
function loadScriptDomModules{
    #try {Import-Module SqlServer -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser} finally {Import-Module SqlServer}
    Import-Module -Name SqlServer
    $ScriptDom = Join-Path -Path (Get-Module -Name SqlServer).ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll'
    if((Test-Path $ScriptDom) -eq $true ) {Add-Type -LiteralPath $ScriptDom}

# Quick Helper-function to turn the file into a script fragment, using scriptdom.
function Get-ParsedSql($ScriptPath){


    [Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.TSql150Parser] $parser = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.TSql150Parser($false)
    $Reader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $ScriptPath
    $Errors = $null
    $ScriptFrag = $parser.Parse($Reader, [ref]$Errors)
    return $ScriptFrag

function Get-ParsedSqlOffsets{

Checking for Batch length

$s = Get-Content -Raw ( Resolve-Path $ScriptPath )
$ParsedSql = Get-ParsedSql $ScriptPath
$SqlBatches = @()
$SqlBatch = @()
foreach($Batch in $ParsedSql.Batches) {
    StartOffset = $Batch.StartOffset;
    StopOffset  = $Batch.StartOffset+$Batch.FragmentLength;
    Length      = $Batch.FragmentLength;
    StartColumn = $Batch.StartColumn;
    BatchId     = $id;
    BlockType   = 'Code';
    Text        = $s.Substring($Batch.StartOffset, $Batch.FragmentLength)

$ScriptFrags = (Get-ParsedSql -ScriptPath $ScriptPath).ScriptTokenStream.where({$_.TokenType -eq 'MultilineComment'})
$Comments = @()
$Comment = @()
foreach($Frag in $ScriptFrags ) {
    StartOffset = $Frag.Offset;
    StopOffset = $Frag.Offset+$Frag.Text.Length;
    Length = $Frag.Text.Length;
    StartColumn = $Frag.Column;
    CommentLocation = $null;
    BlockType = 'Comment';
    Text = $Frag.Text

    foreach($SqlBatch in $SqlBatches){

    if($Comment.StartOffset -ge $SqlBatch.StartOffset -and $Comment.StartOffset -le $SqlBatch.StopOffset)
    {$Comment.CommentLocation = "Within SQL Batch $($SqlBatch.BatchId)"}
    else {if($Comment.CommentLocation -notlike '*Within*'){$Comment.CommentLocation = "Outside"}}

This is the basic product of Mulit-line Coments that are outside of Batches.

$NotebookBlocks = $SqlBatches + ($Comments | WHERE { $_.CommentLocation -eq 'Outside' })
if($IncludeGaps -eq $false){
return $NotebookBlocks | SORT StartOffset
else {
    if($NotebookBlocks.Count -eq 1 -and $NotebookBlocks.StopOffset -eq $s.Length){
    return $NotebookBlocks | SORT StartOffset}
    else {
    This What we do with the offset results to identify Gaps.

        $SqlBlocks = $NotebookBlocks | SORT StartOffset

        $BlocksWitGaps = @()
        $Previous = $null
        foreach($SqlBlock in $SqlBlocks ) {
            StartOffset = $SqlBlock.StartOffset;
            StopOffset = $SqlBlock.StopOffset;
            Length = $SqlBlock.Length;
            GapLength = [int] $SqlBlock.StartOffset-$Previous.StopOffset;
            PreviousStartOffset = $Previous.StartOffset;
            PreviousStopOffset = $Previous.StopOffset;
            CommentLocation = $SqlBlock.CommentLocation;
            BlockType = $SqlBlock.BlockType;
            GapText = IF($SqlBlock.StartOffset-$Previous.StopOffset -gt 1){[string] $s.Substring($Previous.StopOffset, ($SqlBlock.StartOffset-$Previous.StopOffset))}else {[string] ''};
            Text = $SqlBlock.Text

            $BlocksWitGaps+=[pscustomobject] $BlockOffsets

        This is an extra step to combine Gaps with Batches & Comments in a single structure.

        $AllBlocks = @()
        $GapOffsets = @()
        $AllBlocks = $SqlBlocks
        $Previous = $null
        foreach($GapBlock in $BlocksWitGaps ) {
            StartOffset = $GapBlock.PreviousStopOffset;
            StopOffset = $GapBlock.StartOffset;
            Length = $GapBlock.GapLength;
            StartColumn = $null;
            CommentLocation = 'Between';
            BlockType = 'Gap';
            Text = $GapBlock.GapText

            $AllBlocks+=if($GapOffsets.Length -gt 2){[pscustomobject] $GapOffsets}
        #$AllBlocks | SORT StartOffset | ft -AutoSize -Wrap
        return $AllBlocks

function ConvertTo-SQLNoteBook {
        ConvertTo-SQLNoteBook -InputFileName 'C:\temp\AdventureWorksMultiStatementSBatch.sql' -OutputNotebookName 'C:\temp\AdventureWorksMultiStatementSBatch.ipynb'


    New-SQLNotebook -NoteBookName $OutputNotebookName {
        $s = Get-Content -Raw ( Resolve-Path $InputFileName )
        $AllNoteBlocks = Get-ParsedSqlOffsets -ScriptPath $InputFileName

        foreach($Block in $AllNoteBlocks | SORT StartOffset ) {

            switch ($Block.BlockType) {
                'Code'  {$CodeBlock = $s.Substring($Block.StartOffset, $Block.Length)
                            Write-Verbose "CODE - $($CodeBlock)"
                            if($CodeBlock.Trim().length -gt 0){
                                Add-NotebookCode -code (-join $CodeBlock)
                'Comment' {$TextBlock = $s.Substring($Block.StartOffset+2, $Block.Length-4) -replace ("\r\n", " `n ")
                            Write-Verbose "COMMENT - $($TextBlock)"
                            if($TextBlock.Trim().length -gt 0){
                                Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown (-join $TextBlock)
                'Gap'   {$GapBlock = ($s.Substring($Block.StartOffset, $Block.Length) -replace ("\n", " `n ")).TrimStart().TrimEnd()
                            Write-Verbose "COMMENT - $($GapBlock)"
                            if($GapBlock.Trim().length -gt 0){
                                Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown (-join $GapBlock)