Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\PowerShellAI.psd1" -Force Describe "Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress" -Tag InvokeRestMethodWithProgress { InModuleScope 'PowerShellAI' { $script:StartJobCommand = Get-Command "Start-Job" BeforeEach { Reset-APIEstimatedResponseTimes Push-Location -StackName "MOCK-IRMWP" -Path $PSScriptRoot New-PSDrive -Name "MOCK-IRMWP" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root $PSScriptRoot } AfterEach { Pop-Location -StackName "MOCK-IRMWP" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" Remove-PSDrive -Name "MOCK-IRMWP" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" } It "should return the known response if the API call is successful" { Mock Start-Job { return & $script:StartJobCommand { } } Mock Receive-Job { return @{ Response = "a happy web response from a web server" } } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" } It "should work when run from a psdrive" { Mock Start-Job { return & $script:StartJobCommand { } } Mock Receive-Job { return @{ Response = "a happy web response from a web server" } } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } Set-Location "MOCK-IRMWP:\" $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" } It "should work when run from a non-filesystem provider" { Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return "a happy web response from a web server" } Mock Start-Job { } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } Push-Location -StackName "MOCK-IRMWP" Set-Location "Env:\" $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" Should -Invoke -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 Should -Invoke -CommandName Start-Job -Times 0 } It "should throw if the API call fails" { $params = @{ "Method" = "GET" "Uri" = "yeet://the.yeet.scheme.is.not.supported" } Mock Start-Job { return & $script:StartJobCommand { Invoke-RestMethod $using:params.Uri } } $errorRecord = { Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params } | Should -Throw -PassThru $errorRecord.Exception.Message | Should -BeLike "*'yeet' scheme is not supported*" } It "should not use a background job in unsupported hosts" { Mock Get-Host { return @{ Name = "UnitTestHost" } } Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return "a happy web response from a web server" } Mock Start-Job { } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" Should -Invoke -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 Should -Invoke -CommandName Start-Job -Times 0 } It "should not use a background job if a proxy is configured by env var" { Mock Get-Host { return @{ Name = "ConsoleHost" } } Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return "a happy web response from a web server" } Mock Start-Job { } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } $previousProxySettings = $env:HTTP_PROXY $env:HTTP_PROXY = "http://example.com:3128" $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params $env:HTTP_PROXY = $previousProxySettings $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" Should -Invoke -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 Should -Invoke -CommandName Start-Job -Times 0 } It "should not use a background job if a defaultproxy is configured for the current session" { Mock Get-Host { return @{ Name = "ConsoleHost" } } Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return "a happy web response from a web server" } Mock Start-Job { } $params = @{ "Method" = "GET"; "Uri" = "http://localhost"; } $previousProxySettings = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy $proxyUri = New-Object System.Uri("http://example.com:3128") $proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxyUri) [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = $proxy $response = Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = $previousProxySettings $response | Should -BeExactly "a happy web response from a web server" Should -Invoke -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 Should -Invoke -CommandName Start-Job -Times 0 } Describe "Get-APIEstimatedResponseTime Tests" { It "should return default response time when there's no record for a specific endpoint" { $responseTime = Get-APIEstimatedResponseTime -Method "POST" -Uri "http://localhost/new-endpoint" $responseTime | Should -Be 10 } } Describe "Set-APIResponseTime Tests" { It "should record response time for a specific endpoint" { Set-APIResponseTime -Method "PUT" -Uri "http://localhost/new-endpoint" -ResponseTimeSeconds 30 $responseTime = Get-APIEstimatedResponseTime -Method "PUT" -Uri "http://localhost/new-endpoint" $responseTime | Should -Be 30 } } } } |