BeforeAll { . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1') } Describe "Function Out-Log" -Tag 'UnitTests' { Context "Logging to a new log file" { It "Creates a new log file if it doesn't exist" { $logFilePath = "TestDrive:\Test_Out-Log_$(Get-Random).log" $logFilePath | Should -Not -Exist Out-Log -LogFilePath $logFilePath -Message "Test message" -Status Information $logFilePath | Should -Exist } It "Logs the message with the specified status" { $logFilePath = "TestDrive:\Test_Out-Log_$(Get-Random).log" Out-Log -LogFilePath $logFilePath -Message "Test message" -Status Warning $logContents = Get-Content -Path $logFilePath -Raw $logContents | Should -Match " > Warning > Test message" } } Context "Logging to an existing log file" { It "Appends the message to the existing log file" { $logFilePath = "TestDrive:\Test_Out-Log_$(Get-Random).log" Out-Log -LogFilePath $logFilePath -Message "Test message" -Status Error $logContentsBefore = Get-Content -Path $logFilePath $logContentsBefore[-1] | Should -Match " > Error > Test message" Out-Log -LogFilePath $logFilePath -Message "Test message" -Status Information $logContentsAfter = Get-Content -Path $logFilePath $logContentsAfter[-1] | Should -Match "Information > Test message" } } } |