function Get-CiscoInventory { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName = "path")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'path')] [string]$ConfigPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'array')] [array]$ConfigArray ) # It's nice to be able to see what cmdlet is throwing output isn't it? $VerbosePrefix = "Get-CiscoInventory:" # Check for path and import if ($ConfigPath) { if (Test-Path $ConfigPath) { $LoopArray = Get-Content $ConfigPath } } else { $LoopArray = $ConfigArray } # Setup return Array $ReturnObject = @() $ShowModule = $false $ShowInventory = $false $IpRx = [regex] "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" $TotalLines = $LoopArray.Count $i = 0 $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # used by Write-Progress so it doesn't slow the whole function down :fileloop foreach ($entry in $LoopArray) { $i++ # Write progress bar, we're only updating every 1000ms, if we do it every line it takes forever if ($StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds -ge 1000) { $PercentComplete = [math]::truncate($i / $TotalLines * 100) Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Support Output" -Status "$PercentComplete% $i/$TotalLines" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $StopWatch.Reset() $StopWatch.Start() } if ($entry -eq "") { if ($ReturnObject.Count -gt 0) { if ($KeepGoingChassis) { $KeepGoingChassis = $false Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: chassis output complete" } if ($KeepGoingStack) { $KeepGoingStack = $false Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: stacking output complete" } if ($ShowModule -and $ShowInventory) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: output complete" break fileloop } } continue } ########################################################################################### # Check for the Section # stacking $Regex = [regex] '#show\sinventory$' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: inventory output started" $KeepGoingInventory = $true continue } # stacking $Regex = [regex] '^Switch\s+Ports\s+Model\s+SW\sVersion\s+SW\sImage' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: stacking output started" $KeepGoingStack = $true $ShowModule = $true continue } # chassis $Regex = [regex] '^(?<slot>Mod\s+)(?<portcount>Ports\s+)(?<cardtype>Card\sType\s+)(?<model>Model\s+)(?<serial>Serial\sNo\.)' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch $Regex $entry if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: chassis output started" $KeepGoingChassis = $true $ShowModule = $true $SlotLength = ($Eval.Groups['slot'].Value).Length $PortCountLength = ($Eval.Groups['portcount'].Value).Length $CardTypeLength = ($Eval.Groups['cardtype'].Value).Length $ModelLength = ($Eval.Groups['model'].Value).Length $SerialLength = ($Eval.Groups['serial'].Value).Length $ChassisRx = "(?<slot>[^-]{$SlotLength})" $ChassisRx += "(?<portcount>.{$PortCountLength})" $ChassisRx += "(?<cardtype>.{$CardTypeLength})" $ChassisRx += "(?<model>.{$ModelLength})" $ChassisRx += "(?<serial>.{$SerialLength})" $ChassisRx = [regex] $ChassisRx continue } if ($KeepGoingStack) { $EvalParams = @{ } $EvalParams.StringToEval = $entry #region stackable ################################################################################# # stack member # Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Mode # * 1 62 C9300-48P 16.6.3 CAT9K_IOSXE INSTALL $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] "^\*?\s+(?<slot>\d+?)\s+?(?<portcount>\d+?)\s+?(?<model>[^\s]+?)\s+?(?<version>[^\s]+?)\s+?(?<image>[^\s]+)" $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: chassis found" $new = "" | Select-Object Slot, Module, Model, Serial, Firmware, Status, PortCount $new.Slot = $Eval.Groups['slot'].Value $new.Model = $Eval.Groups['model'].Value $new.PortCount = $Eval.Groups['portcount'].Value $new.Firmware = $Eval.Groups['image'].Value + ' ' + $Eval.Groups['version'].Value $ReturnObject += $new continue } ################################################################################# #endregion stackable } if ($KeepGoingChassis) { $EvalParams = @{ } $EvalParams.StringToEval = $entry #region chassis ################################################################################# # stack member # Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No. # --- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- # 1 48 48-port 10/100/1000 RJ45 EtherModule WS-X6148A-GE-45AF SAD093806Z9 $EvalParams.Regex = $ChassisRx $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: chassis found" $new = "" | Select-Object Slot, Module, Model, Serial, Firmware, Status, PortCount $new.Slot = $Eval.Groups['slot'].Value $new.Model = $Eval.Groups['model'].Value $new.PortCount = $Eval.Groups['portcount'].Value $ReturnObject += $new continue } ################################################################################# #endregion chassis } if ($KeepGoingInventory) { $EvalParams = @{ } $EvalParams.StringToEval = $entry # NAME: "TenGigabitEthernet0/1", DESCR: "10GBase-SR" # PID: X2-10GB-SR , VID: V03 , SN: AGA1216X4VS $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] '^NAME:\s+"(?<name>.+?)",\s+DESCR:\s+"(?<description>.+?)"' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: inventory found" $SlotName = $Eval.Groups['name'].Value.Trim() $SlotLookup = $ReturnObject | Where-Object { $_.Slot -eq $SlotName } if ($SlotLookup) { $SlotLookup.Module = $Eval.Groups['description'].Value.Trim() } else { $new = "" | Select-Object Slot, Module, Model, Serial, Firmware, Status, PortCount $new.Slot = $Eval.Groups['name'].Value.Trim() $new.Module = $Eval.Groups['description'].Value.Trim() $ReturnObject += $new } continue } # PID: X2-10GB-SR , VID: V03 , SN: AGA1216X4VS $EvalParams.Regex = [regex] '^PID:\s+(?<pid>.+?),\s+VID:\s+(?<vid>.+?),\s+SN:\s+(?<serial>.+)' $Eval = Get-RegexMatch @EvalParams if ($Eval) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: inventory found" if ($SlotLookup) { $SlotLookup.Model = $Eval.Groups['pid'].Value.Trim() $SlotLookup.Serial = $Eval.Groups['serial'].Value.Trim() Remove-Variable SlotLookup } else { $new.Model = $Eval.Groups['pid'].Value.Trim() if ($new.Model -eq 'Unspecified') { $new.Module } #$new.VendorId = $Eval.Groups['vid'].Value $new.Serial = $Eval.Groups['serial'].Value.Trim() } continue } if ($entry -eq '') { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix $i`: empty line" $ShowInventory = $true continue } } } return $ReturnObject } |