.SYNOPSIS PowerShell module for GitHub labels #> # Import module which defines $global:gitHubApiToken with GitHub API access token. Create this file it if it doesn't exist. $apiTokensFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\ApiTokens.psm1" if (Test-Path $apiTokensFilePath) { Write-Host "Importing $apiTokensFilePath" Import-Module -force $apiTokensFilePath } else { Write-Host "$apiTokensFilePath does not exist, skipping import" Write-Host @' This module should define $global:gitHubApiToken with your GitHub API access token in ApiTokens.psm1. Create this file if it doesn't exist. You can simply rename ApiTokensTemplate.psm1 to ApiTokens.psm1 and update value of $global:gitHubApiToken. You can get GitHub token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this module, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. '@ } $script:gitHubToken = $global:gitHubApiToken $script:gitHubApiUrl = "" $script:gitHubApiReposUrl = "" <# .SYNOPSIS Function to get single or all labels of given repository .PARAM repositoryName Name of the repository .PARAM ownerName Owner of the repository .PARAM labelName Name of the label to get. Function will return all labels for given repository if labelName is not specified. .PARAM gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token. Get github token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. .EXAMPLE Get-GitHubLabel -repositoryName DesiredStateConfiguration -ownerName Powershell -labelName TestLabel Get-GitHubLabel -repositoryName DesiredStateConfiguration -ownerName Powershell #> function Get-GitHubLabel { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ownerName, [string]$labelName, [string]$gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken ) $resultToReturn = @() $index = 0 $headers = @{"Authorization"="token $gitHubAccessToken"} if ($labelName -eq "") { $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/{0}/{1}/labels" -f $ownerName, $repositoryName Write-Host "Getting all labels for repository $repositoryName" do { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query -Method Get -Headers $headers $labels = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content } catch [System.Net.WebException] { Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)" return $null } catch { Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)" return $null } foreach ($label in $labels) { Write-Verbose "$index. $($" $index++ $resultToReturn += $label } $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult } while ($query -ne $null) } else { $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/{0}/{1}/labels/{2}" -f $ownerName, $repositoryName, $labelName Write-Host "Getting label $labelName for repository $repositoryName" try { $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query -Method Get -Headers $headers $label = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content } catch [System.Net.WebException] { Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)" return $null } catch { Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)" return $null } Write-Verbose "$index. $($" $resultToReturn = $label } return $resultToReturn } <# .SYNOPSIS Function to create label in given repository .PARAM repositoryName Name of the repository .PARAM ownerName Owner of the repository .PARAM labelName Name of the label to create .PARAM gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token. Get github token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. .EXAMPLE New-GitHubLabel -repositoryName DesiredStateConfiguration -ownerName PowerShell -labelName TestLabel -labelColor BBBBBB #> function New-GitHubLabel { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ownerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$labelName, [string]$labelColor = "EEEEEE", [string]$gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken ) $headers = @{"Authorization"="token $gitHubAccessToken"} $hashTable = @{"name"=$labelName; "color"=$labelColor} $data = $hashTable | ConvertTo-Json $url = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/{0}/{1}/labels" -f $ownerName, $repositoryName Write-Host "Creating Label:" $labelName $result = Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Post -Body $data -Headers $headers if ($result.StatusCode -eq 201) { Write-Host $labelName "was created" } else { Write-Error $labelName "was not created. Result: $result" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Function to remove label from given repository .PARAM repositoryName Name of the repository .PARAM ownerName Owner of the repository .PARAM labelName Name of the label to delete .PARAM gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token. Get github token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. .EXAMPLE Remove-GitHubLabel -repositoryName desiredstateconfiguration -ownerName powershell -labelName TestLabel #> function Remove-GitHubLabel { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ownerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$labelName, [string]$gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken ) $headers = @{"Authorization"="token $gitHubAccessToken"} $url = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/{0}/{1}/labels/{2}" -f $ownerName, $repositoryName, $labelName Write-Host "Deleting Label:" $labelName $result = Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Delete -Headers $headers if ($result.StatusCode -eq 204) { Write-Host $labelName "was deleted" } else { Write-Error $labelName "was not deleted. Result: $result" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Function to update label in given repository .PARAM repositoryName Name of the repository .PARAM ownerName Owner of the repository .PARAM labelName Name of the label to update .PARAM newLabelName New name of the label .PARAM labelColor New color of the label .PARAM gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token. Get github token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. .EXAMPLE Update-GitHubLabel -repositoryName DesiredStateConfiguration -ownerName Powershell -labelName TestLabel -newLabelName NewTestLabel -labelColor BBBB00 #> function Update-GitHubLabel { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ownerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$labelName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$newLabelName, [string]$labelColor = "EEEEEE", [string]$gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken ) $headers = @{"Authorization"="token $gitHubAccessToken"} $hashTable = @{"name"=$newLabelName; "color"=$labelColor} $data = $hashTable | ConvertTo-Json $url = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/{0}/{1}/labels/{2}" -f $ownerName, $repositoryName, $labelName Write-Host "Updating label '$labelName' to name '$newLabelName' and color '$labelColor'" $result = Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Patch -Body $data -Headers $headers if ($result.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host $labelName "was updated" } else { Write-Error $labelName "was not updated. Result: $result" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Function to create labels for given repository. It get all labels from repo, remove the ones which aren't on our approved label list, update the ones which already exist to desired color and add the ones which weren't there before. .PARAM repositoryName Name of the repository .PARAM ownerName Owner of the repository .PARAM gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token. Get github token from If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour. .EXAMPLE New-GitHubLabels -repositoryName DesiredStateConfiguration -ownerName Powershell #> function New-GitHubLabels { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ownerName, [string]$gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken ) $labelJson = @" [ { "name": "pri:lowest", "color": "4285F4" }, { "name": "pri:low", "color": "4285F4" }, { "name": "pri:medium", "color": "4285F4" }, { "name": "pri:high", "color": "4285F4" }, { "name": "pri:highest", "color": "4285F4" }, { "name": "bug", "color": "fc2929" }, { "name": "duplicate", "color": "cccccc" }, { "name": "enhancement", "color": "121459" }, { "name": "up for grabs", "color": "159818" }, { "name": "question", "color": "cc317c" }, { "name": "discussion", "color": "fe9a3d" }, { "name": "wontfix", "color": "dcb39c" }, { "name": "in progress", "color": "f0d218" }, { "name": "ready", "color": "145912" } ] "@ $labelList = $labelJson | ConvertFrom-Json $labelListNames = $ $existingLabels = Get-GitHubLabel -repositoryName $repositoryName -ownerName $ownerName -gitHubAccessToken $gitHubAccessToken $existingLabelsNames = $ foreach ($label in $labelList) { if ($ -notin $existingLabelsNames) { # Create label if it doesn't exist New-GitHubLabel -repositoryName $repositoryName -ownerName $ownerName -labelName $ -labelColor $label.color -gitHubAccessToken $gitHubAccessToken } else { # Update label's color if it already exists Update-GitHubLabel -repositoryName $repositoryName -ownerName $ownerName -labelName $ -newLabelName $ -labelColor $label.color -gitHubAccessToken $gitHubAccessToken } } foreach ($label in $existingLabelsNames) { if($label -notin $labelListNames) { # Remove label if it exists but is not on desired label list Remove-GitHubLabel -repositoryName $repositoryName -ownerName $ownerName -labelName $label -gitHubAccessToken $gitHubAccessToken } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Function to get next page with results from query to GitHub API .PARAM jsonResult Result from the query to GitHub API #> function Get-NextResultPage { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $jsonResult ) if($jsonResult.Headers.Link -eq $null) { return $null } $nextLinkString = $jsonResult.Headers.Link.Split(',')[0] # Get url query for the next page $query = $nextLinkString.Split(';')[0].replace('<','').replace('>','') if ($query -notmatch 'page=1') { return $query } else { return $null } } |