function Test-SingleFunction { param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $path ) begin { $psd = Get-Content -Raw "$PSScriptRoot\..\ImportExcel.psd1" $exportedFunctions = (Invoke-Command ([scriptblock]::Create($psd))).functionsToExport $reg = [Regex]::new(@" function\s*[-\w]+\s*{ # The function name and opening '{' (?: [^{}]+ # Match all non-braces | (?<open> { ) # Match '{', and capture into 'open' | (?<-open> } ) # Match '}', and delete the 'open' capture )* (?(open)(?!)) # Fails if 'open' stack isn't empty } # Functions closing '}' "@, 57) # 41 = compile ignore case and white space. $reg2 = [Regex]::new(@" ^function\s*[-\w]+\s*{ # The function name and opening '{' ( \#.*?[\r\n]+ # single line comment | # or \s*<\#.*?\#> # <#comment block#> | # or \s*\[.*?\] # [attribute tags] )* "@, 57) # 43 = compile, multi-line, ignore case and white space. } process { $item = Get-item $Path $name = $item.Name -replace "\.\w+$","" Write-Verbose $name $file = Get-Content $item -Raw $m = $reg.Matches($file) #based on if ($m.Count -eq 0) {return "Could not find $name function in $($"} elseif ($m.Count -ge 2) {return "Multiple functions in $($"} elseif ($exportedFunctions -cnotcontains $name) {return "$name not exported (or in the wrong case)"} elseif ($m[0] -cnotmatch "^\w+\s+$name") {return "function $name in wrong case"} $m2 = [regex]::Match($m[0],"param",[System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase) if (-not $m2.Success) {return "No param block in $name"} # elseif ($m[0] -inotmatch "(?s)^function\s*$name\s*{(\s*<\#.*?\#>|\s*\[.*?\])*\s*param") # elseif ($reg2.IsMatch($m[0].Value)) {return "function $name has comment-based help"} elseif ($m[0] -inotmatch "\[CmdletBinding\(" -and $m[0] -inotmatch "\[parameter\(" ) {return "$name has is not an advanced function"} #elseif (-not (& $Name -?).synopsis) {return "$name has no help"} else {Write-Verbose "$name OK"} } } |