$installedVersions = [DynamicSource]@{ Name = "versions"; Description = "All installed node versions"; CommandExpression = { $hardcoded = @("latest", "lts") $list = nvm list | % { [regex]::match($_, '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').Groups[1].Value } | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } $hardcoded + $list }; Cache = [Cache]@{ ByTime = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10; ByCommand = @("install", "uninstall") } } $versionsToInstall = [StaticSource]@{ Name = "Versions to install"; Description = ""; Items = @( [SourceItem]@{ Name = "latest"; Description = "" }, [SourceItem]@{ Name = "lts"; Description = "" } ) } $architecture = [StaticSource]@{ Name = "architecture"; Description = ""; Items = @( [SourceItem]@{ Name = "64"; Description = "64 bit" } [SourceItem]@{ Name = "32"; Description = "32 bit" } ) } $proxies = [StaticSource]@{ Name = "Proxies"; Description = ""; Items = @( [SourceItem]@{ Name = "none"; Description = "" } ) } [PowerTypeDictionary]@{ Platforms = ([Platforms]::Windows); State = [DictionaryState]::Experimental -bor [DictionaryState]::Complete; Source = "Hand crafted"; Url = "https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows"; Keys = @("nvm"); Name = "nvm for windows"; Description = "A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go."; Parameters = @( [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("arch"); Name = "arch"; Description = "Show if node is running in 32 or 64 bit mode"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("current"); Name = "current"; Description = "Display active version"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("install"); Name = "install"; Description = "install specified node version"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "version"; Description = "version to install"; Source = $versionsToInstall; } [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "architecture"; Description = "architecture to install"; Source = $architecture; Condition = [ExclusiveParameterCondition]::new("version") } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("list", "ls"); Name = "list"; Description = "List the node.js installations"; Parameters = @( [FlagParameter]@{ Keys = @("available"); Name = "available"; Description = "see what can be installed"; } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("on"); Name = "on"; Description = "Enable node.js version management"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("off"); Name = "off"; Description = "Disable node.js version management"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("proxy"); Name = "proxy"; Description = "Set a proxy to use for downloads. Leave [url] blank to see the current proxy"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "url"; Description = "Set [url] to 'none' to remove the proxy"; Source = $proxies } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("node_mirror"); Name = "node_mirror"; Description = "Set the node mirror"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "url"; Description = "Defaults to https://nodejs.org/dist/. Leave [url] blank to use default url"; } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("npm_mirror"); Name = "npm_mirror"; Description = "Set the npm mirror"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "url"; Description = "Defaults to https://github.com/npm/cli/archive/. Leave [url] blank to default url"; } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("uninstall"); Name = "uninstall"; Description = "uninstall specified node version"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "version"; Description = "version to install"; Source = $installedVersions; } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("use"); Name = "use"; Description = "Switch to use the specified version"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "version"; Description = ""; Source = $installedVersions }, [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "architecture"; Description = "architecture to install"; Source = $architecture; Condition = [InclusiveParameterCondition]::new("version") } ); } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("root"); Name = "root"; Description = "Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("version", "v"); Name = "version"; Description = "Displays the current running version of nvm for Windows. Aliased as v"; } ) } |