<# Represents an argument parsed from the path declared by the Route attribute #> class RouteArgument { # Argument name i.e. 'id' from {id} [string]$Name # Decalred datatpye, or object if none e.g. {id:intr [type]$DataType # Ordered position within the route [int]$Position RouteArgument([string]$name, [type]$type, [int]$position) { $this.Name = $name $this.DataType = $type $this.Position = $position } [string]ToString() { return "$($this.DataType.Name) $($this.Name)" } } <# This class represnts a route mapping. It maps a route (/controller/method/{arg}) to a controller class method and is used to select and to inovke a route an incoming request #> class RouteEntry { # Regex to match numbers hidden static [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]$NumberRegex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new('^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$') # Regex to match arguments (name with optional data type) from the value of a Route() attribute hidden static [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]$TokenRx = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new('\{(?<token>\w+)(:(?<datatype>\w+))?\}') # Built by the constructor, this is the regex that is used to match an incoming request path with this RouteEntry instance hidden [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]$RouteMatcherRx # The method that will be called if this RouteEntry is selected hidden [System.Reflection.MethodInfo]$Method # Arguments to the above method hidden [System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]]$MethodArguments # Value to return for GetHashCode() hidden [int]$HashCode # Number of segments in the route path hidden [int]$PathSegmentCount # HTTP verb the route is associated with [string]$RequestMethod # The full route, including controller prefix [string]$Route # Arguments parsed from the Route attribute's path [RouteArgument[]]$RouteArguments <# Hide default constructor #> hidden RouteEntry() { } <# Construct route entry #> RouteEntry([string]$controllerPrefix, [System.Reflection.MethodInfo]$method, [HttpRequestMethod]$requestMethod, [Route]$route) { if ($method.ReturnType -eq [void]) { # All route controller methods must return something - usually Object throw "$(Format-MethodSignature -Method $method) - void return type not allowed." } $this.Method = $method $this.MethodArguments = $method.GetParameters() $this.RequestMethod = $requestMethod.RequestMethod $this.Route = ($controllerPrefix + '/' + $route.Route.Trim('/')).TrimEnd('/') $this.PathSegmentCount = ($this.Route -split '/').Length # Parse the route $mc = [RouteEntry]::TokenRx.Matches($this.Route) $argList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RouteArgument]]::new() $position = 0 $mc | ForEach-Object { $argumentName = $_.Groups['token'].Value # Check method has a matching argument if (-not ($this.MethodArguments | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $argumentName})) { throw "$(Format-MethodSignature -Method $method) does not contain a parameter named '$argumentName'" } if ($_.Groups['datatype'].Success) { # If an explicit datatype was provided on the route, check the method argument is that type $dataType = Invoke-Expression ["$($_.Groups['datatype'].Value)"] if (-not ($this.MethodArguments | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $argumentName -and $_.ParameterType -eq $dataType})) { throw "$(Format-MethodSignature -Method $method) does not contain a parameter named '$argumentName' with type '$($dataType.Name)'" } } else { $dataType = [object] } $argList.Add((New-Object RouteArgument ($argumentName, $dataType, $position++))) } $this.RouteArguments = $argList.ToArray() $this.RouteMatcherRx = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ([RouteEntry]::TokenRx.Replace($this.Route, '([\w+~\.\-\%\@]+)')) $this.HashCode = ($this.RequestMethod + $this.route.ToLowerInvariant()).GetHashCode(); } <# Score a path against this route entry. The higher the score, the better the match. A score of zero is a definite no-match #> [int]MatchScore([string]$route) { # First, and quickest check - this RouteEntry and input route have the same number of path segments? if ($this.PathSegmentCount -ne ($route -split '/').Length) { return 0 } # Try to match the route by regex $match = $this.RouteMatcherRx.Match($route) if (-not $match.Success) { return 0 } # Number of parameters in route matched by regex is not the same as the number of route arguments we expect? # Match group zero is the entire string. if ($match.Groups.Count - 1 -ne $this.RouteArguments.Length) { return 0 } # Route with no arguments if ($this.RouteArguments.Length -eq 0) { return 100 } $score = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $match.Groups.Count - 1; ++$i) { # Route argument array is in the same order as the matches in the match collection $routeArg = $this.RouteArguments[$i] # If the route argument has a data type that implements Parse(), then test if the value is parseable if (([object], [string]) -notcontains $routeArg.DataType) { try { # Try parsing the matched path segment as the required datatype (which must be s simple value type) for the route argument # Match group containing matched argument value $thisSegmentValue = $match.Groups[$i + 1].Value Invoke-Expression("[$($routeArg.DataType.FullName)]::Parse(`'$thisSegmentValue`')") # The value was parsed as type for the argument - that's an exact match so continue along the path $score += 100 continue } catch { # Failed to parse - no match. return 0 } } # Get corresponding controller method argument by name $methodArg = $this.MethodArguments | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $routeArg.Name } $argumentIsString = -not ([RouteEntry]::NumberRegex.IsMatch($match.Groups[$i + 1].Value)) $parameterIsString = $methodArg.ParameterType -eq [string] if ($argumentIsString -and $parameterIsString) { $score += 100 continue } if ($routeArg.DataType -eq [object]) { # Lowest quality match $score += 1 continue } if ($routeArg.DataType -eq [string]) { # Next lowest quality $score += 10 continue } } return $score } <# Invoke class method for this route, returning its result. #> [object]Invoke([string]$route) { # type[] with no contents to select controller class default constructor $typeArr = New-Object Type[] 0 # object[] with no contents to use to invoke controller class default constructor $objArr = New-Object object[] 0 # Get constructor $ctor = $this.Method.ReflectedType.GetConstructor($typeArr) if (-not $ctor) { throw "Cannot find default constructor for $($this.Method.ReflectedType)" } # Get controller class instance $controller = $ctor.Invoke($objArr) # Now collect the values to pass to the selected method $methodArgumentValues = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() # This will match, as this RouteEntry was selected by this regex $match = $this.RouteMatcherRx.Match($route) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.MethodArguments.Length; ++$i) { # For each method argument, in order $methodArg = $this.MethodArguments[$i] # Get the corresponding route argument and hence its position in the match $routeArg = $this.RouteArguments | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $methodArg.Name } $value = $match.Groups[$routeArg.Position + 1].Value # Now parse the value as the appropriate type for the method argument if (([string], [object]) -contains $methodArg.ParameterType) { # Add the string value for a method argument of type string or object $methodArgumentValues.Add(([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($value))) } else { # Try to parse the value as the correct type for the method argument $methodArgumentValues.Add((Invoke-Expression "[$($methodArg.ParameterType.FullName)]::Parse(`'$value`')")) } } # Invoke the method try { return $this.Method.Invoke($controller, $methodArgumentValues.ToArray()) } catch { # Add a note property to the exception with the method signature that was invoked (see exception handling in Invoke-Route) Add-Member -InputObject $_.Exception -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'InvokedMethodSignature' -Value (Format-MethodSignature -Method $this.Method) throw } return $null } [int]GetHashCode() { return $this.HashCode } [string]ToString() { return (Format-MethodSignature -Method $this.Method) } } |