[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification='BeforeAll block variables are used in tests')] param() Remove-Module 'PowerShellAI' -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\PowerShellAI.psd1" -Force Describe "Get-LocalOpenAIKey" -Tag 'GetLocalOpenAIKey' { InModuleScope 'PowerShellAI' { BeforeAll { #Backup existing OpenAIKey $backupOpenAIKey = $env:OpenAIKey $secureStringKey = 'OpenAIKeySecureString' $environmentVariableKey = 'OpenAIKeyEnvironmentVariable' } AfterEach { #After each test reset module scope secure string with fake OpenAI key, #and $env:OpenAIKey with plain text fake OpenAI key $Script:OpenAIKey, $env:OpenAIKey = $null } It 'Should return value of type [String] when $env:OpenAIKey is set' { $env:OpenAIKey = $environmentVariableKey Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeOfType 'System.String' } It 'Should return the same value as set in $env:OpenAIKey' { $env:OpenAIKey = $environmentVariableKey Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeExactly $env:OpenAIKey } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { It 'Should return value of type [String] set with Set-OpenAIKey on PowerShell 5 and lower' { Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureStringKey -AsPlainText -Force) Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeOfType 'System.String' } It 'Should return the same value as set with Set-OpenAIKey on PowerShell 5 and lower' { Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureStringKey -AsPlainText -Force) Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeExactly $secureStringKey } } else { It 'Should return value of type [SecureString] set with Set-OpenAIKey on PowerShell 6 and higher' { Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureStringKey -AsPlainText -Force) Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeOfType 'System.Security.SecureString' } It 'Should return the same value as set with Set-OpenAIKey on PowerShell 6 and higher' { Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureStringKey -AsPlainText -Force) Get-LocalOpenAIKey | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText | Should -BeExactly $secureStringKey } } It 'OpenAI key set with Set-OpenAIKey has priority over $env:OpenAIKey' { $env:OpenAIKey = $environmentVariableKey Set-OpenAIKey -Key (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureStringKey -AsPlainText -Force) if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) { Get-LocalOpenAIKey | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText | Should -BeExactly $secureStringKey } else { Get-LocalOpenAIKey | Should -BeExactly $secureStringKey } } AfterAll { #Restore OpenAIKey $env:OpenAIKey = $backupOpenAIKey } } } |