept & Authorization if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("regionType") -and (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id"))) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/avns" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("regionType")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/avns?regionType=$regionType" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/internal/avns/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFApplicationVirtualNetwork ######### End Application Virtual Network ########## ######### Start Utility Functions (not exported) ########## Function ResponseException { Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject]$object ) Write-Host "Script File: $($object.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) Line: $($object.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Relevant Command: $($object.InvocationInfo.Line.trim())" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Target Uri: $($object.TargetObject.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri)" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Exception Message: $($object.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Error Message: $($object.ErrorDetails.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red } Function CheckVCFVersion { $vcfManager = Get-VCFManager if ($vcfManager.version.Substring(0,3) -eq "3.8") { Write-Output "This cmdlet is only supported in VCF 3.9 or later" -ForegroundColor Magenta break } } Function createHeader { $Global:headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $Global:headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") } Function Resolve-PSModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Check for a PowerShell module presence, if not there try to import/install it. .DESCRIPTION This function is not exported. The idea is to use the return searchResult from the caller function to establish if we can proceed to the next step where the module will be required (developed to check on Posh-SSH). Logic: - Check if module is imported into the current session - If module is not imported, check if available on disk and try to import - If module is not imported & not available on disk, try PSGallery then install and import - If module is not imported, not available and not in online gallery then abort Informing user only if the module needs importing/installing. If the module is already present nothing will be displayed. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $poshSSH = Resolve-PSModule -moduleName "Posh-SSH" This example will check if the current PS module session has Posh-SSH installed, if not will try to install it #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$moduleName ) # check if module is imported into the current session if (Get-Module -Name $moduleName) { $searchResult = "ALREADY_IMPORTED" } else { # If module is not imported, check if available on disk and try to import if (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $moduleName}) { Try { Write-Output "Module $moduleName not loaded, importing now please wait..." Import-Module $moduleName Write-Output "Module $moduleName imported successfully." $searchResult = "IMPORTED" } Catch { $searchResult = "IMPORT_FAILED" } } else { # If module is not imported & not available on disk, try PSGallery then install and import if (Find-Module -Name $moduleName | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $moduleName}) { Try { Write-Output "Module $moduleName was missing, installing now please wait..." Install-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -Scope CurrentUser Write-Output "Importing module $moduleName, please wait..." Import-Module $moduleName Write-Output "Module $moduleName installed and imported" $searchResult = "INSTALLED_IMPORTED" } Catch { $searchResult = "INSTALLIMPORT_FAILED" } } else { # If module is not imported, not available and not in online gallery then abort $searchResult = "NOTAVAILABLE" } } } Return $searchResult } ######### End Utility Functions (not exported) ########## ## Backported Cmdlets Function validateJsonInput { if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON file provided not found, please try again" } else { $Global:ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) # Read the json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable Write-Verbose "JSON file found and content has been read into a variable" Write-Verbose $ConfigJson } } Function createBasicAuthHeader { $Global:headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json" } $Global:headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64AuthInfo") } Function Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation { <# .SYNOPSIS Validate SDDC specification before creation .DESCRIPTION The Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation cmdlet performs validation of the SddcSpec.json provided .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation -json .\SampleJSON\SDDC\SddcSpec.json This example starts the validation of the SddcSpec.json .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation -json .\SampleJSON\SDDC\SddcSpec.json -validation LICENSE_KEY_VALIDATION This example starts the validation of the License Key items only based on the SddcSpec.json json #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$json, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("JSON_SPEC_VALIDATION", "LICENSE_KEY_VALIDATION", "TIME_SYNC_VALIDATION", "NETWORK_IP_POOLS_VALIDATION", "NETWORK_CONFIG_VALIDATION", "MANAGEMENT_NETWORKS_VALIDATION", "ESXI_VERSION_VALIDATION", "ESXI_HOST_READINESS_VALIDATION", "PASSWORDS_VALIDATION", "HOST_IP_DNS_VALIDATION", "CLOUDBUILDER_READY_VALIDATION", "VSAN_AVAILABILITY_VALIDATION", "NSXT_NETWORKS_VALIDATION", "AVN_NETWORKS_VALIDATION", "SECURE_PLATFORM_AUDIT")] [String]$validation ) Try { validateJsonInput # Calls validateJsonInput Function to check the JSON file provided exists createBasicAuthHeader # Calls createBasicAuthHeader Function to basic auth if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("validation")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs/validations" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("validation")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs/validations?name=$validation" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation Function Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all SDDC specification validations .DESCRIPTION The Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation cmdlet gets a list of SDDC validations from Cloud Builder .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation This example list all SDDC validations from Cloud Builder .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation -id 1ff80635-b878-441a-9e23-9369e1f6e5a3 This example gets the SDDC validation with a specific ID from Cloud Builder #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$id ) Try { createBasicAuthHeader # Calls createBasicAuthHeader Function to basic auth if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs/validations" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } elseif ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs/validations/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CloudBuilderSDDCValidation Function Get-CloudBuilderSDDC { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve all SDDCs .DESCRIPTION The Get-CloudBuilderSDDC cmdlet gets a list of SDDC deployments from Cloud Builder .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CloudBuilderSDDC This example list all SDDC deployments from Cloud Builder .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CloudBuilderSDDC -id 51cc2d90-13b9-4b62-b443-c1d7c3be0c23 This example gets the SDDC deployment with a specific ID from Cloud Builder #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$id ) Try { createBasicAuthHeader # Calls createBasicAuthHeader Function to basic auth if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } elseif ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("id")) { $uri = "https://$cloudBuilder/v1/sddcs/$id" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-CloudBuilderSDDC Function Get-VCFCertificateAuthority { <# .SYNOPSIS Get certificate authorities information .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCertificateAuthority cmdlet retrieves the certificate authorities information for the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateAuthority This example shows how to get the certificate authority configuration from the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateAuthority | ConvertTo-Json This example shows how to get the certificate authority configuration from the connected SDDC Manager and output to Json format .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateAuthority -caType Microsoft This example shows how to get the certificate authority configuration for a Microsoft Certificate Authority from the connected SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("OpenSSL", "Microsoft")] [String] $caType ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("caType")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/certificate-authorities/$caType" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response } else { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/certificate-authorities" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCertificateAuthority Function Set-VCFMicrosoftCA { <# .SYNOPSIS Configures a Microsoft Certificate Authority .DESCRIPTION Configures the Microsoft Certificate Authorty on the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFMicrosoftCA -serverUrl "https://rpl-dc01.rainpole.io/certsrv" -username Administrator -password "VMw@re1!" -templateName VMware This example shows how to configure a Microsoft certificate authority on the connected SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$serverUrl, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$username, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$password, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$templateName ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $json = '{"microsoftCertificateAuthoritySpec": {"secret": "' + $password + '","serverUrl": "' + $serverUrl + '","username": "' + $username + '","templateName": "' + $templateName + '"}}' $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/certificate-authorities" Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $json # No response from API } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFMicrosoftCA Function Set-VCFOpenSSLCA { <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the OpenSSL Certificate Authority .DESCRIPTION Configures the OpenSSL Certificate Authorty on the connected SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFOpenSSLCA -commonName sddcManager -organization Rainpole -organizationUnit Support -locality "Palo Alto" -state CA -country US This example shows how to configure a Microsoft certificate authority on the connected SDDC Manager #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$commonName, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$organization, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$organizationUnit, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$locality, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$state, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$country ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $json = '{"openSSLCertificateAuthoritySpec": {"commonName": "' + $commonName + '","organization": "' + $organization + '","organizationUnit": "' + $organizationUnit + '","locality": "' + $locality + '","state": "' + $state + '","country": "' + $country + '"}}' $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/certificate-authorities" Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -ContentType application/json -headers $headers -body $json # No response from API } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFOpenSSLCA Function Get-VCFCertificateCSR { <# .SYNOPSIS Get available CSR(s) .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCertificateCSR cmdlet gets the available CSRs that have been created on SDDC Manager .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateCSRs -domainName MGMT This example gets a list of CSRs and displays the output .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificateCSRs -domainName MGMT | ConvertTo-Json This example gets a list of CSRs and displays them in JSON format #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$domainName ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/csrs" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCertificateCSR Function Request-VCFCertificateCSR { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate CSR(s) .DESCRIPTION The Request-VCFCertificateCSR generates CSR(s) for the selected resource(s) in the domain - Resource Types (SDDC_MANAGER, PSC, VCENTER, NSX_MANAGER, NSXT_MANAGER, VRA, VRLI, VROPS, VRSLCM, VXRAIL_MANAGER .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Request-VCFCertificateCSR -domainName MGMT -json .\requestCsrSpec.json This example requests the generation of the CSR based on the entries within the requestCsrSpec.json file for resources within the domain called MGMT #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$json, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$domainName ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) # Reads the requestCsrSpec json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/csrs" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Request-VCFCertificateCSR Function Get-VCFCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Get latest generated certificate(s) in a domain .DESCRIPTION The Get-VCFCertificate cmdlet gets the latest generated certificate(s) in a domain .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificate -domainName sfo-m01 This example gets a list of certificates that have been generated .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificate -domainName sfo-m01 | ConvertTo-Json This example gets a list of certificates and displays them in JSON format .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificate -domainName sfo-m01 | Select issuedTo This example gets a list of endpoint names where certificates have been issued .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-VCFCertificate -domainName sfo-m01 -resources This example gets the certificates of all resources in the domain #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$domainName, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Switch]$resources ) Try { createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("resources")) { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/resource-certificates" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } else { $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/certificates" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $uri -headers $headers $response.elements } } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-VCFCertificate Function Request-VCFCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate certificate(s) for the selected resource(s) in a domain .DESCRIPTION The Request-VCFCertificate cmdlet generates certificate(s) for the selected resource(s) in a domain. CA must be configured and CSR must be generated beforehand - Resource Types (SDDC_MANAGER, PSC, VCENTER, NSX_MANAGER, NSXT_MANAGER, VRA, VRLI, VROPS, VRSLCM, VXRAIL_MANAGER .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Request-VCFCertificate -domainName MGMT -json .\requestCertificateSpec.json This example requests the generation of the Certificates based on the entries within the requestCertificateSpec.json file for resources within the domain called MGMT #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$json, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$domainName ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { # Reads the requestCsrSpec json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/certificates" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Request-VCFCertificate Function Set-VCFCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Replace certificate(s) for the selected resource(s) in a domain .DESCRIPTION The Set-VCFCertificate cmdlet replaces certificate(s) for the selected resource(s) in a domain .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-VCFCertificate -domainName MGMT -json .\updateCertificateSpec.json This example replaces the Certificates based on the entries within the requestCertificateSpec.json file for resources within the domain called MGMT #> Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$json, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$domainName ) if (!(Test-Path $json)) { Throw "JSON File Not Found" } else { $ConfigJson = (Get-Content -Raw $json) # Reads the updateCertificateSpec json file contents into the $ConfigJson variable createHeader # Calls createHeader function to set Accept & Authorization $uri = "https://$sddcManager/v1/domains/$domainName/certificates" Try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -URI $uri -headers $headers -ContentType application/json -body $ConfigJson $response } Catch { ResponseException -object $_ } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-VCFCertificate |