
function Export-WIScanReport {
        Generates a report from a scan.
        Generates a report from a scan using the WebInspect API and exports the results to a file in the
        specified format.
        The id of the scan to generate the report for.
    .PARAMETER Format
        The format of the exported report.
    .PARAMETER ReportType
        The type of report: "issue" or "compliance".
    .PARAMETER ReportName
        If the value of ReportType is "compliance", then the value of ReportName must be the name of a compliance
        template. If the value of "reportType" is "issue", then the value of ReportName must the name of a custom
        report OR one of the standard reports. Use Get-WIReports to retrieve the available list.
    .PARAMETER IsCustom
        Use this switch if the report is a custom report otherwise a standard report is assumed.
        WebInspect API Uri to use, e.g. http://localhost:8083.
        If empty, the value from PS4WI will be used.
    .PARAMETER AuthMethod
        WebInspect API Authentication Method to use.
        If empty, the value from PS4WI will be used.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        A previously created Credential object to be used.
    .PARAMETER Proxy
        Proxy server to use.
        Default value is the value set by Set-WIConfig.
    .PARAMETER ForceVerbose
        Force verbose output.
        Default value is the value set by Set-WIConfig
        Export-WIScanReport -ScanId ff860346-2978-4f14-bae3-004ff0a535c2 -ReportFormat pdf -ReportType issue -ReportName Vulnerabilities -Outfile test.pdf

    param (

        [validateset('pdf', 'html', 'raw', 'rtf', 'txt', 'excel')]

        [validateset('issue', 'compliance')]



        [switch]$IsCustom = $false,

        [string]$ApiUri = $Script:PS4WI.ApiUri,

        [string]$AuthMethod = $Script:PS4WI.AuthMethod,

        $Credential = $Script:PS4WI.Credential,

        [string]$Proxy = $Script:PS4WI.Proxy,

        [switch]$ForceVerbose = $Script:PS4WI.ForceVerbose
        $Params = @{}
        if ($ApiUri)        { $Params['ApiUri'] = $ApiUri }
        if ($AuthMethod)    { $Params['AuthMethod'] = $AuthMethod }
        if ($Credential)    { $Params['Credential'] = $Credential }
        if ($Proxy)         { $Params['Proxy'] = $Proxy }
        if ($ForceVerbose) {
            $Params.Add('ForceVerbose', $True)
            $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
        Write-Verbose "Export-WIScanReport Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )"
        $Body = @{}
        $Format = "scan"
        if ($ReportType) {
            $Body.Add("reportType", $ReportType)
            $Body.Add("reportFormat", $ReportFormat)
            $Format = $ReportFormat
        if ($ReportName) {
            if (-not $ReportType) {
                throw "If '-ReportName' is specified '-ReportType' must be provided as well"
            $Body.Add("reportName", $ReportName)
            if ($IsCustom) {
                $Body.Add("isCustom", "true")
            } else {
                $Body.Add("isCustom", "false")
        if ($Body.Count -gt 0) {
            $Params.Add('Body', $Body)
        $Params.Add('OutFile', $OutFile)
        Write-Verbose "Send-WIApi -Method Get -Operation '/scanner/reports/${ScanId}.${Format}'" #$Params
        $Response = Send-WIApi -Method Get -Operation "/scanner/reports/${ScanId}.${Format}" @Params
    end {