function New-WIClientCertificateObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new ClientCertificateObject. .DESCRIPTION Create a new PS4WI.ClientCertificateObject for use in initiating a new scan. .PARAMETER StoreName The system store name where the certificate is located. The predefined systems stores are: MY, Root, Trust, CA. .PARAMETER IsGlobal If true, look for "StoreName" in the Local Machine machine hive. Otherwise look for "StoreName" in the Current User hive. .PARAMETER SerialNumber The serial number that uniquely identifies the client certificate. .PARAMETER Bytes If you want to embed the client certificate, use this field. the raw client certificate bytes in base64 encoded format. If this field is set then the values of "IsGlobal", "StoreName" and "SerialNumber" are ignored. Caution! When using the "Bytes" option, the client certificate is embedded in the scan settings and may be visible to other users. .FUNCTIONALITY WebInspect #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable],[String])] param ( [Parameter()] [string]$StoreName, [Parameter()] [validateset($True, $False)] [switch]$IsGlobal, [Parameter()] [string]$SerialNumber, [Parameter()] [string]$Bytes ) begin { Write-Verbose "New-WIClientCertificateObject Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )" } process { } end { $body = @{ } switch ($psboundparameters.keys) { 'storeName' { $body.storeName = $StoreName } 'isGlobal' { if ($IsGlobal) { $body.isGlobal = $true } else { $body.isGlobal = $false } } 'serialNumber' { $body.serialNumber = $SerialNumber } 'bytes' { $body.bytes = $Bytes } } Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $body -TypeName PS4WI.ClientCertificateObject } } |