
function Get-NotebookContent {
        Get-NotebookContents reads the contents of a Jupyter Notebooks
        Get-NotebookContent .\samplenotebook\Chapter01code.ipynb
NoteBookName Type Source
------------ ---- ------
Chapter01code.ipynb markdown ## Code for chapter 1 PowerShell in Action third edition
Chapter01code.ipynb markdown ## Introduction
Chapter01code.ipynb code 'Hello world.'
Chapter01code.ipynb code Get-ChildItem -Path $env:windir\*.log | Select-String -List error | Format-Table Path,L...
Chapter01code.ipynb code ([xml] [System.Net.WebClient]::new().DownloadString('
Chapter01code.ipynb markdown ## 1.2 PowerShell example code
Chapter01code.ipynb code Get-ChildItem -Path C:\somefile.txt
        Get-Notebook .\samplenotebook\*sharp*|Get-NotebookContent
NoteBookName Type Source
------------ ---- ------
csharp.ipynb code {Console.Write("hello world")}
fsharp.ipynb code {printfn "hello world"}


    Process {
        $r = Get-Content $NoteBookFullName | ConvertFrom-Json

        if ($JustCode) { $cellType = "code" }
        if ($JustMarkdown) { $cellType = "markdown" }
        if ($JustCode -and $JustMarkdown) { $cellType = $null }

        $r.cells | Where-Object { $_.cell_type -match $cellType } | ForEach-Object {
                NoteBookName = Split-Path -Leaf $NoteBookFullName
                Type         = $_.'cell_type'
                Source       = -join $_.source