# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. <# .DESCRIPTION This script takes the output of PSScriptAnalyzer and converts it into an NUnit XML schema file which can be fed into CI test reporting. .PARAMETER ScriptAnalyzerResult The output from Invoke-PSScriptAnalzyer to be written to an NUnit XML file. .PARAMETER Path The path the xml config file should be written to. .PARAMETER Force Overwrite the file at Path if it exists. .EXAMPLE $results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Settings ./PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1 -Path ./ -Recurse .\ConverTo-NUnitXml.ps1 -ScriptAnalyzerResult $results -Path ./PSScriptAnalyzerFailures.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "", Justification = "This is the preferred way of writing output for Azure DevOps.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord[]] $ScriptAnalyzerResult, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path, [switch] $Force ) # Convert sucess/failure into the appropriate terms for certain NUnit attributes. $script:SuccessTerms = @{ $true = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'result' = 'Success' 'success' = 'True'} $false = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'result' = 'Failure' 'success' = 'False'} } function Resolve-UnverifiedPath { <# .SYNOPSIS A wrapper around Resolve-Path that works for paths that exist as well as for paths that don't (Resolve-Path normally throws an exception if the path doesn't exist.) .DESCRIPTION A wrapper around Resolve-Path that works for paths that exist as well as for paths that don't (Resolve-Path normally throws an exception if the path doesn't exist.) .EXAMPLE Resolve-UnverifiedPath -Path 'c:\windows\notepad.exe' Returns the string 'c:\windows\notepad.exe'. .EXAMPLE Resolve-UnverifiedPath -Path '..\notepad.exe' Returns the string 'c:\windows\notepad.exe', assuming that it's executed from within 'c:\windows\system32' or some other sub-directory. .EXAMPLE Resolve-UnverifiedPath -Path '..\foo.exe' Returns the string 'c:\windows\foo.exe', assuming that it's executed from within 'c:\windows\system32' or some other sub-directory, even though this file doesn't exist. .OUTPUTS [string] - The fully resolved path #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $Path ) process { $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path -ErrorVariable resolvePathError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $resolvedPath) { Write-Output -InputObject ($resolvePathError[0].TargetObject) } else { Write-Output -InputObject ($resolvedPath.ProviderPath) } } } function New-NUnitXml { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new, empty NUnit Xml file. .OUTPUTS XmlDocument .NOTES It's expected that the "total" and "failures" attributes on test-results will be updated by the caller after this object has been returned. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification="This does not change any system state.")] param() $date = Get-Date $dateString = $date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") $timeString = $date.ToString("HH:mm:ss") $xml = [xml]([String]::Format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <test-results language="en-us" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="nunit_schema_2.5.xsd" name="PSScriptAnalyzer" total="0" errors="0" failures="0" not-run="0" inconclusive="0" ignored="0" skipped="0" invalid="0" date="{0}" time="{1}"/>', $dateString, $timeString)) return $xml } function Add-Environment { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the environment node to the NUnit Xml document. .PARAMETER Parent The parent element that the element is being added to. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent ) try { $environment = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('environment', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $Parent.AppendChild($environment) $environment.SetAttribute('user', $env:USERNAME) $environment.SetAttribute('machine-name', $env:COMPUTERNAME) $environment.SetAttribute('cwd', (Get-Location)) $environment.SetAttribute('user-domain', $env:USERDOMAIN) $environment.SetAttribute('nunit-version', '') $environment.SetAttribute('platform', ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform)) $environment.SetAttribute('os-version', ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.ToString())) $environment.SetAttribute('clr-version', $PSVersionTable.CLRVersion) return $environment } catch { throw } } function Add-CultureInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the culture-info node to the NUnit Xml document. .PARAMETER Parent The parent element that the element is being added to. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent ) try { $cultureInfo = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('culture-info', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $Parent.AppendChild($cultureInfo) $cultureInfo.SetAttribute('current-culture', ((Get-Culture).Name)) $cultureInfo.SetAttribute('current-uiculture', ((Get-UICulture).Name)) return $cultureInfo } catch { throw } } function Add-TestSuite { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a test-suite node to the NUnit Xml document. .PARAMETER Parent The parent element that the element is being added to. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [string] $Description, [switch] $Succeeded ) try { $testSuite = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('test-suite', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $Parent.AppendChild($testSuite) $testSuite.SetAttribute('type', $Type) $testSuite.SetAttribute('name', $Name) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) { $testSuite.SetAttribute('description', $Description) } $testSuite.SetAttribute('executed', 'True') $testSuite.SetAttribute('time', '0.0') $testSuite.SetAttribute('asserts', '0') $testSuite.SetAttribute('result', $script:SuccessTerms[$Succeeded.ToBool()].result) $testSuite.SetAttribute('success', $script:SuccessTerms[$Succeeded.ToBool()].success) return $testSuite } catch { throw } } function Add-Results { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a results node to the NUnit Xml document. .PARAMETER Parent The parent element that the element is being added to. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification="This is intended to reflect the actual name of the node being added.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent ) try { $results = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('results', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $Parent.AppendChild($results) return $results } catch { throw } } function Add-TestCase { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a test case result to an existing XMLElement results node. .PARAMETER Parent The parent element that the element is being added to. .PARAMETER Name The name of the test case. .PARAMETER Description A descrition of the test case. .PARAMETER ScriptAnalyzerResult The PSScriptAnalyzer result record which explains the specific failure. .OUTPUTS XmlElement. Returns a reference to the newly created test-case element. .EXAMPLE Add-TestCase -Parent $element -Name 'All entries for this rule succeeded' -Description 'All entries for this rule succeeded' Adds a successful test-case element to the parent element provided. .EXAMPLE Add-TestCase -Parent $element -ScriptAnalyzerResult $result Adds a failure test-case element to the parent element provided, with the relevant information extracted from the PSScriptAnalyzer result object. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Success')] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Success')] [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Failure')] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Parent, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Success')] [string] $Name, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Success')] [string] $Description, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Failure')] [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord] $ScriptAnalyzerResult ) try { $testCase = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('test-case', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $Parent.AppendChild($testCase) $succeeded = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Success') if (-not $succeeded) { $Name = "[$($ScriptAnalyzerResult.RuleName)] - $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.ScriptPath):$($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Line), $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Column)" $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule $Description = ($rules | Where-Object { $_.RuleName -eq $ScriptAnalyzerResult.RuleName }).Description } $testCase.SetAttribute('name', $Name) $testCase.SetAttribute('description', $Description) $testCase.SetAttribute('time', '0.0') $testCase.SetAttribute('executed', 'True') $testCase.SetAttribute('asserts', '0') $testCase.SetAttribute('result', $script:SuccessTerms[$succeeded].result) $testCase.SetAttribute('success', $script:SuccessTerms[$succeeded].success) if (-not $succeeded) { $failure = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('failure', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $testCase.AppendChild($failure) $message = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('message', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $failure.AppendChild($message) $message.InnerText = $ScriptAnalyzerResult.Message $stackTraceElement = $Parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('stack-trace', $Parent.OwnerDocument.NamespaceURI) $null = $failure.AppendChild($stackTraceElement) $generatedStackTrace = @( "at line: $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.line) in $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.ScriptPath)", " $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Extent.Text)", " Severity: $($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Severity)") $stackTraceElement.InnerText = ($generatedStackTrace -join [Environment]::NewLine) } return $testCase } catch { throw } } function ConvertTo-NUnitXml { <# .DESCRIPTION Takes the output of PSScriptAnalyzer and converts it into an NUnit XML schema object. .PARAMETER ScriptAnalyzerResult One or more PSScriptAnalyzer result records to be written to the NUnit XML file. .OUTPUTS XmlDocument #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord[]] $ScriptAnalyzerResult ) try { $hasFailures = ($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Count -gt 0) $totalTests = 0 $totalFailures = 0 $xml = New-NUnitXml $null = Add-Environment -Parent $xml.DocumentElement $null = Add-CultureInfo -Parent $xml.DocumentElement $mainTestSuite = Add-TestSuite -Parent $xml.DocumentElement -Type 'PowerShell' -Name -'PSScriptAnalyzer' -Succeeded:(-not $hasFailures) $mainResults = Add-Results -Parent $mainTestSuite $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule foreach ($rule in $rules) { $failures = $ScriptAnalyzerResult | Where-Object { $_.RuleName -eq $rule } $testSuite = Add-TestSuite -Parent $mainResults -Type 'TestFixture' -Name $rule.RuleName -Description $rule.Description -Succeeded:($failures.Count -eq 0) $results = Add-Results -Parent $testSuite if ($failures.Count -eq 0) { $name = "All files pass rule [$($rule.RuleName)]" $null = Add-TestCase -Parent $results -Name $name -Description $rule.Description $totalTests++ } else { foreach ($failure in $failures) { $null = Add-TestCase -Parent $results -ScriptAnalyzerResult $failure $totalTests++ $totalFailures++ } } } # Finally, we need to update a few attributes in the root test-results $xml.'test-results'.total = $totalTests.ToString() $xml.'test-results'.failures = $totalFailures.ToString() # Catch an odd edge case if somehow there was a rule that failed that wasn't in the list # of rules returned. if ($totalFailures -ne $ScriptAnalyzerResult.Count) { Write-Error "The total generated number of failures ($totalFailures) does not match the expected number of failures ($($ScriptAnalyzerResult.Count))." } return $xml } catch { throw } } # Script body $scriptName = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $PSCommandPath try { Write-Host "$($scriptName): Trying to create NUnit XML file based off of the provided PSScriptAnalyzer results." $Path = Resolve-UnverifiedPath -Path $Path if ((Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) -and (-not $Force)) { throw "File at [$Path] already exists, but -Force was not specified. Exiting without replacing it." } $xml = ConvertTo-NUnitXml -ScriptAnalyzerResult $ScriptAnalyzerResult $xml.Save($Path) Write-Host "$($scriptName): Successfully created the NUnit XML file" } catch { Write-Host "$($scriptName): Failed to create the NUnit XML file." throw } |