Remove-Module 'PowerShellAI' -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\PowerShellAI.psd1" -Force Describe "Set-OpenAIKey" -Tag 'SetOpenAIKey' { It "Should throw when Key parameter value is null" { {Set-OpenAIKey -Key $null} | Should -Throw } It "Should throw when Key parameter value is empty" { {Set-OpenAIKey -Key ([System.Security.SecureString]::new())} | Should -Throw } It "Should throw when Key parameter value is not of type [SecureString]" { {Set-OpenAIKey -Key 'NotSecureStringType'} | Should -Throw } It "Should accept valid secure string as Key parameter value" { {Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'FakeOpenAIKey' -AsPlainText -Force)} | Should -Not -Throw } AfterAll { InModuleScope 'PowerShellAI' { #Reset module scope secure string with fake OpenAI key $Script:OpenAIKey = $null } } } |