
function Get-WIScanStatus {
        Gets the status of a scan.
        Get the status of a scans from the WebInspect API.
        The id of the scan to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER WaitForStatusChange
        If the scan status is Running, wait for the scan status to change and then return the new value.
        WebInspect API Uri to use, e.g. http://localhost:8083.
        If empty, the value from PS4WI will be used.
    .PARAMETER AuthMethod
        WebInspect API Authentication Method to use.
        If empty, the value from PS4WI will be used.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        A previously created Credential object to be used.
    .PARAMETER Proxy
        Proxy server to use.
        Default value is the value set by Set-WIConfig.
    .PARAMETER ForceVerbose
        Force verbose output.
        Default value is the value set by Set-WIConfig
        # Get the status of the scan with id "1cec4067-cb67-42ed-8f00-e5220b5afc04"
        Get-WIScanStatus -ScanId "1cec4067-cb67-42ed-8f00-e5220b5afc04"

    param (


        [string]$ApiUri = $Script:PS4WI.ApiUri,

        [string]$AuthMethod = $Script:PS4WI.AuthMethod,

        $Credential = $Script:PS4WI.Credential,

        [string]$Proxy = $Script:PS4WI.Proxy,

        [switch]$ForceVerbose = $Script:PS4WI.ForceVerbose
        $Params = @{}
        if ($ApiUri)        { $Params['ApiUri'] = $ApiUri }
        if ($AuthMethod)    { $Params['AuthMethod'] = $AuthMethod }
        if ($Credential)    { $Params['Credential'] = $Credential }
        if ($Proxy)         { $Params['Proxy'] = $Proxy }
        if ($ForceVerbose) {
            $Params.Add('ForceVerbose', $True)
            $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
        Write-Verbose "Get-WIScanStatus Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )"
        $Body = @{}
        if ($WaitForStatusChange) {
            Write-Host "Waiting for scan status change"
            $Body.Add("action", "waitForStatusChange")
        } else {
            $Body.Add("action", "getCurrentStatus")

        if ($Body.Count -gt 0) {
            $Params.Add('Body', $Body)
        Write-Verbose "Send-WIApi -Method Get -Operation '/scanner/scans/${ScanId}'" #$Params
        $Response = Send-WIApi -Method Get -Operation "/scanner/scans/${ScanId}" @Params
    end {