.VERSION 2.0.1 .GUID 151ba9a5-c90f-4506-83de-37779d665d95 .AUTHOR Ronald Bode (iRon) .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS PSON Password Generator Random Secure String .LICENSE https://github.com/iRon7/New-Password/LICENSE.txt .PROJECTURI https://github.com/iRon7/New-Password .ICON .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a password. .DESCRIPTION Creates a random (secure) string of a specific size and with a specific complexity. .PARAMETER Length The (minimal) password length (alias Size). If there are more mandatory characters, the length will be the total of the mandatory (uppercase, lowercase, numeral and/or symbol) characters' .PARAMETER Uppercase The number of mandatory uppercase character (default 1) If set to zero, the password might contain 0 or more uppercase characters. If set to a negative amount, the password will not contain any uppercase characters. .PARAMETER Lowerase The number of mandatory lowercase character (default 1) If set to zero, the password might contain 0 or more lowercase characters. If set to a negative amount, the password will not contain any lowercase characters. .PARAMETER Numerals The number of mandatory numeric character (default 1) If set to zero, the password might contain 0 or more numeric characters. If set to a negative amount, the password will not contain any numeric characters. .PARAMETER Symbols The number of mandatory symbol character (default 1) If set to zero, the password might contain 0 or more symbol characters. If set to a negative amount, the password will not contain any symbol characters. .PARAMETER Exclude The Exclude parameter lets you exclude specific characters that have a special meaning for specific applications or might lead to confusion (as an alphanumeric O and a numeric 0). .PARAMETER AsSecureString When you use this parameter, the output of the New-Password cmdlet is a SecureString object. .EXAMPLE Create a password of 8 characters with at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeral and one symbol: PS> New-Password .EXAMPLE Create a password of 30 characters with at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeral and one symbol and do not use special AD characters: PS> New-Password -Size 30 -Exclude ',\#+<>;"=' .EXAMPLE Create a password of 30 (8 + 9 + 8 + 5) characters with at 8 uppercase characters, 9 lowercase characters, 8 numerals and 5 symbols and do not use special AD characters: PS> New-Password -Lower 8 -Upper 9 -Numerals 8 -Symbols 5 -Exclude ',\#+<>;"=' .EXAMPLE Create a secure string password with at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeral and no symbols: PS> New-Password -Symbols -1 -AsSecureString .LINK https://stackoverflow.com/a/37275209/1701026 #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('Size')][int]$Length = 8, [int]$Uppercase = 1, [int]$Lowercase = 1, [int]$Numerals = 1, [int]$Symbols = 1, [char[]]$Exclude, [switch]$AsSecureString ) $Mandatory = [Collections.Generic.List[Char]]::new() $TokenSet = @{ Uppercase = [Char[]]'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' Lowercase = [Char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' Numerals = [Char[]]'0123456789' Symbols = [Char[]]'!"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' } $AllChars = $TokenSet.Keys.ForEach{ $Chars = $TokenSet[$_].Where{ $_ -cNotIn $Exclude} $Amount = Get-Variable -Name $_ -ValueOnly for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Amount; $i++) { $Mandatory.Add(($Chars |Get-Random)) } if ($Amount -ge 0) { $Chars } } $Password = if ($AsSecureString) { [System.Security.SecureString]::new() } else { [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() } for ($i = $Mandatory.Count; $i -lt $Length; $i++) { $Char = $AllChars |Get-Random if ($AsSecureString) { $Password.AppendChar($Char) } else { $Null = $Password.Append($Char) } } @($Mandatory).ForEach{ $At = if ($Password.Length) { Get-Random $Password.Length } else { 0 } if ($AsSecureString) { $Password.InsertAt($At, $_) } else { $Null = $Password.Insert($At, $_) } } if ($AsSecureString) { $Password } else { $Password.ToString() } |