function Assert-NumberOfItemsInPipeline { <# .SYNOPSIS Test number of items passed through the pipeline .PARAMETER Item Item(s) being piped .PARAMETER Min Minimum number of items that should be passed .PARAMETER Max Maximum number of items that should be passed .PARAMETER Message Text to include in exception message .OUTPUTS The input items #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Item, [UInt32]$Min = 0, [UInt32]$Max = [UInt32]::MaxValue, [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Message = "items" ) begin { [UInt32]$count = 0 } process { # Check max here so we do not send more items than we want if (++$count -gt $Max) { throw "Exceeded maximum $Max $Message" } $Item } end { if($count -lt $Min) { throw "Got $count $Message when expected at least $Min" } } } |