
    .SYNOPSIS PowerShell module for GitHub analytics

# Import module which defines $global:gitHubApiToken with GitHub API access token. Create this file it if it doesn't exist.
$apiTokensFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\ApiTokens.psm1"
if (Test-Path $apiTokensFilePath)
    Write-Host "Importing $apiTokensFilePath"
    Import-Module  -force $apiTokensFilePath
    Write-Host "$apiTokensFilePath does not exist, skipping import"
    Write-Host @'
This module should define $global:gitHubApiToken with your GitHub API access token in ApiTokens.psm1. Create this file if it doesn't exist.
You can simply rename ApiTokensTemplate.psm1 to ApiTokens.psm1 and update value of $global:gitHubApiToken.
You can get GitHub token from
If you don't provide it, you can still use this module, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.


$script:gitHubToken = $global:gitHubApiToken 
$script:gitHubApiUrl = ""
$script:gitHubApiReposUrl = ""
$script:gitHubApiOrgsUrl = ""

    .SYNOPSIS Function which gets list of issues for given repository
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get issues from
        state Whether we want to get open, closed or all issues
        createdOnOrAfter Filter to only get issues created on or after specific date
        createdOnOrBefore Filter to only get issues created on or before specific date
        closedOnOrAfter Filter to only get issues closed on or after specific date
        ClosedOnOrBefore Filter to only get issues closed on or before specific date
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository -repositoryUrl @('')
        $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl @('', "" ) `
            -createdOnOrAfter '2015-04-20'

function Get-GitHubIssueForRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [ValidateSet("open", "closed", "all")]
        [String] $state = "open",
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrBefore,
        [DateTime] $closedOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $closedOnOrBefore,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()

    $index = 0
    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        Write-Host "Getting issues for repository $repository" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryOwner = Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository

        # Create query for issues
        $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName/issues?state=$state"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
            $query += "&access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"
        # Obtain issues
                $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
                $issues = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
            catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
                return $null
            catch {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
                return $null

            foreach ($issue in $issues)
                # GitHub considers pull request to be an issue, so let's skip pull requests.
                if ($issue.pull_request -ne $null)

                # Filter according to createdOnOrAfter
                $createdDate = Get-Date -Date $issue.created_at
                if (($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdDate -lt $createdOnOrAfter))

                # Filter according to createdOnOrBefore
                if (($createdOnOrBefore -ne $null) -and ($createdDate -gt $createdOnOrBefore))

                if ($issue.closed_at -ne $null)
                    # Filter according to closedOnOrAfter
                    $closedDate = Get-Date -Date $issue.closed_at
                    if (($closedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($closedDate -lt $closedOnOrAfter))

                    # Filter according to closedOnOrBefore
                    if (($closedOnOrBefore -ne $null) -and ($closedDate -gt $closedOnOrBefore))
                    # If issue isn't closed, but we specified filtering on closedOn, skip it
                    if (($closedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -or ($closedOnOrBefore -ne $null))
                Write-Verbose "$index. $($issue.html_url) ## Created: $($issue.created_at) ## Closed: $($issue.closed_at)"

                $resultToReturn += $issue
            $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
        } while ($query -ne $null)

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Function which returns number of issues created/merged in every week in specific repositories
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get pull requests from
        numberOfWeeks How many weeks we want to obtain data for
        dataType Whether we want to get information about created or merged issues in specific weeks
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        Get-GitHubWeeklyIssueForRepository -repositoryUrl @('', '') -datatype closed

function Get-GitHubWeeklyIssueForRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [int] $numberOfWeeks = 12,
        [string] $dataType,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $weekDates = Get-WeekDate -numberOfWeeks $numberOfWeeks
    $endOfWeek = Get-Date
    $results = @()
    $totalIssues = 0

    foreach ($week in $weekDates)
        Write-Host "Getting issues from week of $week"

        $issues = $null

        if ($dataType -eq "closed")
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repositoryUrl -state 'all' -closedOnOrAfter $week -closedOnOrBefore $endOfWeek    
        elseif ($dataType -eq "created")
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repositoryUrl -state 'all' -createdOnOrAfter $week -createdOnOrBefore $endOfWeek
        $endOfWeek = $week
        if (($issues -ne $null) -and ($issues.Count -eq $null))
            $count = 1
            $count = $issues.Count
        $totalIssues += $count

        $results += @{"BeginningOfWeek"=$week; "Issues"=$count}

    $results += @{"BeginningOfWeek"="total"; "Issues"=$totalIssues}
    return $results    

    .SYNOPSIS Function which returns repositories with biggest number of issues meeting specified criteria
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get issues from
        state Whether we want to get information about open issues, closed or both
        createdOnOrAfter Get information about issues created after specific date
        closedOnOrAfter Get information about issues closed after specific date
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        Get-GitHubTopIssueRepository -repositoryUrl @('', '', '') -state open

function Get-GitHubTopIssueRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [ValidateSet("open", "closed", "all")]
        [String] $state = "open",
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $closedOnOrAfter,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    if (($state -eq "open") -and ($closedOnOrAfter -ne $null))
        Throw "closedOnOrAfter cannot be specified if state is open"

    $repositoryIssues = @{}

    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        if (($closedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null))
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -closedOnOrAfter $closedOnOrAfter -createdOnOrAfter $createdOnOrAfter
        elseif (($closedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -eq $null))
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -closedOnOrAfter $closedOnOrAfter
        elseif (($closedOnOrAfter -eq $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null))
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -createdOnOrAfter $createdOnOrAfter
        elseif (($closedOnOrAfter -eq $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -eq $null))
            $issues = Get-GitHubIssueForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state

        if (($issues -ne $null) -and ($issues.Count -eq $null))
            $count = 1
            $count = $issues.Count

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryIssues.Add($repositoryName, $count)

    $repositoryIssues = $repositoryIssues.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Value -Descending

    return $repositoryIssues

    .SYNOPSIS Function which gets list of pull requests for given repository
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get pull requests from
        state Whether we want to get open, closed or all pull requests
        createdOnOrAfter Filter to only get pull requests created on or after specific date
        createdOnOrBefore Filter to only get pull requests created on or before specific date
        mergedOnOrAfter Filter to only get issues merged on or after specific date
        mergedOnOrBefore Filter to only get issues merged on or before specific date
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository -repositoryUrl @('')
        $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl @('', '') `
            -state closed -mergedOnOrAfter 2015-02-13 -mergedOnOrBefore 2015-06-17

function Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [ValidateSet("open", "closed", "all")]
        [String] $state = "open",
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrBefore,
        [DateTime] $mergedOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $mergedOnOrBefore,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()

    $index = 0
    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        Write-Host "Getting pull requests for repository $repository" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryOwner = Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository

        # Create query for pull requests
        $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName/pulls?state=$state"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
            $query += "&access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"
        # Obtain pull requests
                $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
                $pullRequests = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
            catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
                return $null
            catch {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
                return $null

            foreach ($pullRequest in $pullRequests)
                # Filter according to createdOnOrAfter
                $createdDate = Get-Date -Date $pullRequest.created_at
                if (($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdDate -lt $createdOnOrAfter))

                # Filter according to createdOnOrBefore
                if (($createdOnOrBefore -ne $null) -and ($createdDate -gt $createdOnOrBefore))

                if ($pullRequest.merged_at -ne $null)
                    # Filter according to mergedOnOrAfter
                    $mergedDate = Get-Date -Date $pullRequest.merged_at
                    if (($mergedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($mergedDate -lt $mergedOnOrAfter))

                    # Filter according to mergedOnOrBefore
                    if (($mergedOnOrBefore -ne $null) -and ($mergedDate -gt $mergedOnOrBefore))
                    # If issue isn't merged, but we specified filtering on mergedOn, skip it
                    if (($mergedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -or ($mergedOnOrBefore -ne $null))
                Write-Verbose "$index. $($pullRequest.html_url) ## Created: $($pullRequest.created_at) ## Merged: $($pullRequest.merged_at)"

                $resultToReturn += $pullRequest
            $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
        } while ($query -ne $null) 

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Function which returns number of pull requests created/merged in every week in specific repositories
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get pull requests from
        numberOfWeeks How many weeks we want to obtain data for
        dataType Whether we want to get information about created or merged pull requests in specific weeks
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        Get-GitHubWeeklyPullRequestForRepository -repositoryUrl @('', '') -datatype merged

function Get-GitHubWeeklyPullRequestForRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [int] $numberOfWeeks = 12,
        [string] $dataType,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    $weekDates = Get-WeekDate -numberOfWeeks $numberOfWeeks
    $endOfWeek = Get-Date
    $results = @()
    $totalPullRequests = 0

    foreach ($week in $weekDates)
        Write-Host "Getting Pull Requests from week of $week"

        $pullRequests = $null

        if ($dataType -eq "merged")
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repositoryUrl `
            -state 'all' -mergedOnOrAfter $week -mergedOnOrBefore $endOfWeek
        elseif ($dataType -eq "created")
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repositoryUrl `
            -state 'all' -createdOnOrAfter $week -createdOnOrBefore $endOfWeek
        $endOfWeek = $week

        if (($pullRequests -ne $null) -and ($pullRequests.Count -eq $null))
            $count = 1
            $count = $pullRequests.Count
        $totalPullRequests += $count

        $results += @{"BeginningOfWeek"=$week; "PullRequests"=$count}

    $results += @{"BeginningOfWeek"="total"; "PullRequests"=$totalPullRequests}
    return $results    

    .SYNOPSIS Function which returns repositories with biggest number of pull requests meeting specified criteria
        repositoryUrl Array of repository urls which we want to get pull requests from
        state Whether we want to get information about open pull requests, closed or both
        createdOnOrAfter Get information about pull requests created after specific date
        mergedOnOrAfter Get information about pull requests merged after specific date
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        Get-GitHubTopPullRequestRepository -repositoryUrl @('', '') -state closed -mergedOnOrAfter 2015-04-20

function Get-GitHubTopPullRequestRepository
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        [ValidateSet("open", "closed", "all")]
        [String] $state = "open",
        [DateTime] $createdOnOrAfter,
        [DateTime] $mergedOnOrAfter,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    if (($state -eq "open") -and ($mergedOnOrAfter -ne $null))
        Throw "mergedOnOrAfter cannot be specified if state is open"

    $repositoryPullRequests = @{}

    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        if (($mergedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null))
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -mergedOnOrAfter $mergedOnOrAfter -createdOnOrAfter $createdOnOrAfter
        elseif (($mergedOnOrAfter -ne $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -eq $null))
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -mergedOnOrAfter $mergedOnOrAfter
        elseif (($mergedOnOrAfter -eq $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -ne $null))
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state -createdOnOrAfter $createdOnOrAfter
        elseif (($mergedOnOrAfter -eq $null) -and ($createdOnOrAfter -eq $null))
            $pullRequests = Get-GitHubPullRequestForRepository `
            -repositoryUrl $repository `
            -state $state

        if (($pullRequests -ne $null) -and ($pullRequests.Count -eq $null))
            $count = 1
            $count = $pullRequests.Count

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryPullRequests.Add($repositoryName, $count)

    $repositoryPullRequests = $repositoryPullRequests.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Value -Descending

    return $repositoryPullRequests

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain repository collaborators
    .EXAMPLE $collaborators = Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator -repositoryUrl @('')

function Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()
    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        $index = 0
        Write-Host "Getting repository collaborators for repository $repository" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryOwner = Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository

        $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName/collaborators"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
            $query += "?access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"
        # Obtain all collaborators
                $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
                $collaborators = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
            catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
                return $null
            catch {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
                return $null

            foreach ($collaborator in $collaborators)
                Write-Verbose "$index. $($collaborator.login)"
                $resultToReturn += $collaborator
            $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
        } while ($query -ne $null)
    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain repository contributors
    .EXAMPLE $contributors = Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor -repositoryUrl @('', '')

function Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor
        [String[]] $repositoryUrl,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()
    foreach ($repository in $repositoryUrl)
        $index = 0
        Write-Host "Getting repository contributors for repository $repository" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        $repositoryName = Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository
        $repositoryOwner = Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl -repositoryUrl $repository

        $query = "$script:gitHubApiReposUrl/$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName/stats/contributors"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
            $query += "?access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"
        # Obtain all contributors
                $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
                $contributors = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
            catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
                return $null
            catch {
                Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
                return $null

            foreach ($contributor in $contributors)
                Write-Verbose "$index. $($ Commits: $($"
                $resultToReturn += $contributor
            $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
        } while ($query -ne $null)


    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain organization members list
        organizationName name of the organization
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
    .EXAMPLE $members = Get-GitHubOrganizationMember -organizationName PowerShell

function Get-GitHubOrganizationMember
        [String] $organizationName,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    $resultToReturn = @()
    $index = 0

    $query = "$script:gitHubApiOrgsUrl/$organizationName/members"

    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
        $query += "?access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"

            $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
            $members = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
        catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
            return $null
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
            return $null

        foreach ($member in $members)
            Write-Verbose "$index. $(($member).login)"
            $resultToReturn += $member
        $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
    } while ($query -ne $null)

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain organization teams list
        organizationName name of the organization
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
    .EXAMPLE Get-GitHubTeam -organizationName PowerShell

function Get-GitHubTeam
        [String] $organizationName,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    $resultToReturn = @()
    $index = 0

    $query = "$script:gitHubApiUrl/orgs/$organizationName/teams"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
        $query += "?access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"

            $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
            $teams = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
        catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
            return $null
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
            return $null

        foreach ($team in $teams)
            Write-Verbose "$index. $(($team).name)"
            $resultToReturn += $team
        $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
    } while ($query -ne $null)

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain organization team members list
        organizationName name of the organization
        teamName name of the team in the organization
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
    .EXAMPLE $members = Get-GitHubTeamMember -organizationName PowerShell -teamName Everybody

function Get-GitHubTeamMember
        [String] $organizationName,
        [String] $teamName,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken
    $resultToReturn = @()
    $index = 0

    $teams = Get-GitHubTeam -organizationName $organizationName
    $team = $teams | ? {$ -eq $teamName}
    if ($team) {
        Write-Host "Found team $teamName with id $($"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Cannot find team $teamName"

    $query = "$script:gitHubApiUrl/teams/$($"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
        $query += "?access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"

            $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
            $members = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content
        catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
            return $null
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
            return $null

        foreach ($member in $members)
            Write-Verbose "$index. $($member.login)"
            $resultToReturn += $member
        $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
    } while ($query -ne $null)

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Function which gets list of repositories for a given organization
        organization The name of the organization
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        $repositories = Get-GitHubOrganizationRepository -organization 'PowerShell'

function Get-GitHubOrganizationRepository
        [String] $organization,
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()

    $query = "$script:gitHubApiUrl/orgs/$organization/repos?"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
        $query += "&access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"

            $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
            $repositories = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content)
        catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)`nHTTP status code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)"
            return $null
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to execute query with exception: $($_.Exception)"
            return $null

        foreach($repository in $repositories)
            $resultToReturn += $repository
        $query = Get-NextResultPage -jsonResult $jsonResult
    } while ($query -ne $null)

    return $resultToReturn

    .SYNOPSIS Function to get next page with results from query to GitHub API
        jsonResult Result from the query to GitHub API

function Get-NextResultPage
    if($jsonResult.Headers.Link -eq $null)
        return $null

    $nextLinkString = $jsonResult.Headers.Link.Split(',')[0]
    # Get url query for the next page
    $query = $nextLinkString.Split(';')[0].replace('<','').replace('>','')
    if ($query -notmatch '&page=1')
        return $query
        return $null

    .SYNOPSIS Function which gets the authenticated user
        gitHubAccessToken GitHub API Access Token.
            Get github token from
            If you don't provide it, you can still use this script, but you will be limited to 60 queries per hour.
        $user = Get-GitHubAuthenticatedUser

function Get-GitHubAuthenticatedUser
        $gitHubAccessToken = $script:gitHubToken

    $resultToReturn = @()

    $query = "$script:gitHubApiUrl/user?"
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gitHubAccessToken))
        $query += "&access_token=$gitHubAccessToken"
    $jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest $query
    $user = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonResult.content

    return $user

    .SYNOPSIS Returns array of unique contributors which were contributing to given set of repositories. Accepts output of Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor
    .EXAMPLE $contributors = Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor -repositoryUrl @('', '')
             $uniqueContributors = Get-GitHubRepositoryUniqueContributor -contributors $contributors

function Get-GitHubRepositoryUniqueContributor
        [object[]] $contributors

    $uniqueContributors = @()
    Write-Host "Getting unique repository contributors" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    foreach ($contributor in $contributors)
        if (-not $uniqueContributors.Contains($
            $uniqueContributors += $

    return $uniqueContributors

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain repository name from it's url
    .EXAMPLE Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl -repositoryUrl ""

function Get-GitHubRepositoryNameFromUrl

    $repositoryName = Split-Path $repositoryUrl -Leaf
    return $repositoryName

    .SYNOPSIS Obtain repository owner from it's url
    .EXAMPLE Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl -repositoryUrl ""

function Get-GitHubRepositoryOwnerFromUrl

    $repositoryOwner = Split-Path $repositoryUrl -Parent
    $repositoryOwner = Split-Path $repositoryOwner -Leaf
    return $repositoryOwner

    .SYNOPSIS Returns array with dates with starts of $numberOfWeeks previous weeks.
        Dates are sorted in reverse chronological order
    .EXAMPLE Get-WeekDate -numberOfWeeks 10

function Get-WeekDate
        [int] $numberOfWeeks = 12

    $beginningsOfWeeks = @()

    $today = Get-Date
    $midnightToday = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
    $startOfWeek = $midnightToday.AddDays(- ($midnightToday.DayOfWeek.value__ - 1))

    if ($numberOfWeeks -ge 1)
        $beginningsOfWeeks += $startOfWeek

    for ($week = 2; $week -le $numberOfWeeks; $week++)
        # Get date of previous Monday
        $startOfWeek = $startOfWeek.AddDays(-7)
        $beginningsOfWeeks += $startOfWeek

    return $beginningsOfWeeks