
    Base class for attributes defined in this module

class RestAttribute : Attribute

    This attribute marks a class as a controller which contains route controllers.

    If declared with no prefix argument, the base path for the controller is determined from the class name
    with any 'Controller' suffix removed from the name, and the name lowercased e.g.
    ProcessController => /process

class Controller : RestAttribute
        $this.Prefix = [string]::Empty

        # Ensure prefix has a leading / and no trailing /
        $this.Prefix = '/' + $Prefix.Trim('/')


        return $this.Prefix

    This attribute marks a method within a controller class as handling a route.
    The attribute value is the route relative path on the controller.

[AttributeUsage('Method', AllowMultiple = $false)]
class Route : RestAttribute
    Route([string] $Route)
        $this.Route = $Route


        return $this.Route

    This attribute is the base class for all HTTP method verbs.

[AttributeUsage('Method', AllowMultiple = $false, Inherited = $true)]
class HttpRequestMethod : RestAttribute

        $this.RequestMethod = $RequestMethod


    This attribute marks a method as responding to GET

class HttpGet : HttpRequestMethod
    HttpGet() : base('GET')

    This attribute marks a method as responding to POST

class HttpPost : HttpRequestMethod
        $this.RequestMethod = 'POST'

    This attribute marks a method as responding to PUT

class HttpPut : HttpRequestMethod
        $this.RequestMethod = 'PUT'

    This attribute marks a method as responding to DELETE

class HttpDelete : HttpRequestMethod
        $this.RequestMethod = 'DELETE'