
Function Build-UrlWithParameters {
            Build a url from a hashtable of parameters.
            URL builder to help with REST api endpoints that use URL Query parameters.
        .PARAMETER BaseUrl
            The base url of the REST endpoint. This will be the first part of the website and should begin with https:// or http://.
        .PARAMETER Parameters
            This is a hashtable of key value pairs that represent the url querey parameters for the REST endpoint.
            Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl "https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers" -Parameters @{"status"=4}
            Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl "https://api.dexie.space/v1/offers" -Parameters @{"status"=4;"offered"="XCH"}
            This is a helper function for building uri

    param (

    # Validate inputs
    if (-not $BaseUrl) {
        throw "BaseUrl is required."

    if (-not $Parameters) {
        return $BaseUrl

    # Convert hashtable to query string
    $queryString = ($Parameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { 
    }) -join "&"

    # Construct the full URL
    if ($BaseUrl -match '\?') {
        # If the base URL already ends with a '?', append parameters directly
        $FullUrl = -join($BaseUrl,"&",$queryString)
    } else {
        # Otherwise, add '?' before the parameters
        $FullUrl = -join($BaseUrl,"?",$queryString)

    return $FullUrl

Function Get-TibetTokens {
            Retrieve a list of all traded tokens on TibetSwap
            Retrieve a list of tokens with asset_id, (pair_id/launcher_id), name, short_name from TibetSwap API.
                asset_id: --CAT2 tail id for asset.
                pair_id: --The TibetSwap id for traded pair. Also known as the launcher_id.
                name: --Name of coin.
                short_name: --Dexie CODE for coin
                image_url: --Image for coin representation
                verified: --Is Verified True/False
                    "asset_id": "a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913",
                    "pair_id": "1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af",
                    "name": "Spacebucks",
                    "short_name": "SBX",
                    "image_url": "https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeicyyqrk4llkvosnstdehby5pajumgzh7imvkt3dlywape65putcne/a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913.png",
                    "verified": true
                    "asset_id": "db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20",
                    "pair_id": "c0952d9c3761302a5545f4c04615a855396b1570be5c61bfd073392466d2a973",
                    "name": "dexie bucks",
                    "short_name": "DBX",
                    "image_url": "https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeidiupubzjznsxonxxjvrw3jeemwsb6lgtir23mgfqoeybwcnqljsi/db1a9020d48d9d4ad22631b66ab4b9ebd3637ef7758ad38881348c5d24c38f20.png",
                    "verified": true
                }, ...

    $uri = 'https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/tokens'
    Return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri

Function Get-TibetPairs {
            Get a list of all traded pairs on TibetSwap
            This function allows you to page through the entire list of traded pairs on TibetSwap.
            Each pair is a CAT2_XCH traded pair.
            launcher_id : 30a37ab26511c142e48c22a6de3141140e66b45135b85ff0b5b3c3ec7a62c271
            asset_id : ccda69ff6c44d687994efdbee30689be51d2347f739287ab4bb7b52344f8bf1d
            liquidity_asset_id : ba9750db89ef16feb3eabadbfb199509e3e1290851188e5625d0956ca1354b85
            xch_reserve : 1218567060353797
            token_reserve : 473838226946
            liquidity : 488453915457
            last_coin_id_on_chain : fde48c263183fa101a1d8c5e2fc47dd3145568411994555f4a5fdd984de644fd
            launcher_id : ad79860e5020dcdac84336a5805537cbc05f954c44caf105336226351d2902c0
            asset_id : e816ee18ce2337c4128449bc539fbbe2ecfdd2098c4e7cab4667e223c3bdc23d
            liquidity_asset_id : 7ccf260808c1c3b8d87e02ea2f8df9cf71d793b62c6cb42bd654aa289410f9b5
            xch_reserve : 343281258474997
            token_reserve : 1817886086
            liquidity : 2918214769
            last_coin_id_on_chain : e05b49f2cceb9884a8b4ce73872538607d7d98938518b1070c628090d655452c
            launcher_id : b62577aed2b09182f3db8b21049d687b597f1526fb88268c1b4f4dec4add28ec
            asset_id : ec9d874e152e888231024c72e391fc484e8b6a1cf744430a322a0544e207bf46
            launcher_id: --The TibetSwap id for traded pair. Also known as the pair_id.
            asset_id: --CAT2 tail id for asset.
            liquidity_asset_id: --CAT2 tail for the liquidity token.
            xch_reserve: --Amount of XCH held as Mojos in the smart coin.
            token_reserve: --Amount of CAT2 held in Mojos in the smart coin.
            liquidity: --Amout of liquidity tokens in circulation.
            last_coin_id_on_chain: --The last coin id on chain.
        .PARAMETER skip
            Skips foward in query.
        .PARAMETER limit
            Limit number of results to display.
            Get-TibetPairs -limit 10 -skip 2
            launcher_id : 30a37ab26511c142e48c22a6de3141140e66b45135b85ff0b5b3c3ec7a62c271
            asset_id : ccda69ff6c44d687994efdbee30689be51d2347f739287ab4bb7b52344f8bf1d
            liquidity_asset_id : ba9750db89ef16feb3eabadbfb199509e3e1290851188e5625d0956ca1354b85
            xch_reserve : 1230784588317177
            token_reserve : 469098040564
            liquidity : 488453915457
            last_coin_id_on_chain : f9a27d87d9ee642653b807445fdc0d7e2217b115aef420192c974b965fd7b1d9
            launcher_id : ad79860e5020dcdac84336a5805537cbc05f954c44caf105336226351d2902c0
            asset_id : e816ee18ce2337c4128449bc539fbbe2ecfdd2098c4e7cab4667e223c3bdc23d
            liquidity_asset_id : 7ccf260808c1c3b8d87e02ea2f8df9cf71d793b62c6cb42bd654aa289410f9b5
            xch_reserve : 342661258981470
            token_reserve : 1821152282
            liquidity : 2918214769
            last_coin_id_on_chain : ceb5b60caed76623d8e1e31809e9adfd0c98995effe51bd2a4fa570c5eaa5ab9

    $Parameters = @{}
    $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl 'https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/pairs'
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri

Function Get-TibetToken {
            Retrieve an individual traded token by asset_id
            Retrieve a tokens with asset_id, (pair_id/launcher_id), name, short_name from TibetSwap API.
            Get-TibetToken -asset_id a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
            asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
            pair_id : 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af
            name : Spacebucks
            short_name : SBX
            image_url : https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeicyyqrk4llkvosnstdehby5pajumgzh7imvkt3dlywape65putcne/a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e10
            verified : True
        .PARAMETER asset_id
            The CAT2 tail id for the token.

        [string] $asset_id
    $uri = -join('https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/token/',$asset_id)
    Return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri

Function Get-TibetPair {
            Retrive trading pair data from a specific trading pair.
            Retrives data on total locked value for a trading pair. The liquidiy values are displayed
            in mojos not XCH notation by defult.
        .PARAMETER launcher_id
            The luancher_id is also know as the pair_id in the Get-TibetTokens endpoint.
        .PARAMETER display_as_xch_notation
            Convert the xch_reserve and token_reserve to XCH notation.
            xch_reserve / 1000000000000
            token_reserve / 1000
            Get-TibetPair -launcher_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af
            launcher_id : 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af
            asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
            liquidity_asset_id : fbe2694f6fbc63a4d9c8a598dc70f8b6fdf468e8e595ca4c6efee5a2f1ec71a4
            xch_reserve : 138871205361620
            token_reserve : 4694378021
            liquidity : 6216902999
            last_coin_id_on_chain : aa73c5ff4bfb6382b2457498e7eefb06a6d8730822f77d6930ce65614dd26ebc
            Get-TibetPair -launcher_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af -display_as_xch_notation
            launcher_id : 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af
            asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
            liquidity_asset_id : fbe2694f6fbc63a4d9c8a598dc70f8b6fdf468e8e595ca4c6efee5a2f1ec71a4
            xch_reserve : 138.87120536162
            token_reserve : 4694378.021
            liquidity : 6216902999
            last_coin_id_on_chain : aa73c5ff4bfb6382b2457498e7eefb06a6d8730822f77d6930ce65614dd26ebc

    $uri = -join('https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/pair/',$launcher_id)

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri
        $response.xch_reserve = [decimal]$response.xch_reserve / 1000000000000
        $response.token_reserve = [decimal]$response.token_reserve / 1000
    return $response

Function Get-TibetRouter {
    Return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri 'https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/router'

Function Get-TibetQuote {
            Retrive a trade quote from TibetSwap for a given pair_id (launcher_id).
            Retrive an offer quote from TibetSwap. This will show what the AMM will accept as a trade.
            Retrieve a quote for 0.001 SpaceBucks
            Get-TibetQuote -pair_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af -amount_in 1
                amount_in : 1
                amount_out : 29375
                price_warning : False
                price_impact : 4.2305381420249E-10
                fee :
                asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
                input_reserve : 4694378021
                output_reserve : 138871205361620
            Retrieve a quote for 0.000000000001 XCH worth of SpaceBucks
            Get-TibetQuote -pair_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af -amount_in 1 -xch_is_input
                amount_in : 1
                amount_out : 0
                price_warning : False
                price_impact : 0
                fee :
                asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
                input_reserve : 138871205361620
                output_reserve : 4694378021
        Retrieve quote for 1 XCH worth of SpaceBucks
        Get-TibetQuote -pair_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af -amount_in 1 -xch_is_input -display_as_xch_notation
            amount_in : 1
            amount_out : 33328.88
            price_warning : False
            price_impact : 0.0141490807094357
            fee :
            asset_id : a628c1c2c6fcb74d53746157e438e108eab5c0bb3e5c80ff9b1910b3e4832913
            input_reserve : 138871205361620
            output_reserve : 4694378021
            xch_notation : True


    $uri = -join('https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/quote/',$pair_id)
    $Parameters = @{}
            $amount_in = $amount_in * 1000000000000
            $amount_out = $amount_out * 1000
        } else {
            $amount_out = $amount_out * 1000000000000
            $amount_in = $amount_in * 1000

    } else {
    } else {
    $uri = Build-UrlWithParameters -BaseUrl $uri -Parameters $Parameters
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri
            $result.amount_in = [decimal]($result.amount_in / 1000000000000)
            $result.amount_out = [decimal]($result.amount_out / 1000)
        } else {
            $result.amount_out = [decimal]($result.amount_out / 1000000000000)
            $result.amount_in = [decimal]($result.amount_in / 1000)
        $result | Add-Member -Name xch_notation -Type NoteProperty -Value $true
    return $result

Function Submit-TibetOffer {
            Submit a TibetSwap offer by sending the offer data to the API.
            Send an offer to TibetSwap to get accepted. The offers can be to swap, add/remove liquidity.
            Submit an offer to swap XCH for SpaceBucks
            Submit-TibetOffer -pair_id 1a6d4f404766f984d014a3a7cab15021e258025ff50481c73ea7c48927bd28af -offer offer1d24..... -action SWAP
            success message offer_id
            ------- ------- --------
            True {"status": "SUCCESS", "success": true} 3RR9miy92Vfxr1kgb72Z28sDMhU44BivD1nwkxRLPMHb


    $uri = -join('https://api.v2.tibetswap.io/offer/',$pair_id)
    $body = @{
        offer = $offer
        action = $action
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    $contentType = 'application/json' 
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $body -ContentType $contentType


Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TibetPair Get-TibetPairs Get-TibetTokens Get-TibetToken Get-TibetRouter Get-TibetQuote Submit-TibetOffer