function New-FODApplicationObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Construct a new FOD Application Object. .DESCRIPTION Construct a new FOD Application Object. Note that this does not physically add the application in FOD. It constructs an application object to add with the Add-FODApplication function. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the application. Note: you do not need to set this parameter to add a new application, it is used to store the id of a previously created application when this is object is used for Get-FODApplication/Get-FODApplications. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the application. .PARAMETER Description The Description of the application. Optional. .PARAMETER Type The Type of the application. Allowed values are 'Web_Thick_Client' or 'Mobile'. .PARAMETER BusinessCriticality The Business Criticality of the application. Valid values are 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low'. .PARAMETER ReleaseName The name of the initial Release to create for the application. .PARAMETER ReleaseDescription The Description of the release. Optional. .PARAMETER SDLCStatus The SDLC status of the release. Valid values are 'Development', 'QA', 'Production' or 'Retired'. .PARAMETER EmailList Comma separated list of email addresses to send notifications to. Optional. .PARAMETER HasMicroservices Whether the application contains Microservices. Default is false. .PARAMETER MicroServices Collection of PS4FOD.MicroserviceObject's containing the release names of all Microservices associated to the application. Optional. .PARAMETER ReleaseMicroserviceName The name of the Microservice to be associated with the release. Optional. .PARAMETER OwnerId The id of the owner of the application. The "Owner" receives all email notifications related to this application. .PARAMETER Attributes Collection of PS4FOD.AttributeObject's containing key/value pairs. Optional but some attributes may have been made mandatory for your tenant. .PARAMETER UserGroups Collection of PS4FOD.UserGroupObject's containing user id's that should have access to this application. Optional. .EXAMPLE New-FODApplicationObject -Name "apitest1" -Description "its description" -Type "Web_Thick_Client" -BusinessCriticality "Low" -ReleaseName 1.0 -ReleaseDescription "its description" -SDLCStatus "Development" -HasMicroservices $false -OwnerId 9444 -Attributes $attributes .FUNCTIONALITY Fortify on Demand #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable],[String])] Param ( [int]$Id, [string]$Name, [string]$Description, [validateset('Web_Thick_Client', 'Mobile')] [string]$Type, [validateset('High', 'Medium', 'Low')] [string]$BusinessCriticality, [string]$ReleaseName, [string]$ReleaseDescription, [validateset('Development', 'QA', 'Production', 'Retired')] [string]$SDLCStatus, [string]$EmailList, [validateset($True, $False)] [bool]$HasMicroservices = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSTypeName('PS4FOD.MicroserviceObject')] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $MicroServices, [string]$ReleaseMicroserviceName, [int]$OwnerId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSTypeName('PS4FOD.AttributeObject')] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $Attributes, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSTypeName('PS4FOD.UserGroupObject')] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $UserGroups ) begin { $AllMicroservices = @() $AllUserGroups = @() $AllAttributes = @() Write-Verbose "New-FODApplicationObject Bound Parameters: $( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Out-String )" } process { foreach ($MicroService in $Microservices) { $AllMicroservices += $MicroService } foreach ($UserGroup in $UserGroups) { $AllUserGroups += $UserGroup } foreach ($Attribute in $Attributes) { $AllAttributes += $Attribute } } end { $body = @{ } switch ($psboundparameters.keys) { 'id' { $body.applicationId = $Id } 'name' { $body.applicationName = $Name } 'description' { $body.applicationDescription = $Description } 'type' { $body.applicationType = $Type } 'businessCriticality' { $body.businessCriticalityType = $BusinessCriticality } 'user' { $body.ownerId = $User.Id } 'emailList' { $body.emailList = $EmailList } 'hasMicroservices' { $body.hasMicroservices = $HasMicroservices } 'microservices' { $body.microservices = @($AllMicroServices) } 'releaseMicroserviceName' { $body.releaseMicroserviceName = $releaseMicroserviceName } 'releaseName' { $body.releaseName = $ReleaseName } 'releaseDescription' { $body.releaseDescription = $ReleaseDescription } 'sdlcStatus' { $body.sdlcStatusType = $SDLCStatus } 'ownerId' { $body.ownerId = $OwnerId } 'userGroupIds' { $body.userGroupIds = @($AllUserGroups)} 'attributes' { $body.attributes = @($AllAttributes) } } Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $body -TypeName PS4FOD.ApplicationObject } } |