function ai { <# .SYNOPSIS This is **Experimental** AI function .DESCRIPTION AI function that you can pipe all sorts of things into and get back a completion .EXAMPLE ai "list of planets only names as json" | .EXAMPLE ai "list of planets only names as json" | ai 'convert to xml' .EXAMPLE ai "list of planets only names as json" | ai 'convert to xml' | ai 'convert to powershell' .EXAMPLE git status | ai "create a detailed git message" #> [CmdletBinding()] param( $inputPrompt, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $pipelineInput, [ValidateRange(0,2)] [decimal]$temperature = 0.0, $max_tokens = 256 ) Begin { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$lines = @() } Process { $lines += $pipelineInput } End { $fullPrompt = @" $($inputPrompt) $(($lines | Out-String).Trim()) "@ Write-Verbose $fullPrompt.Trim() (Get-GPT3Completion -prompt $fullPrompt.Trim() -max_tokens $max_tokens -temperature $temperature).Trim() } } |