function Import-FODDynamicScan { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a dynamic scan results file into a FOD Release. .DESCRIPTION Imports a Fortify SCA on-premise scan results file into a Fortify on Demand Release. .PARAMETER ReleaseId The Id of the release to import into. .PARAMETER ScanFile The absolute path of the scan file to import. .PARAMETER Raw If specified, provide raw output and do not parse any responses. .PARAMETER Token FOD token to use. If empty, the value from PS4FOD will be used. .PARAMETER Proxy Proxy server to use. Default value is the value set by Set-FODConfig .EXAMPLE # Import an FPR scan file into release with id 1000 Import-FODDynamicScan -Release 1000 -ScanFile C:\Temp\scans\scanResults.fpr .LINK!/DynamicScans/DynamicScansV3_PutImportScan .FUNCTIONALITY Fortify on Demand #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$ReleaseId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] []$ScanFile, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Token = $Script:PS4FOD.Token, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ApiUri = $Script:PS4FOD.ApiUri, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Proxy = $Script:PS4FOD.Proxy, [switch]$ForceVerbose = $Script:PS4FOD.ForceVerbose ) begin { if (-not $ScanFile.Exists) { Write-Error "Scan file '$ScanFile' does not exist" throw } $Params = @{} if ($Proxy) { $Params['Proxy'] = $Proxy } if ($ForceVerbose) { $Params.Add('ForceVerbose', $True) $VerbosePreference = "Continue" } Write-Verbose "Import-FODDynamicScan Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )" $ImportSessionId = $null $FileLength = $ScanFile.Length $Offset = 0 $FragmentNumber = 0 $ChunkSize = 1024 * 1024 # Create temporary file to store payload "chunks" in. $TempFile = New-TemporaryFile $TempFileName = $TempFile.FullName Write-Verbose "Created payload chunk temporary file: $TempFileName" $Params.Add('BodyFile', $TempFile.FullName) $Params.Add("ContentType", "application/octet-stream") $Response = $null } process { # Start "Import Scan session" Write-Verbose "Send-FODApi -Method Get -Operation '/api/v3/releases/$ReleaseId/import-scan-session-id'" #$Params $Response = Send-FODApi -Method Get -Operation "/api/v3/releases/$ReleaseId/import-scan-session-id" @Params $ImportSessionId = $Response.importScanSessionId Write-Verbose "Import scan session id is: $ImportSessionId" # Open scan file for reading $stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($ScanFile) $readByteArray = New-Object byte[] $ChunkSize while ($numBytesRead = $stream.Read($readByteArray, 0, $ChunkSize)){ if ($numBytesRead -lt $ChunkSize) { $FragmentNumber = -1 } if ($FragmentNumber -eq -1) { Write-Verbose "Sending last fragment" } else { Write-Verbose "Sending fragment: $FragmentNumber" } Set-Content -Path $TempFile.FullName -Value $readByteArray -Encoding Byte $ImportUrl = "/api/v3/releases/$ReleaseId/dynamic-scans/import-scan?releaseId=$ReleaseId&fragNo=$FragmentNumber&offset=$Offset&fileLength=$FileLength&importScanSessionId=$ImportSessionId" Write-Verbose "Send-FODApi -Method Put -Operation $ImportUrl" #$Params $Response = Send-FODApi -Method Put -Operation $ImportUrl @Params $FragmentNumber += 1 $Offset += $numBytesRead Write-Verbose "Read bytes: $Offset / $FileLength" } } end { # Delete temporary file Write-Verbose "Deleting scan data temporary file: $TempFileName" $TempFile.Delete() if ($Raw) { $Response } else { $ReferenceId = $Response.referenceId Write-Host "Imported scan with reference id: $ReferenceId" } } } |