Describe "UDP Listener" { BeforeAll { Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PowerShellUDPModule.psd1 } It "receives a single request" { Start-Job -Name "single request" -ScriptBlock { Param( $PSScriptRoot ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PowerShellUDPModule.psd1 try { New-UdpListener -Port 11000 | Wait-UdpRequest -Count 1 -PipelineVariable context | ForEach-Object { $request = $context.UTF8Payload | ConvertFrom-Json ([pscustomobject]@{Message="Hello $($request.Name)"}) | Write-Output -NoEnumerate } } finally { Get-UdpListener | Stop-UdpListener } } -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # let the job start listening Send-UdpRequest -Port 11000 -Body $(@{Name='test'} | ConvertTo-Json) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # let the job output [pscustomobject]$reply = Get-Job | Receive-Job $reply | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message | Should Be 'Hello test' Get-Job -Name "single request" | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job } It "receives indefinite requests" -Skip { # cannot remove job Start-Job -Name "indefinite requests" -ScriptBlock { Param( $PSScriptRoot ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PowerShellUDPModule.psd1 try { New-UdpListener -Port 11001 | Wait-UdpRequest -Infinity -PipelineVariable context | ForEach-Object { $request = $context.UTF8Payload | ConvertFrom-Json ([pscustomobject]@{Message="Hello $($request.Name)"}) | Write-Output -NoEnumerate } } finally { Get-UdpListener | Stop-UdpListener } } -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # let the job start listening Send-UdpRequest -Port 11001 -Body $(@{Name='test'} | ConvertTo-Json) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # let the job output [pscustomobject]$reply = Get-Job | Receive-Job $reply | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message | Should Be 'Hello test' Send-UdpRequest -Port 11001 -Body $(@{Name='test2'} | ConvertTo-Json) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # let the job output [pscustomobject]$reply = Get-Job | Receive-Job $reply | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message | Should Be 'Hello test2' Get-Job -Name "indefinite requests" | Remove-Job -Force } It "can respond to a request" { Start-Job -Name "response" -ScriptBlock { Param( $PSScriptRoot, $uri ) Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PowerShellUDPModule.psd1 try { New-UdpListener -Port 11003 | Wait-UdpRequest -Count 1 -PipelineVariable context | ForEach-Object { $request = $context.UTF8Payload | ConvertFrom-Json @{Message="Hello $($request.Name)"} | ConvertTo-Json | Send-UdpRequest -ServerIpEndPoint $context.Client } } finally { Get-UdpListener | Stop-UdpListener } } -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot,$uri Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # let the job start listening Send-UdpRequest -Port 11003 -Body $(@{Name='test'} | ConvertTo-Json) | Wait-UdpRequest -Count 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UTF8Payload | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message | Should Be 'Hello test' Get-Job -Name "response" | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job } } |