
enum ensure {

enum scope {

enum installationpolicy

class PSModuleResource {


    [Ensure]$Ensure = [ensure]::present




    [scope]$InstallScope = [scope]::allusers

    [string]$Repository = 'PSGallery'

    [PSModuleResource] Get() {
        $state = [hashtable]::new()
        $state.Module_Name = $this.Module_Name
        $Module = Get-Module -Name $this.Module_Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore
        if ($Module) {
            $state.Ensure = [ensure]::present
        else {
            $state.Ensure = [ensure]::absent

        return [PSModuleResource]$state


    [void] Set() {

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'present') {
            try {
                $arguments = $this.GetVersionArguments()
                $arguments += @{"-Name" = $this.Module_Name; "-ErrorAction" = "Stop"; "-Repository" = $this.Repository}
                Find-Module @arguments
            catch {
                Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
                throw $_

            try {
                $arguments = $this.GetVersionArguments()
                $arguments += @{"-Name" = $this.Module_Name; "-Force" = $true; "-Scope" = $this.InstallScope; "-Repository" = $this.Repository}
                Install-Module @arguments
            catch {
                Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq 'absent') {
            $arguments = $this.GetVersionArguments()
            $arguments += @{"-Name" = $this.Module_Name; "-Force" = $true}
            Uninstall-Module @arguments
        else {
            throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException] "Value '$($this.Ensure)' of property Ensure is outside the range of allowed values"

    [bool] Test() {

        $modules = @()
        $modules += @(Get-Module -Name $this.Module_Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Ignore)
        $returnVal = $false

        Write-Verbose "The following versions of $($this.Module_Name) are installed"
        foreach ($module in $modules)
            Write-Verbose "Module: $($this.Module_Name), Version: $($module.Version)"

        # When no modules with that name were found
        if ($modules.Count -eq 0)
            return ($this.Ensure -eq 'absent')

        # We've found one or more matching modules, if neither RequiredVersion, MinimumVersion nor MaximumVersion is specified
        if ((-not $this.RequiredVersion) -and (-not $this.MinimumVersion) -and (-not $this.MaximumVersion))
            return ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')

        # We've found one or more modules, check if RequiredVersion is set
        if ($this.RequiredVersion)
            $modules | Where-Object { [System.Version]$_.Version -eq [System.Version]$this.RequiredVersion } | % {
                $returnVal = ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')

        # We've found one or more modules but RequiredVersion is not set, check MinimumVersion and MaximumVersion
        if ($this.MinimumVersion -and $this.MaximumVersion)
            $modules | Where-Object { ([System.Version]$_.Version -ge [System.Version]$this.MinimumVersion) -and ([System.Version]$_.Version -le [System.Version]$this.MaximumVersion) } | % {
                $returnVal = ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')
        elseif ($this.MinimumVersion) {
            $modules | Where-Object { [System.Version]$_.Version -ge [System.Version]$this.MinimumVersion } | % {
                $returnVal = ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')
        elseif ($this.MaximumVersion) {
            $modules | Where-Object { [System.Version]$_.Version -le [System.Version]$this.MaximumVersion } | % {
                $returnVal = ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')

        return $returnVal

    [hashtable] GetVersionArguments() {

        if ($this.RequiredVersion -and ($this.MaximumVersion -or $this.MinimumVersion))
            throw [System.ArgumentException] "The RequiredVersion argument is mutually exclusive to the MaximumVersion and MinimumVersion"

        $versionArgs = [hashtable]::new()

        if ($this.RequiredVersion)
            $versionArgs.Add("-RequiredVersion", $this.RequiredVersion)
        else {
            if ($this.MinimumVersion)
                $versionArgs.Add("-MinimumVersion", $this.MinimumVersion)
            if ($this.MaximumVersion)
                $versionArgs.Add("-MaximumVersion", $this.MaximumVersion)
        return $versionArgs            

class PSModuleRepositoryResource {


    [Ensure]$Ensure = [ensure]::present

    [string]$InstallationPolicy = [installationpolicy]::untrusted



    [PSModuleRepositoryResource] Get() {
        $state = [hashtable]::new()
        $state.Name = $this.Name
        $repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction Ignore
        if ($repository)
            $state.Ensure = [ensure]::present
        else {
            $state.Ensure = [ensure]::absent
        return [PSModuleRepositoryResource]$state

    [void] Set() {

        $repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction Ignore

        if ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')
            $arguments = @{"-Name" = $this.Name; "-InstallationPolicy" = $this.InstallationPolicy; "-SourceLocation" = $this.SourceLocation}
            if ($this.PublishLocation)
                $arguments.Add("-PublishLocation", $this.PublishLocation)
            if ($repository)
                Set-PSRepository @arguments                
            else {
                Register-PSRepository @arguments
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq 'absent') {
            Unregister-PSRepository -Name $this.Name
        else {
            throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException] "Value '$($this.Ensure)' of property Ensure is outside the range of allowed values"

    [bool] Test() {

        $repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction Ignore

        if ($repository)
            Write-Verbose "Found existing repository with name '$($repository.Name)'"
            if ($this.Ensure -eq 'present')
                if (($repository.InstallationPolicy -eq $this.InstallationPolicy) -and ($repository.SourceLocation -eq $this.SourceLocation) -and ($repository.PublishLocation -eq $this.PublishLocation))
                    return $true
            return $false
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Could not find an existing repository with name '$($this.Name)'"
            return ($this.Ensure -eq 'absent')