<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.9: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut --> <Types> <Type> <Name>PowerShell.Guide</Name> <Members> <ScriptMethod> <Name>Export</Name> <Script> <# .SYNOPSIS Exports the PowerShell guide. .DESCRIPTION Export all files in the PowerShell guide. #> param( $OutputPath ) if (-not $OutputPath) { $OutputPath = Get-Module PowerShellGuide | Select-Object -first 1 | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath 'docs' } $allTopicMetadata = @() foreach ($topic in $this.AllTopics) { $relativePathParts = @($topic.RelativePath.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)) $targetPathRoot = $OutputPath if ($relativePathParts.Length -gt 1) { for ( $pathPartIndex = 0; $pathPartIndex -lt ($relativePathParts.Length - 1); $pathPartIndex++ ) { $pathPart = $relativePathParts[$pathPartIndex] $targetPathRoot = Join-Path $targetPathRoot $pathPart } } if (-not (Test-Path $targetPathRoot)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $targetPathRoot -Force } if ($topic.Link.Length -ne ($topic.RelativePath.Length - 3)) { $topicMarkdownFile = Join-Path $OutputPath $topic.Link | Join-Path -ChildPath "index.markdown" } else { $topicMarkdownFile = Join-Path $targetPathRoot "$($topic.TopicName -replace '[_\-\s]', '-').md" } $allTopicMetadata += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $topic.TopicName Aliases = $topic.Aliases Link = $topic.Link } $($topic | Add-Member NoteProperty FrontMatter @{ layout ='default' } -PassThru -Force | Format-Custom -View Markdown | Out-String -Width 1mb).Trim() | Set-Content -Path $topicMarkdownFile Get-Item $topicMarkdownFile } $topicMetadataPath = Join-Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "guide.json" $allTopicMetadata | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path $topicMetadataPath Get-Item $topicMetadataPath </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptProperty> <Name>TopicCount</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $this.AllTopics.Length </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> </Members> </Type> <Type> <Name>PowerShell Guide Topic File</Name> <Members> <ScriptMethod> <Name>ColorizeCode</Name> <Script> param($code) $codeTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($code, [ref]$null) $PreviousToken = $null foreach ($_ in $codeTokens) { $content = $_.Content if ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'String') { $content = $code.Substring($_.Start, $_.Length) } if ($PreviousToken) { $token = $_ $prevEnd = $PreviousToken.Start + $PreviousToken.Length $substring = $code.Substring($prevEnd, $token.Start - $prevEnd) if ($substring) { @{InputObject=$substring} } } if ($_.Type -eq 'Comment') { @{ ForegroundColor='Success' InputObject = $content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument') { @{ ForegroundColor='Verbose' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'Command') { @{ ForegroundColor='Warning' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'CommandParameter') { @{ ForegroundColor='Magenta' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -in 'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Magenta' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -in 'Type' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Progress' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -notin 'Comment', 'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument', 'Variable', 'Command', 'CommandParameter', 'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Output' InputObject=$Content } } else { @{ ForegroundColor='Output' InputObject=$Content } } $PreviousToken = $_ } </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindCodeBlocks</Name> <Script> $codeFenceRegex = [Regex]::new(@' (?> (?<FenceChar>[`\~]){3} # Code fences start with tildas or backticks, repeated at least 3 times (?<Language> # Match a specific language PowerShell ) [\s-[\r\n]]{0,} # Match but do not capture initial whitespace. (?<Code> # Capture the <Code> block (?:.|\s){0,}? # This is anything until (?=\z|\k<FenceChar>{3}) # the end of the string or the same matching fence chars ) (?>\z|\k<FenceChar>{3}) ) '@, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace,Singleline') $codeFenceRegex.Matches($this.Content) </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindHyperlinks</Name> <Script> <# .SYNOPSIS Matches a Markdown Link .DESCRIPTION Matches a Markdown Link. Can customize the link text and link url. .NOTES This only matches simple markdown links. It does not currently match links with titles. #> param( # The text of the link. $LinkText = '[^\]\r\n]+', # The link URI. [Alias('LinkUrl')] $LinkUri = '[^\)\r\n]+' ) [Regex]::new(@" (?<IsImage>\!)? # If there is an exclamation point, then it is an image link \[ # Markdown links start with a bracket (?<Text>$LinkText) \] # anything until the end bracket is the link text. \( # The link uri is within parenthesis (?<Uri>$LinkUri) \) # anything until the closing parenthesis is the link uri. "@, 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace').Matches($this.Content) </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindReferences</Name> <Script> $content = $this.Content $PowerShellGuide = Get-PowerShellGuide $topicReference = @{} foreach ($guideTopic in $PowerShellGuide.AllTopics) { if ($guideTopic.Fullname -eq $this.Fullname) { continue } # avoid self-references foreach ($alias in $guideTopic.Aliases) { $topicReference[$alias] = $guideTopic } } $sortedKeys = $topicReference.Keys | Sort-Object Length, { $_ } -Descending $anyMatches = [Regex]::new("(?<=[\s\>'`"_])(?>$( @(foreach ($k in $sortedKeys) { [Regex]::Escape($k) -replace '\\\s', '[\s\-_]' }) -join '|' ))(?=[\s\>'`"_\.,])", 'IgnoreCase') foreach ($match in $anyMatches.Matches($content)) { $topicAlias = $match -replace '[\s\-_]',' ' [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PowerShell.Guide.Reference' Match = $match TopicName = $topicReference["$topicAlias"].TopicName TopicFile = $topicReference["$topicAlias"] } } </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>ToMarkdown</Name> <Script> $content = $this.Content $avoidRange = @() $avoidRange += @(foreach ($cb in $this.FindCodeBlocks()) { $cb.Index..($cb.Index+$cb.Length) }) $avoidRange += @(foreach ($hyperlink in $this.FindHyperLinks()) { $hyperlink.Index..$($hyperlink.Index + $hyperlink.Length) }) $newText = '' $index = 0 @( foreach ($ref in $this.FindReferences()) { if ($ref.Match.Index -in $avoidRange) { continue } $refStart = $ref.Match.Index if ($refStart -gt $index) { $content.Substring($index, $refStart - $index) } "[$($ref.Match)](/$($ref.TopicFile.Link))" $index = $ref.Match.Index + $ref.Match.Length } if ($index -lt $content.Length) { $content.Substring($index) } ) -join '' </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Aliases</Name> <GetScriptBlock> @( ($this.Name -replace '[_-]', ' ' -replace '\.md$') if ($this.Metadata.Alias) { $this.Metadata.Alias -replace '[_-]', ' ' } if ($this.Metadata.Aliases) { $this.Metadata.Aliases -replace '[_-]', ' ' } ) </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Content</Name> <GetScriptBlock> [IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.Fullname) </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Link</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $link = $this.RelativePath -replace '[\-_\s]', '-' -replace '\.md$', '' if ($link -match '[\\/]') { $linkParts = @($link -split '[\\/]') if ($linkParts[-1] -eq $linkParts[-2]) { $linkParts[0..$($linkParts.Length - 2)] -join '/' } else { $linkParts -join '/' } } else { $link } </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Metadata</Name> <GetScriptBlock> if ($this.psobject.properties['_CachedMetadata']) { return $this._CachedMetadata } $psd1FileName = $this.Name + '.psd1' $psd1File = $this.Fullname + '.psd1' $topicData = if (Test-Path $psd1File) { try { Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $this.Directory.Fullname -FileName $psd1FileName } catch { Write-Warning "$_" @{} } } else { @{} } if (-not $topicData["title"]) { $topicData["title"] = $this.TopicName } elseif ($topicData.Keys -cnotcontains 'title') { $title = $topicData["title"] $topicData.Remove("Title") $topicData["title"] = $title } $this | Add-Member NoteProperty _CachedMetadata $topicData -Force return $topicData </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>RelativePath</Name> <GetScriptBlock> @($this.Fullname -split '[\\/]Guide[\\/]', 2)[1] </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>TopicName</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $this.Name -replace '[_-]', ' ' -replace '\.md$' </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> </Members> </Type> <Type> <Name>PowerShell.Guide.Topic.File</Name> <Members> <ScriptMethod> <Name>ColorizeCode</Name> <Script> param($code) $codeTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($code, [ref]$null) $PreviousToken = $null foreach ($_ in $codeTokens) { $content = $_.Content if ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'String') { $content = $code.Substring($_.Start, $_.Length) } if ($PreviousToken) { $token = $_ $prevEnd = $PreviousToken.Start + $PreviousToken.Length $substring = $code.Substring($prevEnd, $token.Start - $prevEnd) if ($substring) { @{InputObject=$substring} } } if ($_.Type -eq 'Comment') { @{ ForegroundColor='Success' InputObject = $content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument') { @{ ForegroundColor='Verbose' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'Variable', 'Command') { @{ ForegroundColor='Warning' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ($_.Type -in 'CommandParameter') { @{ ForegroundColor='Magenta' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -in 'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Magenta' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -in 'Type' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Progress' InputObject = $Content } } elseif ( $_.Type -notin 'Comment', 'Keyword', 'String', 'CommandArgument', 'Variable', 'Command', 'CommandParameter', 'Operator','GroupStart', 'GroupEnd' ) { @{ ForegroundColor='Output' InputObject=$Content } } else { @{ ForegroundColor='Output' InputObject=$Content } } $PreviousToken = $_ } </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindCodeBlocks</Name> <Script> $codeFenceRegex = [Regex]::new(@' (?> (?<FenceChar>[`\~]){3} # Code fences start with tildas or backticks, repeated at least 3 times (?<Language> # Match a specific language PowerShell ) [\s-[\r\n]]{0,} # Match but do not capture initial whitespace. (?<Code> # Capture the <Code> block (?:.|\s){0,}? # This is anything until (?=\z|\k<FenceChar>{3}) # the end of the string or the same matching fence chars ) (?>\z|\k<FenceChar>{3}) ) '@, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace,Singleline') $codeFenceRegex.Matches($this.Content) </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindHyperlinks</Name> <Script> <# .SYNOPSIS Matches a Markdown Link .DESCRIPTION Matches a Markdown Link. Can customize the link text and link url. .NOTES This only matches simple markdown links. It does not currently match links with titles. #> param( # The text of the link. $LinkText = '[^\]\r\n]+', # The link URI. [Alias('LinkUrl')] $LinkUri = '[^\)\r\n]+' ) [Regex]::new(@" (?<IsImage>\!)? # If there is an exclamation point, then it is an image link \[ # Markdown links start with a bracket (?<Text>$LinkText) \] # anything until the end bracket is the link text. \( # The link uri is within parenthesis (?<Uri>$LinkUri) \) # anything until the closing parenthesis is the link uri. "@, 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace').Matches($this.Content) </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>FindReferences</Name> <Script> $content = $this.Content $PowerShellGuide = Get-PowerShellGuide $topicReference = @{} foreach ($guideTopic in $PowerShellGuide.AllTopics) { if ($guideTopic.Fullname -eq $this.Fullname) { continue } # avoid self-references foreach ($alias in $guideTopic.Aliases) { $topicReference[$alias] = $guideTopic } } $sortedKeys = $topicReference.Keys | Sort-Object Length, { $_ } -Descending $anyMatches = [Regex]::new("(?<=[\s\>'`"_])(?>$( @(foreach ($k in $sortedKeys) { [Regex]::Escape($k) -replace '\\\s', '[\s\-_]' }) -join '|' ))(?=[\s\>'`"_\.,])", 'IgnoreCase') foreach ($match in $anyMatches.Matches($content)) { $topicAlias = $match -replace '[\s\-_]',' ' [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PowerShell.Guide.Reference' Match = $match TopicName = $topicReference["$topicAlias"].TopicName TopicFile = $topicReference["$topicAlias"] } } </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptMethod> <Name>ToMarkdown</Name> <Script> $content = $this.Content $avoidRange = @() $avoidRange += @(foreach ($cb in $this.FindCodeBlocks()) { $cb.Index..($cb.Index+$cb.Length) }) $avoidRange += @(foreach ($hyperlink in $this.FindHyperLinks()) { $hyperlink.Index..$($hyperlink.Index + $hyperlink.Length) }) $newText = '' $index = 0 @( foreach ($ref in $this.FindReferences()) { if ($ref.Match.Index -in $avoidRange) { continue } $refStart = $ref.Match.Index if ($refStart -gt $index) { $content.Substring($index, $refStart - $index) } "[$($ref.Match)](/$($ref.TopicFile.Link))" $index = $ref.Match.Index + $ref.Match.Length } if ($index -lt $content.Length) { $content.Substring($index) } ) -join '' </Script> </ScriptMethod> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Aliases</Name> <GetScriptBlock> @( ($this.Name -replace '[_-]', ' ' -replace '\.md$') if ($this.Metadata.Alias) { $this.Metadata.Alias -replace '[_-]', ' ' } if ($this.Metadata.Aliases) { $this.Metadata.Aliases -replace '[_-]', ' ' } ) </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Content</Name> <GetScriptBlock> [IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.Fullname) </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Link</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $link = $this.RelativePath -replace '[\-_\s]', '-' -replace '\.md$', '' if ($link -match '[\\/]') { $linkParts = @($link -split '[\\/]') if ($linkParts[-1] -eq $linkParts[-2]) { $linkParts[0..$($linkParts.Length - 2)] -join '/' } else { $linkParts -join '/' } } else { $link } </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>Metadata</Name> <GetScriptBlock> if ($this.psobject.properties['_CachedMetadata']) { return $this._CachedMetadata } $psd1FileName = $this.Name + '.psd1' $psd1File = $this.Fullname + '.psd1' $topicData = if (Test-Path $psd1File) { try { Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $this.Directory.Fullname -FileName $psd1FileName } catch { Write-Warning "$_" @{} } } else { @{} } if (-not $topicData["title"]) { $topicData["title"] = $this.TopicName } elseif ($topicData.Keys -cnotcontains 'title') { $title = $topicData["title"] $topicData.Remove("Title") $topicData["title"] = $title } $this | Add-Member NoteProperty _CachedMetadata $topicData -Force return $topicData </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>RelativePath</Name> <GetScriptBlock> @($this.Fullname -split '[\\/]Guide[\\/]', 2)[1] </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> <ScriptProperty> <Name>TopicName</Name> <GetScriptBlock> $this.Name -replace '[_-]', ' ' -replace '\.md$' </GetScriptBlock> </ScriptProperty> </Members> </Type> </Types> |