## Reason: Intentional because we need to evaluate variables [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression", "")] param() <######################## ## Notes - The closures in this file make the code run outside the PowerTab module's context. This avoids some problems like Get-Module only seeing the modules loaded within PowerTab, or private functions showing up from Get-Command. ########################> ######################### ## Command handlers ######################### ## Alias & { $AliasHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Definition' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $CommandTypes = "Function","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } Get-Command "$Argument*" -CommandType $CommandTypes | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Alias -Name "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command } 'Scope' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Global","Local","Script","0" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() $SetAliasHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Scope' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Global","Local","Script","0" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } 'Value' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $CommandTypes = "Function","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } Get-Command "$Argument*" -CommandType $CommandTypes | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Export-Alias" $AliasHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-Alias" $AliasHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "New-Alias" $SetAliasHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-Alias" $SetAliasHandler -Type "Command" } ## Get-Command Register-TabExpansion "Get-Command" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument if (($Context.Parameter -eq "ArgumentList") -and ($Context.PositionalParameter -eq 0)) { $Context.Parameter = "Name" ## Fix for odd default parameter set on Get-Command } switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Module' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Module "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["Module"]) { $Parameters["Module"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Module"] } if ($Context.OtherParameters["CommandType"]) { $Parameters["CommandType"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["CommandType"] } else { $Parameters["CommandType"] = "Alias","Function","ExternalScript","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $Parameters["CommandType"] += "Workflow" } } Get-Command "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command } 'Noun' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $CommandTypes = "Function","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } Get-Command -CommandType $CommandTypes | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[^-]+-(?<Noun>$Argument.*)"} | . {process{$Matches.Noun}} | Sort-Object -Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Verb' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Verb "$Argument*" | Sort-Object Verb | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Verb} -Text {$_.Verb} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## ComputerRestore & { $ComputerRestoreHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Drive' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Root} -Text {$_.Root} -ResultType ProviderContainer } } }.GetNewClosure() $ComputerRestorePointHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) # $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'RestorePoint' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false foreach ($Point in Get-ComputerRestorePoint -ErrorAction Stop) { if ($Point.Description.Length -gt 50) { $Description = $Point.Description.SubString(0, 50) } else { $Description = $Point.Description } $Text = "{0}: {1} ({2})" -f $Point.SequenceNumber,[DateTime]::ParseExact($Point.CreationTime, "yyyyMMddHHmmss.ffffff-000", $null),$Description New-TabItem -Value $Point.SequenceNumber -Text $Text -ResultType ParameterValue } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Disable-ComputerRestore" $ComputerRestoreHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Enable-ComputerRestore" $ComputerRestoreHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Get-ComputerRestorePoint" $ComputerRestorePointHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Restore-Computer" $ComputerRestorePointHandler -Type Command } ## Counter & { $CounterHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Counter' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Counter -ListSet * @Parameters | Where-Object {$_.PathsWithInstances -like "*$Argument*"} | Sort-Object PathsWithInstances | New-TabItem -Value {$_.PathsWithInstances} -Text {$_.PathsWithInstances} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'ListSet' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Counter -ListSet "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.CounterSetName} -Text {$_.CounterSetName} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-Counter" $CounterHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Import-Counter" $CounterHandler -Type "Command" } ## Event & { $GetEventHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'SourceIdentifier' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Event "$Argument*" | Sort-Object SourceIdentifier | New-TabItem -Value {$_.SourceIdentifier} -Text {$_.SourceIdentifier} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'EventIdentifier' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Event | New-TabItem -Value {$_.EventIdentifier} -Text {$_.EventIdentifier} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() $EventHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Class' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: escape special characters? Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" WMI | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } 'EventName' { if ($Context.OtherParameters["InputObject"]) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Invoke-Expression $Context.OtherParameters["InputObject"] | Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "Event" -and $_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } 'Namespace' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Argument -notlike "ROOT\*") { $Argument = "ROOT\$Argument" } if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $ComputerName = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } else { $ComputerName = "." } $ParentNamespace = $Argument -replace '\\[^\\]*$' $Namespaces = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass "\\$ComputerName\${ParentNamespace}:__NAMESPACE" $Namespaces = foreach ($Namespace in $Namespaces.PSBase.GetInstances()) {"{0}\{1}" -f $Namespace.__NameSpace,$Namespace.Name} $Namespaces | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Namespace } 'SourceIdentifier' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Event "$Argument*" | Sort-Object SourceIdentifier | New-TabItem -Value {$_.SourceIdentifier} -Text {$_.SourceIdentifier} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-Event" $GetEventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-EventSubscriber" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "New-Event" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Register-ObjectEvent" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Register-EngineEvent" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Register-WmiEvent" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Register-CimIndicationEvent" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-Event" $GetEventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Unregister-Event" $EventHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Wait-Event" $EventHandler -Type "Command" } ## EventLog & { $EventLogHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Category' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false $Categories = ( @{'Id'='0';'Name'='None'}, @{'Id'='1';'Name'='Devices'}, @{'Id'='2';'Name'='Disk'}, @{'Id'='3';'Name'='Printers'}, @{'Id'='4';'Name'='Services'}, @{'Id'='5';'Name'='Shell'}, @{'Id'='6';'Name'='System Event'}, @{'Id'='7';'Name'='Network'} ) $Categories | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'LogName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-EventLog -List -AsString @Parameters | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Clear-EventLog" $EventLogHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-EventLog" $EventLogHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Limit-EventLog" $EventLogHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-EventLog" $EventLogHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Write-EventLog" $EventLogHandler -Type "Command" } ## Get-FormatData Register-TabExpansion "Get-FormatData" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'TypeName' { if ($Argument -notmatch '^\.') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Find-TabExpansionType $Argument } } } } ## Get-Help & { $HelpHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { if ($Argument -like "about_*") { $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" ## Progress bars break in PowerTab $Commands = Get-Help "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($Commands) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Commands } } else { $CommandTypes = "Function","ExternalScript","Filter","Cmdlet","Alias" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } $Commands = Get-Command "$Argument*" -CommandType $CommandTypes | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command if ($Commands) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Commands } } } 'Parameter' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["Name"]) { $Command = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Name"] } else { $Command = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0] } $CommandInfo = try {& (Get-Module PowerTab) Resolve-Command $Command -CommandInfo -ErrorAction "Stop"} catch {$null = ""} if ($CommandInfo) { foreach ($Parameter in $CommandInfo.Parameters.Values) { if ($Parameter.Name -like "$Argument*") { New-TabItem -Value $Parameter.Name -Text $Parameter.Name -ResultType ParameterValue } } } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-Help" $HelpHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "help" $HelpHandler -Type "Command" } ## Get-HotFix Register-TabExpansion "Get-HotFix" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-HotFix @Parameters | Where-Object {$_.HotFixID -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.HotFixID} -Text {$_.HotFixID} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## ConvertTo-HTML Register-TabExpansion "ConvertTo-HTML" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Label=""; Expression={$_.}}' } } } } ## ItemProperty & { $ItemPropertyHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Path = "." if ($Context.OtherParameters["Path"]) { $Path = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Path"] } Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name "$Argument*" | Get-Member | Where-Object { (("Property","NoteProperty") -contains $_.MemberType) -and (("PSChildName","PSDrive","PSParentPath","PSPath","PSProvider") -notcontains $_.Name) } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ProviderItem } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Clear-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Copy-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-ItemPropertyValue" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Move-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Rename-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-ItemProperty" $ItemPropertyHandler -Type "Command" } ## Job & { $JobHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Job | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {$_.Id} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'InstanceId' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Job | New-TabItem -Value {$_.InstanceId} -Text {$_.InstanceId} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Location' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" Computer | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Text} -Text {$_.Text} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Job -Name "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Job' { if ($Argument -notlike '$*') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false foreach ($Job in Get-Job -Name "$Argument*") {'(Get-Job "{0}")' -f $Job.Name} } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Debug-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Receive-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Resume-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Stop-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Suspend-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Wait-Job" $JobHandler -Type "Command" } ## Get-Module Register-TabExpansion "Get-Module" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["All"]) { $Parameters["All"] = $true } if ($Context.OtherParameters["ListAvailable"]) { $Parameters["ListAvailable"] = $true } $Modules = @(Get-Module "$Argument*" @Parameters | Sort-Object Name) if ($Modules.Count -gt 0) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Modules | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Import-Module Register-TabExpansion "Import-Module" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { if ($Argument -notmatch '^\.') { $Modules = @(Find-Module "$Argument*" | Sort-Object BaseName) if ($Modules.Count -gt 0) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Modules | New-TabItem -Value {$_.BaseName} -Text {$_.BaseName} -ResultType ParameterValue } } } } } ## Remove-Module Register-TabExpansion "Remove-Module" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Module "$Argument*" | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Group-Object Register-TabExpansion "Group-Object" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Expression={$_.}}' } } } } ## New-Object Register-TabExpansion "New-Object" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'ArgumentList' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false if ($Context.OtherParameters["TypeName"]) { $TypeName = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["TypeName"] } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameter -ge 0) { $TypeName = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0] } else { ## TODO: Localize throw "No TypeName specified." } Invoke-Expression "[$TypeName].GetConstructors()" | . {process{ $Parameters = foreach ($Parameter in $_.GetParameters()) { '[{0}] ${1}' -f ($Parameter.ParameterType -replace '^System\.'), $Parameter.Name } if ($Parameters) { $Param = "({0})" -f [String]::Join(', ',$Parameters) New-TabItem -Value $Param -Text $Param -ResultType ParameterValue } else { New-TabItem -Value "()" -Text "() <Empty Constructor>" -ResultType ParameterValue } }} } 'ComObject' { ## TODO: Maybe cache these like we do with .NET types and WMI object names? ## TODO: [workitem:13] $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" COM | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Type } 'TypeName' { if ($Argument -notmatch '^\.') { ## TODO: Find way to differentiate namespaces from types $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Find-TabExpansionType $Argument } } } } ## Select-Object Register-TabExpansion "Select-Object" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' } } } } ## Sort-Object Register-TabExpansion "Sort-Object" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Expression={$_.}}' '@{Expression={$_.}; Ascending=$true}' '@{Expression={$_.}; Descending=$true}' } } } } ## Out-Printer Register-TabExpansion "Out-Printer" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_Printer" -Filter "Name LIKE '$Argument%'" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Process & { $ProcessHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false if ($Argument -match '^[0-9]+$') { Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Id.ToString() -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {"{0,-4} {1}" -f ([String]$_.Id),$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } else { Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {"{0,-4} {1}" -f ([String]$_.Id),$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Process -Name "$Argument*" | Get-Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() $GetProcessHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } if ($Argument -match '^[0-9]+$') { Get-Process @Parameters | Where-Object {$_.Id.ToString() -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {"{0,-4} <# {1} #>" -f ([String]$_.Id),$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } else { Get-Process @Parameters | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {"{0,-4} <# {1} #>" -f ([String]$_.Id),$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Process -Name "$Argument*" @Parameters | Get-Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Debug-Process" $ProcessHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-Process" $GetProcessHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Stop-Process" $ProcessHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Wait-Process" $ProcessHandler -Type "Command" } ## PSBreakpoint & { $PSBreakpointHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Breakpoint' { ## TODO: More info in display text $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false $DisplayText = { $Text = "{0,-2} " -f $_.Id if ($_.Command) { $Text += $_.Command if ($_.Script) { $Text += " ({0})" -f $_.Script } } elseif ($_.Variable) { $Text += '$' + $_.Variable if ($_.Script) { $Text += " ({0})" -f $_.Script } } elseif ($_.Line) { if ($_.Script.Length -ge 60) { $Script = $_.Script.SubString(0, 60) } else { $Script = $_.Script } $Text += "{0}:{1}" -f $Script,$_.Line } $Text } Get-PSBreakpoint | Sort-Object Id | New-TabItem -Value {"(Get-PSBreakPoint -Id {0})" -f $_.Id} -Text $DisplayText -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Command' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: Filter command list based on what is used in a script?! ## TODO: Set object types $CommandTypes = "Function","ExternalScript","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } Get-Command "$Argument*" -CommandType $CommandTypes | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Id' { ## TODO: More info in display text $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $DisplayText = { $Text = "{0,-2} " -f $_.Id if ($_.Command) { $Text += $_.Command if ($_.Script) { $Text += " ({0})" -f $_.Script } } elseif ($_.Variable) { $Text += '$' + $_.Variable if ($_.Script) { $Text += " ({0})" -f $_.Script } } elseif ($_.Line) { if ($_.Script.Length -ge 60) { $Script = $_.Script.SubString(0, 60) } else { $Script = $_.Script } $Text += "{0}:{1}" -f $Script,$_.Line } $Text } Get-PSBreakpoint | Sort-Object Id | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text $DisplayText -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Line' { ## TODO: Show line contents? $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["Script"]) { 1..(Get-Content (Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Script"])).Count | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } } 'Script' { ## TODO: Display relative paths $Scripts = Get-ChildItem "$Argument*" -Include *.ps1 | New-TabItem -Value {$_.FullName} -Text {$_.FullName} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($Scripts) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Scripts } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Disable-PSBreakpoint" $PSBreakpointHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Enable-PSBreakpoint" $PSBreakpointHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Get-PSBreakpoint" $PSBreakpointHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Remove-PSBreakpoint" $PSBreakpointHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Set-PSBreakpoint" $PSBreakpointHandler -Type Command } ## PSDrive & { $PSDriveHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSDrive "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Scope' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Global","Local","Script","0" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() $NewPSDriveHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) # $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Scope' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Global","Local","Script","0" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-PSDrive" $PSDriveHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "New-PSDrive" $NewPSDriveHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-PSDrive" $PSDriveHandler -Type "Command" } ## PSSession & { $PSSessionHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'ConfigurationName' { ## TODO: But can we? } 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSSession | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {$_.Id} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'InstanceId' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.InstanceId -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.InstanceId} -Text {$_.InstanceId} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSSession -Name "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() $ImportPSSessionHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'CommandName' { ## TODO: ## TODO: [workitem:16] } 'FormatTypeName' { ## TODO: ## TODO: [workitem:16] } 'Module' { ## TODO: Grab from session instead? $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true (Get-Module -ListAvailable "$Argument*") + (Get-PSSnapin "$Argument*") | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Session' { if ($Argument -notlike '$*') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false Get-PSSession -Name "$Argument*" | . {process{'(Get-PSSession -Name "{0}")' -f $_.Name}} } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Invoke-Command" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" ## if we can get other parameters Register-TabExpansion "Enter-PSSession" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Export-PSSession" $ImportPSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-PSSession" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Import-PSSession" $ImportPSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-PSSession" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Connect-PSSession" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Disconnect-PSSession" $PSSessionHandler -Type "Command" } ## PSSessionConfiguration & { $PSSessionConfigurationHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'ConfigurationTypeName' { ## TODO: Find way to differentiate namespaces from types $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Dots = $Argument.Split(".").Count - 1 $res = @() $res += $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("ns like '$Argument*' and dc = $($Dots + 1)") | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty ns if ($Dots -gt 0) { $res += $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("name like '$Argument*' and dc = $Dots") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } $res } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSSessionConfiguration "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } } Register-TabExpansion "Disable-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Enable-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Register-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration" $PSSessionConfigurationHandler -Type "Command" } ## Add-PSSnapin Register-TabExpansion "Add-PSSnapin" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Loaded = @(Get-PSSnapin) Get-PSSnapin "$Argument*" -Registered | Where-Object {$Loaded -notcontains $_} | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Get-PSSnapin Register-TabExpansion "Get-PSSnapin" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{"ErrorAction" = "SilentlyContinue"} if ($Context.OtherParameters["Registered"]) { $Parameters["Registered"] = $true } Get-PSSnapin "$Argument*" @Parameters | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## TODO: Remove-PSSnapin ## Service & { $ServiceHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'DisplayName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Service -DisplayName "*$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.DisplayName} -Text {$_.DisplayName} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Service -Name "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() $GetServiceHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'DisplayName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Service -DisplayName "*$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.DisplayName} -Text {$_.DisplayName} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Service -Name "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() $SetServiceHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $Parameters = @{} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } Get-Service -Name "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-Service" $GetServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Restart-Service" $ServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Resume-Service" $ServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-Service" $SetServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Start-Service" $ServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Stop-Service" $ServiceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Suspend-Service" $ServiceHandler -Type "Command" } ## Set-StrictMode Register-TabExpansion "Set-StrictMode" -Type Command { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Version' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "1.0","2.0","Latest" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() ## TraceSource & { $TraceSourceHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Command' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $CommandTypes = "Function","ExternalScript","Filter","Cmdlet" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } Get-Command "$Argument*" -CommandType $CommandTypes | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-TraceSource "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'RemoveListener' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Host","Debug","*" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-TraceSource" $TraceSourceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-TraceSource" $TraceSourceHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Trace-Command" $TraceSourceHandler -Type "Command" } ## Get-Verb Register-TabExpansion "Get-Verb" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Verb' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Verb "$Argument*" | Sort-Object Verb | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Verb} -Text {$_.Verb} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Variable & { $VariableHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { if ($Argument -notlike '$*') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Variable "$Argument*" -Scope "Global" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } 'Scope' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true "Global","Local","Script" | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Clear-Variable" $VariableHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-Variable" $VariableHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-Variable" $VariableHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-Variable" $VariableHandler -Type "Command" ## TODO: New-Variable } ## Get-WinEvent Register-TabExpansion "Get-WinEvent" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument $Parameters = @{"ErrorAction" = "SilentlyContinue"} if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $Parameters["ComputerName"] = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'FilterHashTable' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{LogName="*"}' '@{ProviderName="*"}' '@{Keywords=""}' '@{ID=""}' '@{Level=""}' } 'ListLog' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: Make it easier to access detailed Microsoft-* logs? Get-WinEvent -ListLog "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.LogName} -Text {$_.LogName} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'ListProvider' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-WinEvent -ListProvider "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'LogName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: Make it easier to access detailed Microsoft-* logs? Get-WinEvent -ListLog "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.LogName} -Text {$_.LogName} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'ProviderName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-WinEvent -ListProvider "$Argument*" @Parameters | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ## WMI & { $WmiObjectHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Class' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: escape special characters? Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" WMI | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Type } 'Locale' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::InstalledWin32Cultures) | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.LCID} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["Class"]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Class"]) } elseif ($Context.OtherParameters["Path"]) { $Class = [WmiClass]((Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Path"]) -replace '\.\w.+') } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameters[0]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0]) } if ($Class) { $Class.Methods | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Method } } 'Namespace' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Argument -notlike "ROOT\*") { $Argument = "ROOT\$Argument" } if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $ComputerName = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } else { $ComputerName = "." } $ParentNamespace = $Argument -replace '\\[^\\]*$' $Namespaces = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass "\\$ComputerName\${ParentNamespace}:__NAMESPACE" $Namespaces = foreach ($Namespace in $Namespaces.PSBase.GetInstances()) {"{0}\{1}" -f $Namespace.__NameSpace,$Namespace.Name} $Namespaces | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Type } 'Path' { ## TODO: ??? } 'Property' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["Class"]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Class"]) } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameters[0]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0]) } if ($Class) { $Class.Properties | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Property } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-WmiObject" $WmiObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Invoke-WmiMethod" $WmiObjectHandler -Type "Command" # Register-TabExpansion "Register-WmiEvent" $WmiObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-WmiObject" $WmiObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-WmiInstance" $WmiObjectHandler -Type "Command" } ## CIM & { $CimObjectHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'ClassName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true ## TODO: escape special characters? Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" WMI | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Type } 'Locale' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::InstalledWin32Cultures) | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.LCID} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'MethodName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) } elseif ($Context.OtherParameters["Path"]) { $Class = [WmiClass]((Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["Path"]) -replace '\.\w.+') } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameters[0]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0]) } if ($Class) { $Class.Methods | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Method } } 'Namespace' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Argument -notlike "ROOT\*") { $Argument = "ROOT\$Argument" } if ($Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"]) { $ComputerName = Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ComputerName"] } else { $ComputerName = "." } $ParentNamespace = $Argument -replace '\\[^\\]*$' $Namespaces = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass "\\$ComputerName\${ParentNamespace}:__NAMESPACE" $Namespaces = foreach ($Namespace in $Namespaces.PSBase.GetInstances()) {"{0}\{1}" -f $Namespace.__NameSpace,$Namespace.Name} $Namespaces | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Type } 'PropertyName' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameters[0]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0]) } if ($Class) { $Class.Properties | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Property } } 'Property' { if ($Context.Command -eq "Get-CimInstance") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.OtherParameters["ClassName"]) } elseif ($Context.PositionalParameters[0]) { $Class = [WmiClass](Resolve-TabExpansionParameterValue $Context.PositionalParameters[0]) } if ($Class) { $Class.Properties | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Property } } } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-CimAssociatedInstance" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-CimClass" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Get-CimInstance" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Invoke-CimMethod" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "New-CimInstance" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-CimInstance" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Set-CimInstance" $CimObjectHandler -Type "Command" } ## CimSession & { $CimSessionHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Id' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-CimSession | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Id} -Text {"$($_.Id) " + $_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'InstanceId' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-CimSession | New-TabItem -Value {$_.InstanceId} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Context.Command -eq "New-CimSession") {break} Get-CimSession -Name "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Get-CimSession" $CimSessionHandler -Type "Command" Register-TabExpansion "Remove-CimSession" $CimSessionHandler -Type "Command" } ## WSMan & WSManInstance & WSManAction & { ## TODO: [workitem:18] } ## Format-Custom Register-TabExpansion "Format-Custom" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'GroupBy' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Expression={$_.}}' '@{Expression={$_.}; Depth=3}' } } 'View' { ## TODO: Need to figure out what type of object will be coming in ## TODO: [workitem:19] } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Format-List Register-TabExpansion "Format-List" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'GroupBy' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'View' { ## TODO: Need to figure out what type of object will be coming in ## TODO: [workitem:19] } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Format-Table Register-TabExpansion "Format-Table" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'GroupBy' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; Width=9}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; Width=9; Alignment="Left"}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; Width=9; Alignment="Center"}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; Width=9; Alignment="Right"}' } } 'View' { ## TODO: Need to figure out what type of object will be coming in ## TODO: [workitem:19] } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Format-Wide Register-TabExpansion "Format-Wide" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'GroupBy' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}}' '@{Name=""; Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'Property' { if ($Argument -like "@*") { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false '@{Expression={$_.}}' '@{Expression={$_.}; FormatString=""}' } } 'View' { ## TODO: Need to figure out what type of object will be coming in ## TODO: [workitem:19] } } }.GetNewClosure() ## Function Register-TabExpansion "function" -Type "Command" { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument if ($Context.PositionalParameters -eq 0) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true if ($Argument -match '^[a-zA-Z]*$') { Get-Verb "$Argument*" | Sort-Object Verb | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Verb} -Text {$_.Verb} -ResultType ParameterValue } } }.GetNewClosure() ######################### ## Parameter handlers ######################### ## -ComputerName and -Server & { $ComputerNameHandler = { param($Argument, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) if ($Argument -notmatch '^\$') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-TabExpansion "$Argument*" Computer | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Text} -Text {$_.Text} -ResultType ParameterValue } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "ComputerName" $ComputerNameHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "Server" $ComputerNameHandler -Type Parameter } ## Parameters that take the name of a variable & { $VariableHandler = { param($Argument, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) if ($Argument -notlike '^\$') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-Variable "$Argument*" -Scope Global | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Variable } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "OutVariable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "ErrorVariable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "WarningVariable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "InformationVariable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "PipelineVariable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "Variable" $VariableHandler -Type Parameter } ## Parameters that take the name of a culture & { $CultureHandler = { param($Argument, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) if ($Argument -notlike '^\$') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::InstalledWin32Cultures) | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$Argument*"} | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion "Culture" $CultureHandler -Type Parameter Register-TabExpansion "UICulture" $CultureHandler -Type Parameter } ## -PSDrive Register-TabExpansion "PSDrive" -Type Parameter { param($Argument, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) if ($Argument -notlike '^\$') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSDrive "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } }.GetNewClosure() ## -PSProvider Register-TabExpansion "PSProvider" -Type Parameter { param($Argument, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) if ($Argument -notlike '^\$') { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-PSProvider "$Argument*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } }.GetNewClosure() ######################### ## Parameter Name handlers ######################### ## iexplore.exe & { Register-TabExpansion iexplore.exe -Type ParameterName { param($Context, $Parameter) $Parameters = "-extoff","-embedding","-k","-nohome" $Parameters | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Parameter*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterName }.GetNewClosure() Function iexploreexeparameters { param( [Switch]$extoff , [Switch]$embedding , [Switch]$k , [Switch]$nohome , [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String]$URL ) } $IExploreCommandInfo = Get-Command iexploreexeparameters Register-TabExpansion iexplore.exe -Type CommandInfo { param($Context) $IExploreCommandInfo }.GetNewClosure() Register-TabExpansion iexplore.exe -Type Command { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'URL' { $Argument = [Regex]::Escape($Argument) $Favorites = Get-ChildItem "$env:USERPROFILE/Favorites/*" -Include *.url -Recurse $Favorites = $Favorites | Where-Object {($_.Name -match $Argument) -or ($_ | Select-String "^URL=.*$Argument")} | New-TabItem -Value {($_ | Select-String "^URL=").Line -replace "^URL="} -Text {$_.Name -replace '\.url$'} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($Favorites) { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true $QuoteSpaces.Value = $false $Favorites } } } }.GetNewClosure() } ## powershell.exe & { Register-TabExpansion powershell.exe -Type ParameterName { param($Context, $Parameter) $Parameters = "-Command","ConfigurationName","-EncodedCommand","-ExecutionPolicy","-File","Help", "-InputFormat","-Mta","-NoExit","-NoLogo","-NonInteractive","-NoProfile","-OutputFormat", "-PSConsoleFile","-Sta","-Version","-WindowStyle" $Parameters | Where-Object {$_ -like "$Parameter*"} | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterName <# PowerShell[.exe] [-PSConsoleFile <file> | -Version <version>] [-NoLogo] [-NoExit] [-Sta] [-Mta] [-NoProfile] [-NonInteractive] [-InputFormat {Text | XML}] [-OutputFormat {Text | XML}] [-WindowStyle <style>] [-EncodedCommand <Base64EncodedCommand>] [-ConfigurationName <string>] [-File <filePath> <args>] [-ExecutionPolicy <ExecutionPolicy>] [-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] } ] PowerShell[.exe] -Help | -? | /? #> }.GetNewClosure() Function powershellexeparameters { param( [String]$Command , [String]$EncodedCommand , [Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy]$ExecutionPolicy , [String]$File , [ValidateSet("Text","XML")] [String]$InputFormat , [String]$ConfigurationName , [Switch]$NoExit , [Switch]$NonInteractive , [Switch]$NoLogo , [Switch]$NoProfile , [ValidateSet("Text","XML")] [String]$OutputFormat , [String]$PSConsoleFile , [Switch]$Sta , [Switch]$Mta , [ValidateSet("1.0","2.0")] [String]$Version , [ValidateSet("Normal","Minimized","Maximized","Hidden")] [String]$WindowStyle , [Switch]$Help ) } $PowershellCommandInfo = Get-Command powershellexeparameters Register-TabExpansion powershell.exe -Type CommandInfo { param($Context) $PowershellCommandInfo }.GetNewClosure() } ######################### ## PowerTab function handlers ######################### ## Themes & { $ThemeHandler = { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $Argument = $Context.Argument switch -exact ($Context.Parameter) { 'Name' { $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "ColorThemes/Theme${Argument}*") -Include *.csv | . {process{$_.Name -replace '^Theme([^\.]+)\.csv$','$1'}} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType ParameterValue } } } Register-TabExpansion "Import-TabExpansionTheme" $ThemeHandler -Type Command Register-TabExpansion "Export-TabExpansionTheme" $ThemeHandler -Type Command } |