Function Get-ScheduledTask() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] param ( [string[]] $ComputerName, [string] $ComputerList, [ValidateSet("External")] [string] $Method = "External", [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"), [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null, #todo add to Edit-ScheduledTask and to disable/enable task [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry, [switch] $OnlineCheck = $true, [string] $SearchString, [switch] $PrintXML, [switch] $OnlyTaskName ) $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "Entering $Function" $returnobject = @() $Arguments = "SearchString: $SearchString" Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Arguments" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'].ispresent) { $WhatIfPassed = $true } else { $WhatIfPassed = $false } Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -and $PSBoundParameters['NoRemoteRegistry']) { $NoRemoteRegistry = $true } else { $NoRemoteRegistry = $false } Write-Verbose "NoRemoteRegistry $NoRemoteRegistry" if (!$SearchString) { $Reason = 'You have to provide a task name or a part from the binary path' $Status = "fail" $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments } else { $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) foreach ($target in $targets) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..." $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost") if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1)) { Write-Verbose "$target is offline" $Status = "fail" $Reason = "offline" } else { if ($Method -match "wmi") { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "method not implemented yet" } elseif ($Method -match "winrm") { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "method not implemented yet" } elseif ($Method -match "external") { Write-Verbose "Using method external" Write-Verbose "BinPath: $BinPath" if (!(Test-Path -Path "$BinPath\psexec.exe")) { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Binary psexec not found in bin path, see <modulepath>\bin\." } else { # RemoteRegistry is needed for PsExec <# NOT USED - SCHTASKS IS USED DIRECTLY AGAINST REMOTE HOST try { if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed)) { $err = Enable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -OnlineCheck:$false -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed $returnobject += $err $srr = Start-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -OnlineCheck:$false -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed $returnobject += $srr $RemoteRegistryStarted = ($srr.status -match "pass") } else { # assume RemoteRegistry is already started $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true } } catch { Write-Verbose "Error while enabling and starting RemoteRegistry" $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry" $Status = "fail" } #> $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$Function $SearchString")) { if ($RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed) { # Output of schtasks is written in OS language # therefore we use XML output which is not written in OS language if ($IsLocalhost) { $proc = Start-Process schtasks.exe -commandline "/query /xml one" } else { #$proc = Start-Process psexec.exe -commandline "\\$target -accepteula -nobanner schtasks /query /xml one" $proc = Start-Process schtasks.exe -commandline "/S $target /query /xml one" } if ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Binary successfully executed on $target" } else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Error while running binary on $target" Write-Verbose "stdout" Write-Verbose $proc.stdout Write-Verbose "stderr" Write-Verbose $proc.stderr } if ($proc.stdout -and ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0)) { # combination of comments and task xml allows OS independancy try { $res = [xml] $proc.stdout $Comments = $res.tasks."#comment" $Tasks = $res.tasks.Task } catch { write-error "schtasks output could not be converted to XML" } $TaskFound = $false $FoundTasks = "" for ($i=0; $i -le ($Tasks.count - 1); $i++) { Write-Verbose "Processing task $($comments[$i].Trim())" try { $FoundTaskName = ($Comments[$i] -match $SearchString) $FoundTaskContent = ($Tasks[$i].OuterXml -match ($SearchString)) } catch { $FoundTaskName = ($Comments[$i].Contains($SearchString)) $FoundTaskContent = ($Tasks[$i].OuterXml.Contains($SearchString)) } if ($FoundTaskName -or $FoundTaskContent) { Write-Verbose "task found $($comments[$i])" $TaskFound = $true # XML format for task # ------------------- # xmlns : # version : 1.1 # RegistrationInfo : RegistrationInfo # Triggers : Triggers # Settings : Settings # Principals : Principals # Actions : Actions # # Triggers: $xml.Task.Triggers # Actions: $xml.Task.Actions.Exec | select -ExpandProperty command if ($PrintXML) { $Comments[$i]; $Tasks[$i].outerXML } if ($OnlyTaskName) { if ($FoundTasks -ne "") { $FoundTasks += " ; " } $FoundTasks += "$($Comments[$i].Trim())" } else { $TaskInfo = "Name: `"$($Comments[$i].Trim())`"" $TaskInfo += ", Author `"$($Tasks[$i].RegistrationInfo.Author)`"" $TaskInfo += ", Enabled: `"$($Tasks[$i].Settings.Enabled)`"" foreach ($exec in $Tasks[$i].Actions.Exec) { $TaskInfo += ", Command: `"$($exec | select -ExpandProperty command -ea ignore)`"" $TaskInfo += ", Argument: `"$($exec | select -ExpandProperty arguments -ea ignore )`"" } foreach ($com in $Tasks[$i].Actions.ComHandler) { $TaskInfo += ", ComHandler: `"$($com | select -ExpandProperty ClassId -ea ignore )`"" $TaskInfo += ", Data: `"$($'#cdata-section')`"" } } # print all information of a task if (!$OnlyTaskName) { $FoundTasks += " ["+$TaskInfo+"] ;" } } # task found } # loop through all tasks if ($TaskFound) { $Status = "pass" $Reason = $FoundTasks } else { $Status = "fail" if (!$Reason) { $Reason = "Task not found" } } } # stdout not empty and psexec successfull } #RemoteRegistryStarted = true else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry" } } #whatif else { $Status = "pass" $Reason = "Not executed - started with -WhatIf" } <# NOT USED - SCHTASKS IS USED DIRECTLY AGAINST REMOTE HOST try { if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -and $RemoteRegistryStarted -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed)) { Write-Verbose "Cleanup RemoteRegistry" $srr = Stop-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -OnlineCheck:$false -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed $returnobject += $srr $drr = Disable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -OnlineCheck:$false -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed $returnobject += $drr } } catch { Write-Verbose "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry" $Reason = "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry" $Status = "fail" } #> } #binary found } #UseExternal } #online $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target } #foreach target } #parameters are correct, process targets $returnobject Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #Get-ScheduledTask #SCHTASKS/Run Function Start-ScheduledTask() { } #SCHTASKS/End Function Stop-ScheduledTask() { } #SCHTASKS/ENABLE function Enable-ScheduledTask() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] param ( [string[]] $ComputerName, [string] $ComputerList, [ValidateSet("External")] [string] $Method = "External", [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"), [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null, [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry, [switch] $OnlineCheck = $true, [string] $SearchString ) $returnobject = @() $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "Entering $Function" $Arguments = "SearchString $SearchString, WhatIf: $($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf'))" Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Arguments" if (!$SearchString) { $Reason = 'You have to provide a search string' $Status = "fail" $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments } else { $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) foreach ($target in $targets) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..." $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost") if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1)) { Write-Verbose "$target is offline" $Status = "fail" $Reason = "offline" } else { if ($Method -match "wmi") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method wmi -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "enable" -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } elseif ($Method -match "winrm") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method winrm -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "enable" -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } elseif ($Method -match "external") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method External -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "enable" -WhatIf:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf') -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } $ret | ? { $_.Function -match "Edit-ScheduledTask" } | % { $_.Function = $Function } $ret | ? { $_.Arguments -match "Edit-ScheduledTask" } | % { $_.Arguments = $Arguments } $returnobject += $ret } } #foreach targets } #parameters ok $returnobject Write-Verbose "Leaving $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #Enable-ScheduledTask #SCHTASKS/DISABLE function Disable-ScheduledTask() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] param ( [string[]] $ComputerName, [string] $ComputerList, [ValidateSet("External")] [string] $Method = "External", [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"), [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null, [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry, [switch] $OnlineCheck = $true, [string] $SearchString ) $returnobject = @() $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "Entering $Function" $Arguments = "SearchString $SearchString" Write-Verbose "Arguments: $Arguments" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'].ispresent) { $WhatIfPassed = $true } else { $WhatIfPassed = $false } Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed" if (!$SearchString) { $Reason = 'You have to provide a task name' $Status = "fail" $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments } else { $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) foreach ($target in $targets) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..." $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost") if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1)) { Write-Verbose "$target is offline" $Status = "fail" $Reason = "offline" } else { if ($Method -match "wmi") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method wmi -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "disable" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } elseif ($Method -match "winrm") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method winrm -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "disable" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } elseif ($Method -match "external") { $ret = Edit-ScheduledTask -Method external -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -TaskState "disable" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -NoRemoteRegistry:$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential } # change action description for return object that they match current # function and not generic edit function $ret | ? { $_.Function -match "Edit-ScheduledTask" } | % { $_.Function = $Function } $ret | ? { $_.Arguments -match "Edit-ScheduledTask" } | % { $_.Arguments = $Arguments } $returnobject += $ret } # online } #foreach targets } #parameters ok $returnobject Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function" } #Disable-ScheduledTask Function Edit-ScheduledTask() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] param ( [string[]] $ComputerName, [string] $ComputerList, [ValidateSet("external")] [string] $Method = "external", [string] $BinPath = $(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "\bin"), [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]] $Session=$Null, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential=$Null, [switch] $NoRemoteRegistry, [boolean] $OnlineCheck = $true, [string] $SearchString, [ValidateSet("enable", "disable")] [string] $TaskState ) $Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "Entering $Function" $returnobject = @() if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('whatif') -and $PSBoundParameters['whatif'].ispresent) { $WhatIfPassed = $true } else { $WhatIfPassed = $false } Write-Verbose "whatif: $WhatIfPassed" $Arguments = "SearchString: $SearchString, TaskState: $TaskState, OnlineCheck: $OnlineCheck, WhatIfPassed: $WhatIfPassed" Write-Verbose $Arguments if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoRemoteRegistry') -and $PSBoundParameters['NoRemoteRegistry']) { $NoRemoteRegistry = $true } else { $NoRemoteRegistry = $false } Write-Verbose "NoRemoteRegistry $NoRemoteRegistry" if (!$SearchString) { $Reason = 'You have to provide a task name or a part from any part of the scheduled task (regex also possible)' $Status = "fail" $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments } elseif (!$TaskState) { $Reason = 'You have to provide the required task state: Enable or Disable.' $Status = "fail" $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments } else { $targets = Get-Target -ComputerList:$(if ($ComputerList){$ComputerList}) -ComputerName:$(if ($ComputerName){$ComputerName}) foreach ($target in $targets) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running $Function" -Status "Processing $target..." $IsLocalhost = ($target -match "localhost") Write-Verbose "Localhost: $IsLocalhost" if (!$IsLocalhost -and $OnlineCheck -and !(Test-Connection $target -Quiet -Count 1)) { Write-Verbose "$target is offline" $Status = "fail" $Reason = "offline" } else { if ($Method -match "wmi") { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "method not implemented yet" } elseif ($Method -match "winrm") { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "method not implemented yet" } elseif ($Method -match "external") { Write-Verbose "Using ExternalTools / Sysinternals" Write-Verbose "BinPath: $BinPath" if (!(Test-Path -Path "$BinPath\psexec.exe")) { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Binary psexec not found." } else { <# NOT USED - SCHTASKS IS USED DIRECTLY AGAINST REMOTE HOST # RemoteRegistry is needed for PsExec try { if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed)) { $err = Enable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential $returnobject += $err $srr = Start-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false -Credential:$Credential $returnobject += $srr $RemoteRegistryStarted = ($srr.status -match "pass") } else { # assume RemoteRegistry is already started $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true } } catch { $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry" $Status = "fail" } #> $RemoteRegistryStarted = $true if ($RemoteRegistryStarted -or $WhatIfPassed) { # todo add multiple task editing # Output of schtasks is written in OS language # therefore we use XML output which output is not written in OS language $TaskNameList = (Get-ScheduledTask -ComputerName $target -SearchString $SearchString -Method external -OnlyTaskName -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -NoRemoteRegistry:$false -OnlineCheck:$false | ? {$_.Function -match "Get-ScheduledTask"} | select -ExpandProperty Reason) -split " ; " Write-Verbose "Answer Get-ScheduledTask: $TaskNameList" if ($TaskNameList.Count -gt 1) { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Multiple tasks found: $($TaskNameList -join ' ; ')" } elseif ($TaskNameList -match "Task not found") { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Task not found" } elseif ($TaskNameList -or $WhatIfPassed) { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, "$TaskState tasks matches $SearchString")) { if ($target -match "localhost") { $proc = Start-Process schtasks.exe -commandline "/change /TN `"$TaskNameList`" /$TaskState" } else { #$proc = Start-Process psexec.exe -commandline "\\$target -accepteula -nobanner schtasks /change /TN `"$TaskNameList`" /$TaskState" $proc = Start-Process schtasks.exe -commandline "/S $target /change /TN `"$TaskNameList`" /$TaskState" } if ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Successfully executed binary on $target" } else { Write-Verbose "Error while running binary on $target" Write-Verbose "stdout" Write-Verbose $proc.stdout write-verbose "stderr" write-verbose $proc.stderr } if ($proc.stdout) { if ($proc.stdout -match "erfolgreich" -or $proc.stdout -match "successfull") { $Status = "pass" $Reason = "Task set to $TaskState" } else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Fail: $($proc.stdout)" } } # stdout has result else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Fail: Task found but $TaskState not working. Could be due to permissions." } } # whatif else { $Status = "pass" $Reason = "Not executed - started with -WhatIf" } } # task found elseif (!$TaskNameList) { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Error in Get-ScheduledTask searching for $Name (taskname not found)" } else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Error: $TaskNameList" } } #RemoteRegistry started else { $Status = "fail" $Reason = "Error while enabling RemoteRegistry" } <# NOT USED - SCHTASKS IS USED DIRECTLY AGAINST REMOTE HOST try { if (!$IsLocalhost -and !$NoRemoteRegistry -and $RemoteRegistryStarted -or (!$IsLocalhost -and $WhatIfPassed)) { Write-Verbose "Cleanup RemoteRegistry" $srr = Stop-Service -ComputerName $target -Method external -Name "RemoteRegistry" -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false $returnobject += $srr $drr = Disable-RemoteRegistry -Method external -ComputerName $target -WhatIf:$WhatIfPassed -OnlineCheck:$false $returnobject += $drr } } # disable RemoteRegistry catch { $Reason = "Error while disabling RemoteRegistry" $Status = "fail" } #> } # binary found } #UseExternal } # host online $returnobject += New-PowerSponseObject -Function $Function -Status $Status -Reason $Reason -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $target } #foreach target } # parameters ok $returnobject Write-Verbose "Leaving $Function" } #SCHTASKS/Delete Function Remove-ScheduledTask() { } |