# TabExpansionCore.ps1 # # ## Reason: Intentional because we really need to suppress errors due to the nature of this module [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock", "")] ## Reason: Intentional because we need to evaluate variables [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression", "")] ## Reason: Script analyzer doesn't catch all variable usages [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "")] param() # .ExternalHelp TabExpansionCore-Help.xml Function Invoke-TabExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $Line , [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $LastWord , [Switch] $ForceList ) try { if (-not $PSv3HasRun) { ## Hack to get around PS v3 submitting a tab expansion request on load $script:PSv3HasRun = $true if ($Line -eq "Set-Location" -and $LastWord -eq "Set-Location") { return $LastWord } } ## Indicate we are busy Invoke-TabActivityIndicator ## Generate new GUID if this is a new (ie non nested) tab expand execution if (-not $NestedPowerTab) { $TraceId = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() } Write-Trace "Entering PowerTab." ## Save global errors in the script scoped Error ( doesn't appear to be used ) # This also addresses the problem of $Error[0].<TAB> not working since it uses the script scoped $Error as well. $script:Error.Clear() $script:Error.AddRange($global:Error) $global:Error.Clear() $global:Error.AddRange($PowerTabConfig.Log.Error) if ($null -eq $PowerTabConfig) { ## Something happened to the PowerTabConfig object, recreate it CreatePowerTabConfig } $ParseErrors = $null $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($Line, [ref]$ParseErrors) ## Figure out the context of this tab expansion request $_TokenTypes = [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType] $ScopeStack = New-Object System.Collections.Stack $CurrentContext = New-TabContext $LastToken = $null $LastParameter = "" $OnNextToken = $null ## TODO: Save all values from a list for a parameter foreach ($Token in $Tokens) { if ($OnNextToken) { . $OnNextToken $OnNextToken = $null } if (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Command) -and !($CurrentContext.Command)) { $CurrentContext.CommandInfo = try {Resolve-Command $Token.Content -CommandInfo -ErrorAction Stop} catch {} if ($CurrentContext.CommandInfo) { $CurrentContext.Command = $CurrentContext.CommandInfo.Name } else { $CurrentContext.Command = $Token.Content } $CurrentContext.isCommandMode = $true $CurrentContext.hasCommand = $true } elseif (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Keyword) -and !($CurrentContext.Command) -and (@("function") -contains $Token.Content)) { $CurrentContext.Command = $Token.Content $CurrentContext.isCommandMode = $true $CurrentContext.hasCommand = $true } elseif ($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::CommandParameter) { if ($CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$CurrentContext.Parameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } elseif ($CurrentContext.Argument) { while ($CurrentContext.PositionalParameters.Count -le $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters += @("") } $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters[$CurrentContext.PositionalParameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } $CurrentContext.Parameter = try { if ($TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$CurrentContext.Command]) { $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$CurrentContext.Command] $CommandInfo = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext if ($CommandInfo) { Resolve-Parameter $CommandInfo $Token.Content } else { Resolve-Parameter $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $Token.Content } } else { Resolve-Parameter $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $Token.Content } } catch {$Token.Content -replace '^-'} if (-not $CurrentContext.Parameter) {$CurrentContext.Parameter = $Token.Content -replace '^-'} $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $false ## Check if parameter is a switch try { if ($TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$CurrentContext.Command]) { $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$CurrentContext.Command] $CommandInfo = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext if ($CommandInfo) { $Parameter = Resolve-Parameter $CommandInfo $CurrentContext.Parameter -ParameterInfo } else { ## TODO: throw "foo" } } else { $Parameter = Resolve-Parameter $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $CurrentContext.Parameter -ParameterInfo } if ($Parameter.ParameterType -eq [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]) { $ParameterName = $Parameter.Name $OnNextToken = {$CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$ParameterName] = $true}.GetNewClosure() $CurrentContext.Parameter = "" $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $false } } catch {} } elseif (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::StatementSeparator) -or ($Token.Content -eq "|")) { $CurrentContext = New-TabContext } elseif (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Operator) -and ($Token.Content -eq "=")) { $CurrentContext.isAssignment = $true } elseif ($CurrentContext.isCommandMode -and (($_TokenTypes::CommandArgument, $_TokenTypes::Member, $_TokenTypes::Number, $_TokenTypes::Operator, $_TokenTypes::String, $_TokenTypes::Variable) -contains $Token.Type)) { if (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Operator) -and ("," -eq $Token.Content)) { ## TODO: Keep track of full list of values for a parameter? } if ($LastToken.EndColumn -ne $Token.StartColumn) { ## The parameter check is for the case of a switch appearing just befor a positional parameter: Func -Switch tex<TAB> if ((-not $Token.Content.StartsWith("-")) -and (($CurrentContext.Argument -ne "") -or ($CurrentContext.Parameter -eq ""))) { if ($CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$CurrentContext.Parameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } elseif ($CurrentContext.Argument) { while ($CurrentContext.PositionalParameters.Count -le $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters += @("") } $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters[$CurrentContext.PositionalParameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } ## Found value for positional parameter $CurrentContext.Parameter = "" $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter += 1 $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } elseif ($Token.Content.StartsWith("-")) { if ($CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$CurrentContext.Parameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } elseif ($CurrentContext.Argument) { while ($CurrentContext.PositionalParameters.Count -le $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters += @("") } $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters[$CurrentContext.PositionalParameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } $CurrentContext.Parameter = "" $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $false continue } } ## Decide if this token could be handed off to parameter tab completion if (($_TokenTypes::CommandArgument, $_TokenTypes::Number, $_TokenTypes::String) -contains $Token.Type) { $CurrentContext.Argument = $Token.Content $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } elseif ($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Variable) { $CurrentContext.Argument = '$' + $Token.Content $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } elseif (($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Operator) -and ("," -eq $Token.Content)) { $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } else { $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $false } } elseif ($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::GroupStart) { $ScopeStack.Push($CurrentContext) $CurrentContext = New-TabContext } elseif ($Token.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::GroupEnd) { $CurrentContext = $ScopeStack.Pop() if ($CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$CurrentContext.Parameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } $CurrentContext.Parameter = "" $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $false } $LastToken = $Token } ## Special case, last word is "@", this causes a parsing error so we don't see the token ## but only in PS v2 if (($LastWord -eq '@') -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -eq "2.0")) { if (-not $CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter += 1 } $CurrentContext.Argument = $LastWord $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } ## Special case, blank value for parameter if (-not $LastWord) { if ($LastToken.Content -eq ",") { ## Don't do anything, build on existing list } elseif ($CurrentContext.Argument -ne $LastWord) { ## Special case, blank value for positional parameter after another parameter (foo -bar "test" _) if ($CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.OtherParameters[$CurrentContext.Parameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument $CurrentContext.Parameter = "" } elseif ($CurrentContext.Argument) { while ($CurrentContext.PositionalParameters.Count -le $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters += @("") } $CurrentContext.PositionalParameters[$CurrentContext.PositionalParameter] = $CurrentContext.Argument } if ($CurrentContext.Command) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter += 1 } } else { if (-not $CurrentContext.Parameter) { $CurrentContext.PositionalParameter += 1 } } if ($CurrentContext.Command) { $CurrentContext.Argument = "" $CurrentContext.isParameterValue = $true } } ## Resolve name of positional parameter if ((-not $CurrentContext.Parameter) -and ($LastWord -ne "-")) { try { $CurrentContext = Resolve-PositionalParameter $CurrentContext } catch {} } ## Add additional context information Add-Member -InputObject $CurrentContext -Name Line -Value $Line -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $CurrentContext -Name LastWord -Value $LastWord -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $CurrentContext -Name LastToken -Value $LastToken.Type -MemberType NoteProperty ## Save to history $PowerTabConfig.Log.History.Insert(0, ($CurrentContext | Select-Object @{n="TraceId";e={$TraceId}},Line,LastWord,LastToken,Command,Parameter,Argument, PositionalParameter,PositionalParameters,OtherParameters,hasCommand,isCommandMode,isAssignment,isParameterValue,CommandInfo)) try { ## Detect DoubleTab if enabled if ($PowerTabConfig.Core.DoubleTabEnabled) { Start-Sleep -m 400 $DoubleTab = ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) } else { $DoubleTab = $PowerTabConfig.Core.DoubleTabLock } ## Check DoubleTab and set selection handler if ($DoubleTab) { $SelectionHandler = $PowerTabConfig.Core.AlternateHandler } else { $SelectionHandler = $PowerTabConfig.Core.DefaultHandler } ## Resolve internal (no prefix) and fully qualified command names $FullCommandName = "" try { if ($CurrentContext.CommandInfo) { $InternalCommand = Resolve-InternalCommandName $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $InternalCommandName = $InternalCommand.InternalName if ($InternalCommand.Module) { $FullCommandName = $InternalCommand.Module.Name + "\" + $InternalCommand.InternalName } } else { $InternalCommandName = $CurrentContext.Command } } catch { $InternalCommandName = $CurrentContext.Command } [Bool]$TabExpansionHasOutput = $false [Bool]$QuoteSpaces = $true [Object[]]$PossibleValues = @() if ($CurrentContext.isParameterValue) { ## Tab complete parameter value ## Command registry if ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $TabExpansionCommandRegistry[$FullCommandName]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in Command registry for FullCommandName." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionCommandRegistry[$FullCommandName] $PossibleValues = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext ([ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) ([ref]$QuoteSpaces) } if ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $TabExpansionCommandRegistry[$InternalCommandName]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in Command registry for InternalCommandName." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionCommandRegistry[$InternalCommandName] $PossibleValues = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext ([ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) ([ref]$QuoteSpaces) } ## Parameter registry if ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $TabExpansionParameterRegistry[$CurrentContext.Parameter]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in Parameter registry." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionParameterRegistry[$CurrentContext.Parameter] $PossibleValues = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext.Argument ([ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) ([ref]$QuoteSpaces) } ## Enum and ValidateSet() support if (-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) { try { ## Get parameter info if ($TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$InternalCommandName]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in CommandInfo registry." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionCommandInfoRegistry[$InternalCommandName] $CommandInfo = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext if ($CommandInfo) { $ParameterInfo = Resolve-Parameter $CommandInfo $CurrentContext.Parameter -ParameterInfo } else { $ParameterInfo = Resolve-Parameter $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $CurrentContext.Parameter -ParameterInfo } } else { $ParameterInfo = Resolve-Parameter $CurrentContext.CommandInfo $CurrentContext.Parameter -ParameterInfo } ## Enum if ($ParameterInfo.ParameterType.BaseType -eq [System.Enum]) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true Write-Trace "Detected Parameter of type Enum." $PossibleValues = [Enum]::GetNames($ParameterInfo.ParameterType) | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.Argument + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } elseif ($ParameterInfo.ParameterType -eq [System.Boolean]) { ## Treat boolean parameters as enums Write-Trace "Detected Parameter of type Boolean." $PossibleValues = 'true','false' | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.LastWord + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {"`$$_"} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($PossibleValues) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } ## ValidateSet if (-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) { $ValidateSet = $ParameterInfo.Attributes | Where-Object {$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute]} if ($ValidateSet) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true Write-Trace "Detected Parameter with ValidateSet attribute." $PossibleValues = $ValidateSet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ValidValues | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.Argument + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } } } catch {} } ## System.Text.Encoding support if (-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) { if ($ParameterInfo.ParameterType -eq [System.Text.Encoding]) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true Write-Trace "Detected Parameter of type System.Text.Encoding." $PossibleValues = "ASCII","BigEndianUnicode","Default","Unicode","UTF32","UTF7","UTF8" | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.Argument + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {"[System.Text.Encoding]::$_"} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue } } ## Ensure that variables get handled if ($null -eq $PossibleValues) {$PossibleValues = @()} if ($TabExpansionHasOutput -and ($PossibleValues.Count -eq 0) -and ($LastWord -match '^[@\$]')) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $false } } elseif (($LastWord -match "^-") -and $CurrentContext.isCommandMode) { ## Tab complete parameter name ## Parameter name registry if ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $TabExpansionParameterNameRegistry[$FullCommandName]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in ParameterName registry for FullCommandName." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionParameterNameRegistry[$FullCommandName] $PossibleValues = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext $LastWord | . {process{ if ($_ -is [System.String]) {New-TabItem -Value $_ -Text $_ -ResultType ParameterName} else {$_} }} if ($PossibleValues) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } if ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $TabExpansionParameterNameRegistry[$InternalCommandName]) { Write-Trace "Found entry in ParameterName registry for InternalCommandName." $ScriptBlock = $TabExpansionParameterNameRegistry[$InternalCommandName] $PossibleValues = & $ScriptBlock $CurrentContext $LastWord | . {process{ if ($_ -is [System.String]) {New-TabItem -Value $_ -Text $_ -ResultType ParameterName} else {$_} }} if ($PossibleValues) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } ## Command info if (-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) { if ($CurrentContext.CommandInfo) { Write-Trace "Evaluating parameter names based on CommandInfo object." $ParameterName = $LastWord -replace "^-" $PossibleValues = foreach ($Parameter in $CurrentContext.CommandInfo.Parameters.Values) { ##if ($Parameter.Name -like "$ParameterName*" -and $CurrentContext.OtherParameters.Keys -notcontains $Parameter.Name) { if ($Parameter.Name -like "$ParameterName*") { $Value = "-" + $Parameter.Name New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text ("$Value [$($Parameter.ParameterType)]") -ResultType ParameterName } } $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } $PossibleValues = foreach ($Value in $PossibleValues) { if ($CurrentContext.OtherParameters.Keys -notcontains $Value.CompletionText.Substring(1)) { $Value } } } elseif ($LastToken.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::GroupStart) { ## Tab complete method signatures $MethodTokens = @([System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($LastWord, [ref]$ParseErrors)) if ($MethodTokens[-2].Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Member) { Write-Trace "Evaluating method signatures." $MethodObject = $LastWord.SubString(0, $MethodTokens[-1].Start) $PossibleValues = foreach ($Overload in Invoke-Expression "$MethodObject.OverloadDefinitions") { $Parameters = $Overload -replace '^\S+ .+\((.+)?\)','$1' if ($Parameters) { $Parameters = foreach ($Parameter in ($Parameters -split ", ")) { $Type = ($Parameter -split " ")[0] -replace '^System\.' $Name = ($Parameter -split " ")[1] '[{0}] ${1}' -f $Type,$Name } $Parameters = $Parameters -join ", " } $Value = "{0}{1})" -f $LastWord,$Parameters New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } elseif ($CurrentContext.isAssignment -and ($Tokens[0].Type -eq $_TokenTypes::Variable)) { if (Test-Path "variable:$($Tokens[0].Content -replace '\$')") { $Variable = Get-Variable ($Tokens[0].Content -replace '\$') $VariableType = $Variable.Value.GetType() ## Strongly typed variables if (((Get-Variable ($Tokens[0].Content -replace '\$') -ea SilentlyContinue).Attributes.GetEnumerator() | . {process{$_.GetType().Name}}) -contains "ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute") { if ($VariableType.BaseType -eq [System.Enum]) { ## Tab complete strongly typed enum variables $PossibleValues = [Enum]::GetNames($VariableType) | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.LastWord + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {"`"$_`""} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($PossibleValues) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } } elseif (($VariableType -eq [System.Boolean]) -and ($Tokens[0].Content -like "*Preference")) { ## Tab complete preference variables that are bools $PossibleValues = 'true','false' | Where-Object {$_ -like ($CurrentContext.LastWord + "*")} | New-TabItem -Value {"`$$_"} -Text {$_} -ResultType ParameterValue if ($PossibleValues) { $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true } } } } if ($null -eq $PossibleValues) {$PossibleValues = @()} if ($null -eq $PowerTabConfig) { ## Something happened to the PowerTabConfig object, recreate it CreatePowerTabConfig } if ($TabExpansionHasOutput) { $PossibleValues | Invoke-TabItemSelector $LastWord -SelectionHandler $SelectionHandler | . {process{ if ($_ -is [String]) { if ($QuoteSpaces -and ($_ -match " ") -and ($_ -notmatch "^[`"'].*[`"']`$") -and (($LastToken.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::CommandArgument) -or ($LastWord -eq ""))) { '"' + ($_ -replace '([\$"`])','`$1') + '"' } else { $_ } } else { if ($QuoteSpaces -and ($_.CompletionText -match " ") -and ($_.CompletionText -notmatch "^[`"'].*[`"']`$") -and (($LastToken.Type -eq $_TokenTypes::CommandArgument) -or ($LastWord -eq ""))) { $_.CompletionText = '"' + ($_.CompletionText -replace '([\$"`])','`$1') + '"' } else { $_ } } }} if ($PossibleValues.Count -lt 1) { ## No values if ($LastWord) { ## Return what the user typed $LastWord } else { ## Send blank to prevent default PowerShell tab expansion "" } } } else { Invoke-PowerTab -Line $Line -LastWord $LastWord -Context $CurrentContext -ForceList:$ForceList } } catch { Invoke-TabActivityIndicator -Error ## Send blank to prevent default PowerShell tab expansion "" } finally { ## Remove busy indication on ready or error Remove-TabActivityIndicator } } finally { ## Remove busy indication on ready or error Remove-TabActivityIndicator ## Save PowerTab errors and replace global errors $script:PowerTabConfig.Log.Error = $global:Error.Clone() $global:Error.Clear() $global:Error.AddRange($script:Error) } } Function New-TabContext { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] param() $Properties = @{ "Command" = "" "CommandInfo" = $null "Parameter" = "" "Argument" = $null "ArgumentList" = @() "PositionalParameter" = -1 "PositionalParameters" = @() "OtherParameters" = @{} "hasCommand" = $false "isCommandMode" = $false "isAssignment" = $false "isParameterValue" = $false } New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties } Function Invoke-PowerTab { param( $Line, $LastWord, $Context, [Switch]$ForceList ) Write-Trace "Entering core handler." $TabExpansionHasOutput = $false $OriginalConfirmPreference = $ConfirmPreference if ($PowerTabConfig.Core.IgnoreConfirmPreference) { $ConfirmPreference = 'High' } ## Helper variables $_Method = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberTypes]'Method,CodeMethod,ScriptMethod,ParameterizedProperty' $_ScopeNames = @("global", "local", "script", "private") ## Parse commandline $LineBlocks = [Regex]::Split($Line, '[|;]') $LastBlock = $LineBlocks[-1] ## Helper Functions Function Resolve-Member { param( $Object, $Pattern ) ## Check for multilevel members $LevelCount = $Pattern.Split('.').Count if ($LevelCount -gt 1) { $OFS = '.'; $Object += ".$($Pattern.Split('.')[0..($LevelCount -2)])" } ## Resolve Members $Pattern = $Pattern.Split('.')[($LevelCount -1)] + '*' . { if ('PSBase' -like $Pattern) {$Object + '.PSBase'} $Target = Invoke-Expression $Object if ($Target -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]) { $Members = $Target | Get-Member } else { $Members = Get-Member -InputObject $Target } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3) { $Members += @( New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = "ForEach"; MemberType = "Method"} New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name = "Where"; MemberType = "Method"} ) } $Members | Where-Object { $n = $_.Name if (-not $PowerTabConfig.Core.ShowAccessorMethods) { $n -like $Pattern -and $n -notmatch '^[gs]et_' } else { $n -like $Pattern } } | . {process{ if ($_.MemberType -band $_Method) { ## Return a method... $Value = $Object + '.' + $_.Name + '(' New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } else { ## Return a property... $Value = $Object + '.' + $_.Name New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Property } }} } } Function QuoteVariable { param( [String]$Name ) ## Escape certain characters $Name = $Name -replace '([{}`])','`$1' ## If a variable name contains any of these characters it needs to be in braces $_varsRequiringQuotes = ('-`&@''#{}()$,;|<> .\/' + "`t").ToCharArray() if ($Name.IndexOfAny($_varsRequiringQuotes) -ge 0) { "{$Name}" } else { $Name } } ## Main tabcompletion , check line for patterns, select completion method and invoke handler ## Evaluate last block switch -regex ($LastBlock) { ## Handle multilevel property and method expansion on simple () Blocks '(^| )\((.+)\)\.(.*)' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating nested statements." &{ trap {continue} Resolve-Member -Object "($($Matches[2]))" -Pattern $Matches[3] | Invoke-TabItemSelector $LastBlock -SelectionHandler $SelectionHandler | . {process{ $TabExpansionHasOutput = $true if ($_.IndexOf(' ') -ge 0 ) { ([Regex]::Split($_,' '))[-1].Trim() } else { $_ } }} } if ($TabExpansionHasOutput) { ## Tab expansion handled, don't do anything more return } } } ## Evaluate last word [Object[]]$PossibleValues = @() $PossibleValues = switch -regex ($LastWord) { ## Handle inline type search, e.g. new-object .identityreference<tab> or .identityre<tab> (oisin) '^(\[*?)\.(\w+)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating inline type search." $TypeName = $Matches[2] Get-TabExpansion "*.${TypeName}*" Types | New-TabItem -Value {if ($Matches[1] -eq '[') {"[$($_.Name)]"} else {$_.Name}} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Type $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord.Replace('[', '') break } ## Members of scriptblock '(.*\})\.([^\.]*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating members of a scriptblock." $ScriptBlock = $Matches[1] $Member = $Matches[2] {} | Get-Member | Where-Object { $n = $_.Name if (-not $PowerTabConfig.Core.ShowAccessorMethods) { $n -like "$Member*" -and $n -notmatch '^[gs]et_' } else { $n -like "$Member*" } } | . {process{ if ($_.MemberType -band $_Method) { ## Return a method... $Value = $ScriptBlock + '.' + $_.Name + '(' New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } else { ## Return a property... $Value = $ScriptBlock + '.' + $_.Name New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Property } }} $SelectorLastWord = "$ScriptBlock.$Member" break } ## Completion on Shares (commented lines without DLL but need admin rights ) '^(\\\\|//)(?<Computer>[^\\/]+)[\\/](?<Share>[^\\/]*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating file shares." $ComputerName = $Matches.Computer $ShareName = $Matches.Share if (isWindows) { Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName $ComputerName -Filter "name like '$($ShareName)%'" | Sort-Object Name | New-TabItem -Value {"\\$ComputerName\" + $_.Name} -Text {"\\$ComputerName\" + $_.Name + " - " + $_.Description} -ResultType ProviderContainer } $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Completion on computers in database '^(\\\\|//)(?<Computer>[^\\/]*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating computer names from database." foreach ($Computer in Get-TabExpansion "$($Matches.Computer)*" Computer) { $Value = "\\" + $Computer.Text New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType ProviderContainer } $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Variable "In-Place" expansion on \[tab] '.*(\$[^\\]+)\\$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating variable for inplace expansion." $val = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($Matches[1]) ($Matches[0] -replace ([Regex]::Escape($Matches[1])), $val).TrimEnd('\') break } ## Replace <command>-? with call to Get-Help '.*\-\?' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating use of -? short hand." "Get-Help " + $LastWord.Replace('-?', ' -') } ## PSDrive expansion on :[tab] '^:$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating PSDrive names." Get-PSDrive | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name + ':'} -Text {$_.Name + ':'} -ResultType ProviderContainer $SelectorLastWord = '' } ## History completion against either #<pattern> or #<id> '^#(.*)' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating command history." ## Only do history if there is not a command in the current context if (-not $Context.isCommandMode) { $Pattern = $Matches[1] if ($Pattern -match '^[0-9]+$') { @(Get-History -Id $Pattern -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)[0].CommandLine } else { if ((Get-Module PSReadline) -and (Test-Path (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath)) { ## TODO: Find a way to support multi-line commands $history = Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$Pattern*"} | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '`' <# exclude multi-line #>} [Array]::Reverse($history) $history | Select-Object -Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType History } else { Get-History -Count 32767 | Where-Object {$_.CommandLine -like "*$Pattern*"} | Sort-Object Id -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CommandLine -Unique | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType History } $SelectorLastWord = $Pattern } break } } ## DataGrid GUI Shortcuts '^a_(.*)' {Get-Help "about_$($Matches[1])*" | Select-Object Name,Synopsis,Length | Out-DataGridView Name | . {process{Get-Help $_}}} ## TODO: Add description? '^w_(.*)' {Get-TabExpansion "win32_$($Matches[1])*" WMI | Select-Object Name | Out-DataGridView Name} '^t_(.*)' {Get-TabExpansion "*$($Matches[1])*" Types | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne "Dummy"} | Select-Object Name | Out-DataGridView Name} '^c_(.*)' {Get-TabExpansion "$($Matches[1])*" | Select-Object Text | Out-DataGridView Text} ## TODO: Add synopsis? '^f_' {Get-ChildItem function: | Select-Object Name | Out-DataGridView Name} ## TODO: I think this needs some work '^d_' {Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Mode,LastWriteTime,Length,Name,FullName | Out-DataGridView FullName} '^h_' {Get-History -Count 100 | Out-DataGridView Commandline} ## WMI completion '(win32_.*|cim_.*|MSFT_.*)' { ## TODO: Should this be removed from the core handler? Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating WMI class names." Get-TabExpansion "$($Matches[1])*" WMI | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Type $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Handle property and method expansion on variables '\$(.+)\.(.*)' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating members of a variable." Resolve-Member -Object ('$' + $Matches[1]) -Pattern $Matches[2] $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Translate typename to New-Object statement (ex: [String]=<TAB>) '^(\[.*\])=(\w*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating short hand for new object creation." "New-Object $($Matches[1].Replace('[','').Replace(']',''))" break } ## Handle Static methods of Types '(\[.*\])::(.*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating static members of a type." $LastType = $Matches[1] $Level = $Matches[2].Split('.').Count if ($Level -gt 1) { $LastType += '::' + $Matches[2].SubString(0, $Matches[2].LastIndexOf('.')) $Pattern = $Matches[2].Split('.')[-1] Resolve-Member -Object $LastType -Pattern $Pattern } else { $Pattern = $Matches[2].Split('.')[($Level -1)] + '*' Invoke-Expression "$($Matches[1]) | Get-Member -Static" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $Pattern -and $_.Name -notmatch '^[ge]et_'} | . {process{ if ($_.MemberType -band $_Method) { $Value = "${LastType}::$($_.Name)" + '(' New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } else { $Value = "${LastType}::$($_.Name)" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Property } }} } $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Handle Static methods of types in Variables '(\$.*)::(.*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating static members of a variable." $LastType = $Matches[1] $Level = $Matches[2].Split('.').Count $gt = '' if ((Invoke-Expression "$LastType.GetType().Name") -ne 'RuntimeType') {$gt = '.GetType'} if ($Level -gt 1) { $LastType += '::' + $Matches[2].SubString(0, $Matches[2].LastIndexOf('.')) $Pattern = $Matches[2].Split('.')[-1] Resolve-Member -Object $LastType -Pattern $Pattern $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord } else { $Pattern = $Matches[2].Split('.')[($Level -1)] + '*' Invoke-Expression "$($Matches[1]) | Get-Member -Static" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $Pattern -and $_.Name -notmatch '^[ge]et_'} | . {process{ if ($_.MemberType -band $_Method) { $Value = "${LastType}${gt}::$($_.Name)" + '(' New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } else { $Value = "${LastType}${gt}::$($_.Name)" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Property } }} $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord.Replace('::',"${gt}::") } break } ## Handle enums and Constructors of Types '(\[.*\]):*$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating enum values and constructors for types." $LastType = $Matches[1].Split(',')[-1] $BaseType = (Invoke-Expression "$LastType.BaseType.FullName") if ($BaseType -eq 'System.Enum') { Invoke-Expression "[Enum]::GetNames($LastType)" | New-TabItem -Value {"${LastType}::$_"} -Text {"${LastType}::$_"} -ResultType ParameterValue $SelectorLastWord = ($LastType + '::') } else { $Constructors = Invoke-Expression "$LastType.GetConstructors()" | . {process{ $Parameters = foreach ($Parameter in $_.GetParameters()) { '[{0}] ${1}' -f ($Parameter.ParameterType -replace '^System\.'), $Parameter.Name } if ($Parameters) { $Param = [String]::Join(', ',$Parameters) "New-Object $($LastType.Trim('[]')) ($Param)".Replace('([])','()') } else { "New-Object $($LastType.Trim('[]'))".Replace('([])','()') } }} if ($Constructors) { $Constructors | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Method $SelectorLastWord = $LastType } else { $LastWord } } break } ## Handle members of Types (runtype) '^(\[.*\]).(\w*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating non-static members of a type." $LastType = $Matches[1].Split(',')[-1] Invoke-Expression "$LastType | Get-Member" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$($Matches[2])*"} | . {process{ if ($_.MemberType -band $_Method) { $Value = "$LastType.$($_.Name)" + '(' New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Method } else { $Value = "$LastType.$($_.Name)" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Property } }} $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Handle namespace and type names '^\[(.*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating namespaces or type names." $Matched = $Matches[1] $Dots = $Matches[1].Split(".").Count - 1 $res = @() $res += foreach ($Namespace in $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("NS like '$($Matched)%' and DC = $($Dots + 1)") | Select-Object -Unique NS) { $Value = "[$($Namespace.NS)" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Namespace } $res += foreach ($Namespace in $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("NS like 'System.$($Matched)%' and DC = $($Dots + 2)") | Select-Object -Unique NS) { $Value = "[$($Namespace.NS)" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Namespace } if ($Dots -gt 0) { $res += foreach ($Type in $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("Name like '$($Matched)%' and DC = $Dots")) { $Value = "[$($Type.Name)]" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Type } $res += foreach ($Type in $dsTabExpansionDatabase.Tables['Types'].Select("Name like 'System.$($Matched)%' and DC = $($Dots + 1)")) { $Value = "[$($Type.Name)]" New-TabItem -Value $Value -Text $Value -ResultType Type } } $res | Where-Object {$_} | Invoke-TabItemSelector $LastWord -SelectionHandler $SelectionHandler -ForceList:$ForceList break } ## Handle expansions for both "Scope Variable Name" and "Type Variable Names" '^\$(\w+):(\w*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating variable scope or type." $Type = $Matches[1] # function, variable, global, etc. $TypeName = $Matches[2] # e.g. in '$function:C', value will be 'C' if ($_ScopeNames -contains $Type) { # Scope variable name expansion ($global:, $script:, etc.) $Variables = foreach ($ScopeVariable in (Get-Variable "$TypeName*" -Scope $Type)) { '$' + (QuoteVariable ($Type + ":" + $ScopeVariable.Name)) } } else { # Type variable name expansion ($function:, $variable:, $env:, etc.) $Variables = foreach ($t in (Get-ChildItem ($Type + ":" + $TypeName + '*') | Sort-Object Name)) { '$' + (QuoteVariable ($Type + ":" + $t.Name)) } } $Variables | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Variable $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Handle variable name expansion '^([\$@])(\w*)$' { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating variable name." $VarName = $Matches[2] $Variables = foreach ($Variable in Get-Variable "$VarName*" -Scope Global) { $Matches[1] + (QuoteVariable $Variable.Name) } $Variables | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} -ResultType Variable $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord break } ## Completion on cmdlets, function, aliases and native commands with defined shortcuts and custom additions from database ## Native commands / scripts in path "(.*)$([Regex]::Escape($PowerTabConfig.Core.ShortcutChars.Native))`$" { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating native commands and scripts only (special character)." Get-Command -CommandType ExternalScript -Name "$($Matches[1])*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command Get-Command -CommandType Application -Name "$($Matches[1])*" | Where-Object {($env:PATHEXT).Split(";") -contains $_.Extension} | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command $SelectorLastWord = $Matches[1] break } ## Aliases "(.+)$([Regex]::Escape($PowerTabConfig.Core.ShortcutChars.Alias))`$" { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating aliases only (special character)." if ($DoubleTab -or $PowerTabConfig.ConsoleList.AliasQuickExpand) { GetCommand -CommandType Alias -Name $Matches[1] | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Definition} -Text {$_.Definition} -ResultType Command $SelectorLastWord = $Matches[1] } else { $SelectorLastWord = $null } Get-TabExpansion $Matches[1] Alias | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Text} -Text {$_.Text} -ResultType Command break } ## Custom "(.*)$([Regex]::Escape($PowerTabConfig.Core.ShortcutChars.Custom))`$" { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating custon results from database only (special character)." Get-TabExpansion "$($Matches[1])*" Custom | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Text} -Text {$_.Text} $SelectorLastWord = $Matches[1] break } ## Invoke "(.+)$([Regex]::Escape($PowerTabConfig.Core.ShortcutChars.Invoke))`$" { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating invoke results from database only (special character)." Get-TabExpansion "$($Matches[1])*" Invoke | . {process{ $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($_.Text) | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} }} $SelectorLastWord = $Matches[1] break } ## Call function "(.*)$([Regex]::Escape($PowerTabConfig.Core.ShortcutChars.CustomFunction))`$" { Write-Trace "Core Handler: Calling custom user function." if ($PowerTabConfig.Core.CustomFunctionEnabled) { & $PowerTabConfig.Core.CustomUserFunction $Context | New-TabItem -Value {$_} -Text {$_} $SelectorLastWord = $Matches[1] } break } } ## End of switch -regex $LastWord if ($null -eq $PossibleValues) {$PossibleValues = @()} if ((-not $PossibleValues) -and (($Context.LastToken -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType]::Command -and $LastWord) -or (-not $Context.hasCommand))) { ## Try completing on commands and aliases Write-Trace "Core Handler: Evaluating cmdlet and function names." $CommandTypes = "Function","ExternalScript","Filter","Cmdlet","Alias" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "3.0") { $CommandTypes += "Workflow" } if ($LastWord -match "\\") { ## Full name usage $Module = $LastWord.Substring(0, $LastWord.Indexof("\")) $CommandName = $LastWord.Substring($LastWord.Indexof("\") + 1, $LastWord.length - ($LastWord.Indexof("\") + 1)) if (Get-Module $Module) { $PossibleValues = @(GetCommand -CommandType $CommandTypes -Name "$CommandName*" -Module $Module | New-TabItem -Value {"${Module}\" + $_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command) } } else { $PossibleValues = @(GetCommand -CommandType $CommandTypes -Name "$LastWord*" | New-TabItem -Value {$_.Name} -Text {$_.Name} -ResultType Command) } $SelectorLastWord = $LastWord } if ($PossibleValues) {$TabExpansionHasOutput = $true} if ($TabExpansionHasOutput) { $PossibleValues | Invoke-TabItemSelector $LastWord -SelectionHandler $SelectionHandler } elseif ((-not $TabExpansionHasOutput) -and $PowerTabConfig.Core.FileSystemExpand) { ## Filesystem Completion Invoke-ProviderPathHandler $LastWord } ## Reset confirm preference even if we did not change it $ConfirmPreference = $OriginalConfirmPreference } # end-function |