function ConvertTo-String { param($Object) if ($null -eq $Object) { return [String]::Empty } return $Object.ToString() } function Start-PowerShellExplorer { param($Port = 8080, [Switch]$NoBrowser) $Pages = @() $ModuleEndpointSchedule = New-UDEndpointSchedule -Every 5 -Minute $ModuleEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Schedule $ModuleEndpointSchedule -Endpoint { $Cache:InstalledModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable } $Pages += New-UDPage -Name "Home" -Icon home -Content { New-UDElement -Tag div -Attributes @{ className = "center-align" } -Content { New-UDHeading -Size 1 -Text "PowerShell Explorer" New-UDHeading -Size 3 -Text "PowerShell environment dashboard" } New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content { New-UDCard -Title "Abstract Syntax Tree" -Content { "Navigate the abstract syntax tree of any script you enter" } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/AST-Explorer") New-UDCard -Title "Desired State Configuration" -Content { "Desired state configuration resources and status." } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/DSC") New-UDCard -Title "PowerShell Host Processes" -Content { "View processes hosting the PowerShell engine." } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Host-Processes") New-UDCard -Title "PS Providers" -Content { "Navigate providers and their drives in a tree view." } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Providers") New-UDCard -Title "Repositories" -Content { "View repositories registered with PowerShellGet" } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Repositories") New-UDCard -Title "Scheduled Jobs" -Content { "View registered scheduled jobs" } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Scheduled-Jobs") New-UDCard -Title "Variables" -Content { "View variables currently defined in the runspace." } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Variables") New-UDCard -Title "Verbs" -Content { "View approved verbs." } -Links @(New-UDLink -Text "View" -Url "/Verbs") } } Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "pages") | ForEach-Object { $Pages += . $_.FullName } $Initialization = New-UDEndpointInitialization -Module (Invoke-Expression "'$PSScriptRoot\controls\textarea.ps1'") -Function "ConvertTo-String" $Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "PowerShell Explorer" -Pages $Pages -EndpointInitialization $Initialization Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Port $Port -Endpoint $ModuleEndpoint if (-not $NoBrowser) { Start-Process http://localhost:$Port } } |