$scripts = [DynamicSource]@{ Name = "Scripts"; Description = "A list of all scripts defined in package.json"; CommandExpression = { $packageFile = Find-FileRecursive $pwd.Path 'package.json' if ($packageFile) { (Get-Content $packageFile | ConvertFrom-Json).scripts.PSObject.Properties | % { $_.Name } } }; Cache = [Cache]@{ ByCurrentWorkingDirectory = $true; ByTime = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10 } } [PowerTypeDictionary]@{ Platforms = ([Platforms]::All); State = [DictionaryState]::Experimental -bor [DictionaryState]::Incomplete; Source = "Hand crafted"; Url = "https://www.npmjs.com/"; Keys = @("npm"); Name = "npm"; Description = "the package manager for JavaScript"; Parameters = @( [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("start"); Name = "start"; Description = "Alias for npm run start"; } [CommandParameter]@{ Keys = @("run", "run-script", "rum", "urn"); Name = "run"; Description = "Alias for npm run start"; Parameters = @( [ValueParameter]@{ Name = "script"; Description = "What script to run"; Source = $scripts; } ); } ) } |