function Convert-MarkdownToNoteBook { <# .SYNOPSIS .Description .Example # converts .\ to demo.ipynb Convert-MarkdownToNoteBook .\ .Example # converts .\ to demo.ipynb and watches the file for changes and automatically converts it again Convert-MarkdownToNoteBook .\ -watch #> param( $filename, [Switch]$watch ) function DoWatch { param( $targetFile, [scriptblock]$sb ) "Watching - Press Ctl-C to stop" $targetFile = Resolve-Path $targetFile $sb = { foreach ($entry in $args[0].GetEnumerator()) { if ($entry.Key -eq $targetFile -and $entry.Value -eq "Changed") { & $sb } } }.GetNewClosure() &"$PSScriptRoot\Watch-Directory.ps1" -Path . -TestSeconds .5 -WaitSeconds 1 -Command $sb } "[{0}] Converting {1}" -f (Get-Date), $filename $content = Get-Content $filename $chapters = [ordered]@{ } $chapterIndex = 1 switch ($content) { "<!-- CHAPTER END -->" { $inChapter = $false $chapterIndex += 1 } { $inChapter } { $currentChapter = "Chapter {0}" -f $chapterIndex if (!$chapters.$currentChapter) { $chapters.$currentChapter = @() } $chapters.$currentChapter += $_ } "<!-- CHAPTER START -->" { $inChapter = $true } } $code = @() $markDown = @() New-PSNotebook -NoteBookName ($filename -replace '.md', '.ipynb') -IncludeCodeResults { foreach ($chapter in $chapters.Keys) { Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown ("# $($chapter)") $inCodeBlock = $false switch ($chapters.$chapter) { { $_ -eq '```ps' -or $_ -eq '```powershell' } { Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown (-join $markDown) $code = @() $inCodeBlock = $true } '```' { Add-NotebookCode -code (-join $code) $markDown = @() $inCodeBlock = $false } default { if ($inCodeBlock) { $code += $_ + "`r`n" } else { $markDown += $_ + "`r`n" } } } if ($markDown) { Add-NotebookMarkdown -markdown (-join $markDown) $markDown = @() } } } "[{0}] Finished {1}" -f (Get-Date), $filename # if ($Watch) { DoWatch $filename { .\ConvertMarkdownToNoteBook.ps1 -filename $filename } } if ($Watch) { DoWatch $filename { Convert-MarkdownToNoteBook -filename $filename } } } |