.SYNOPSIS Retrieves OpenAI assistants. .DESCRIPTION The Get-OAIAssistant function retrieves OpenAI assistants based on the specified criteria. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the name of the assistant to retrieve. If not provided, all assistants will be returned. .PARAMETER Raw Indicates whether to return the raw response or the selected properties of the assistants. .EXAMPLE Get-OAIAssistant -Name "Weather Assistant" Retrieves the assistant with the name "Weather Assistant". .EXAMPLE Get-OAIAssistant -Raw Retrieves the raw response of all assistants. .NOTES This function requires PowerShell version 7.4.0 or later. The Invoke-RestMethod switch -AllowInsecureRedirect is not available in earlier versions. .LINK #> function Get-OAIAssistant { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Name, [Switch]$Raw ) $url = $baseUrl + "/assistants" $Method = 'Get' $response = Invoke-OAIBeta -Uri $url -Method $Method if ($Raw) { return $response } else { if (!$Name) { $Name = '*' } $properties = @('Id', 'Name', 'Instructions', 'Model', 'Tools') $ | Where-Object { $ -like $Name } | Select-Object $properties } } |