# PowerUpSQL Pester Tests # Tested on SQL Server 2014 # This should used against a local SQL Server instance that meets the following criteria: # - SQL Server 2014 # - Mixed mode # - The windows user running the script has sysadmin # - The pesterdb.sql configuration script was run on the SQL Server by a sysadmin ###################################################### # #region Discovery Function Tests # ###################################################### <# Get-SQLDomainObject Get-SQLDomainUser Get-SQLOleDbProvder Get-SQLInstanceDomain Get-SQLInstanceFile Get-SQLInstanceLocal Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP Get-SQLInstanceScanUDPThreaded Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython Invoke-SQLOSCmdR Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle Create-SQLFileCLRDll Get-SQLAssemblyFile #> #endregion ###################################################### # #region Primary Attack Function Tests # ###################################################### <# Invoke-SQLDumpInfo Invoke-SQLAudit Invoke-SQLEscalatePriv #> #endregion ###################################################### # #region Core Function Tests # ###################################################### # Invoke-SQLOSCmd Describe "Invoke-SQLOSCmd" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Command "whoami" -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -TimeOut argument" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TimeOut 5 -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } It "Should accept -Threads argument" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Threads 5 -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } It "Should accept -DAC flag" { if ( (Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DAC -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Command "whoami" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect OS command results returned" } } } # Get-SQLQuery Describe "Get-SQLQuery" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -Database argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Database "master" -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } It "Should accept -TimeOut argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TimeOut 5 -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } It "Should accept -DAC flag" { if ( (Get-SQLQuery -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DAC -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLQuery -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect query results returned" } } } # Get-SQLQueryThreaded Describe "Get-SQLQueryThreaded" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -Database argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -Database "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept -TimeOut argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -TimeOut 5 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Threads argument" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -Threads 2 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept -DAC flag" { if ( (Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DAC -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME" -Threads 2 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded query results returned" } } } # Get-SQLConnectionTest Describe "Get-SQLConnectionTest" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTest | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -TimeOut argument" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TimeOut 5 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -DAC flag" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DAC| Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLConnectionTest | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } } #Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded Describe "Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -TimeOut argument" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TimeOut 5 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -Threads argument" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Threads 5 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept -DAC flag" { if ( (Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DAC| Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect connection test results returned" } } } #endregion ###################################################### # #region Common Function Tests # ###################################################### # Get-SQLAgentJob # Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl # Get-SQLServerLinkData # Get-SQLServerLinkQuery # Get-SQLTriggerDml Describe "Get-SQLTriggerDml " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDml | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DML trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDml -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DML trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDml -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DML trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -TriggerName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDml -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TriggerName "persistence_dml_1" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DML trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLTriggerDml | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DML trigger results returned" } } } # Get-SQLTriggerDdl Describe "Get-SQLTriggerDdl " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDdl | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DDL trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DDL trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DDL trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept -TriggerName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TriggerName "persistence_ddl_1" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DDL trigger results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLTriggerDdl | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect DDL trigger results returned" } } } # Get-SQLStoredProcedure Describe "Get-SQLStoredProcedure " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName "testdb" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept -ProcedureName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -ProcedureName "sp_findspy2" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLStoredProcedure | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect procedure results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerRole Describe "Get-SQLServerRole" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerRole | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } It "Should accept -RolePrincipalName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -RolePrincipalName "EvilServerRole" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } It "Should accept -RoleOwner arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -RoleOwner "sa" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerRole | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server role results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerPriv Describe "Get-SQLServerPriv" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerPriv | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -PermissionName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PermissionName "Impersonate" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server priv results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerPriv | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server priv results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerLogin Describe "Get-SQLServerLogin" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLogin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server login results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server login results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server login results returned" } } It "Should accept -PrincipalName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PrincipalName "sa" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server login results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerLogin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server login results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerLink Describe "Get-SQLServerLink " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLink | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server link results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLink -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server link results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLink -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server link results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseLinkName arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerLink -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseLinkName "sqlserver1\instance1" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server link results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerLink | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server link results returned" } } } # Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec Describe "Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditName "Audit_Object_Changes" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditSpecification argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditSpecification "Audit_Database_Level_Object_Changes" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditAction argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditAction "DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit database specification results returned" } } } # Get-SQLAuditServerSpec Describe "Get-SQLAuditServerSpec" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server Get-SQLAuditServerSpec results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditName "Audit_Object_Changes" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditSpecification argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditSpecification "Audit_Server_Level_Object_Changes" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } It "Should accept -AuditAction argument" { if ( (Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -AuditAction "SERVER_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAuditServerSpec | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect audit server specification results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerCredential Describe "Get-SQLServerCredential" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerCredential | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server credential results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerCredential -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server credential results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerCredential -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server credential results returned" } } It "Should accept -Credential argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerCredential -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -CredentialName "MyCred1" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server credential results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerCredential | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server credential results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServiceLocal Describe "Get-SQLServiceLocal" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServiceLocal | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect service information results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServiceAccount Describe "Get-SQLServiceAccount" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServiceAccount | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect service information results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServiceAccount -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect service information results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServiceAccount -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect service information results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServiceAccount | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect service information results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerInfo Describe "Get-SQLServerInfo" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfo | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerInfo | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded Describe "Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information threaded results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information threaded results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information threaded results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server information threaded results returned" } } } # Get-SQLServerConfiguration Describe "Get-SQLServerConfiguration" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLServerConfiguration | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server configuration results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server configuration results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server configuration results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerConfiguration | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect server configuration results returned" } } } # Get-SQLSession Describe "Get-SQLSession" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLSession | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect session query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLSession -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect session query results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLSession -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect session search results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLSession | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect session query results returned" } } } # Get-SQLSysadminCheck Describe "Get-SQLSysadminCheck " { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLSysadminCheck | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect sysadmin check results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect sysadmin check results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect sysadmin search results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLSysadminCheck | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect sysadmin check results returned" } } } # Get-SQLTable Describe "Get-SQLTable" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLTable | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLTable -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLTable -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLTable -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } It "Should accept -TableName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLTable -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TableName "spt_monitor" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLTable | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect table results returned" } } } # Get-SQLView Describe "Get-SQLView" { It "Should return results for the local host with query" { if ( (Get-SQLView | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLView -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLView -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLView -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } It "Should accept -ViewName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLView -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -ViewName "spt_values" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLView | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect view results returned" } } } # Get-SQLColumn Describe "Get-SQLColumn" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -TableName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -TableName "spt_values" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -ColumnName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -ColumnName "status" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -ColumnNameSearch argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -ColumnNameSearch "stat" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLColumn -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumn | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search results returned" } } } # Get-SQLColumnSampleData Describe "Get-SQLColumnSampleData" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Keywords argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -SampleSize argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" -SampleSize 2 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect column search & sample data results returned" } } } # Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded Describe "Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -Keywords argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -SampleSize argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" -SampleSize 2 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Keywords "statu" -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Keywords "statu" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded column search & sample data results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabase Describe "Get-SQLDatabase" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -HasAccess flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -HasAccess | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept -SysAdminOnly flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -SysAdminOnly | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabase | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabasePriv Describe "Get-SQLDatabasePriv" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -PermissionName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PermissionName "EXECUTE" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -PermissionType argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PermissionType "OBJECT_OR_COLUMN" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -PrincipalName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PrincipalName "Public" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabasePriv | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database priv results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabaseRole Describe "Get-SQLDatabaseRole" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -RolePrincipalName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -RolePrincipalName "db_owner" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -RoleOwner argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -RoleOwner "sa" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseRole | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember Describe "Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -RolePrincipalName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -RolePrincipalName "db_owner" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -PrincipalName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PrincipalName "dbo" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database role member results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabaseSchema Describe "Get-SQLDatabaseSchema" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept -SchemaName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -SchemaName "sys" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseSchema | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database schema results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded Describe "Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName master | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -HasAccess flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -HasAccess | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -SysAdminOnly flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -SysAdminOnly | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept -Threads argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Threads 2 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect threaded database results returned" } } } # Get-SQLDatabaseUser Describe "Get-SQLDatabaseUser" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseName "master" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -DatabaseUser argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -DatabaseUser "dbo" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -PrincipalName argument" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -PrincipalName "sa" | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept -NoDefaults flag" { if ( (Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -NoDefaults | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseUser | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect database user results returned" } } } #endregion ###################################################### # #region Audit Function Tests # ###################################################### <# Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned #> #endregion ###################################################### # #region Persistence Function Tests # ###################################################### # Get-SQLPersistRegRun # Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger #endregion ###################################################### # #region Password Recovery Function Tests # ###################################################### # Get-SQLRecoverPwAutoLogon #endregion ###################################################### # #region Data Exfiltration Function Tests # ###################################################### # No function have been written yet. #endregion ###################################################### # #region Utility Function Tests # ###################################################### <# Create-SQLFileXpDll Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd #> # Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName Describe "Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz database name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz database name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_user -Password test_login_user | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz database name results returned" } } It "Should accept -StartId and -EndId arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -StartID 1 -EndId 500 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz database name results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz database name results returned" } } } # Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount # Note: Need to be on a domain. Describe "Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz domain account name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz domain account name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_user -Password test_login_user | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz domain account name results returned" } } It "Should accept -StartId and -EndId arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -StartID 500 -EndId 550 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz domain account name results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz domain account name results returned" } } } # Get-SQLFuzzObjectName # Note: This function requires a login with the sysadmin role. Describe "Get-SQLFuzzObjectName" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzObjectName | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz object name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzObjectName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz object name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzObjectName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_admin -Password test_login_admin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz object name results returned" } } It "Should accept -StartId and -EndId arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzObjectName -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -StartID 1 -EndId 50 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz object name results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLFuzzObjectName | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz object name results returned" } } } # Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin Describe "Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin" { It "Should return results for the local host" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz sql login name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Instance argument" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz sql login name results returned" } } It "Should accept -Username and -Password arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Username test_login_user -Password test_login_user | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz sql login name results returned" } } It "Should accept -StartId and -EndId arguments" { if ( (Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance $env:COMPUTERNAME -StartID 1 -EndId 50 | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz sql login name results returned" } } It "Should accept pipeline input" { if ( ( Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin | Measure-Object).count -lt 1) { Throw "Incorrect fuzz sql login name results returned" } } } #endregion |