function Invoke-OpenAIAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke the OpenAI API .DESCRIPTION Invoke the OpenAI API .PARAMETER Uri The URI to invoke .PARAMETER Method The HTTP method to use. Defaults to 'Get' .PARAMETER Body The body to send with the request .PARAMETER NoProgress The option to hide write-progress if you want, you could also set $ProgressPreference to SilentlyContinue .EXAMPLE Invoke-OpenAIAPI -Uri "" -Method Post -Body $body #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Uri, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')] $Method = 'Get', $Body, [switch] $NoProgress ) $params = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = $Method ContentType = 'application/json' body = $Body } if ((Get-ChatAPIProvider) -eq 'OpenAI') { if (!(Test-OpenAIKey)) { throw 'Please set your OpenAI API key using Set-OpenAIKey or by configuring the $env:OpenAIKey environment variable (' } if (($apiKey = Get-LocalOpenAIKey) -is [SecureString]) { #On PowerShell 6 and higher use Invoke-RestMethod with Authentication parameter and secure Token $params['Authentication'] = 'Bearer' $params['Token'] = $apiKey } else { #On PowerShell 5 and lower, or when using the $env:OpenAIKey environment variable, use Invoke-RestMethod with plain text header $params['Headers'] = @{Authorization = "Bearer $apiKey" } } } elseif ((Get-ChatAPIProvider) -eq 'AzureOpenAI') { $callingFunction = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].FunctionName # if($callingFunction -ne 'Get-GPT4Completion'){ if ($callingFunction -notin 'Get-GPT4Response', "Get-ChatCompletion") { $msg = "$callingFunction is not supported by Azure OpenAI. Use 'Set-ChatAPIProvider OpenAI' and then try again." #Write-Warning $msg throw $msg }` if (!(Test-AzureOpenAIKey)) { throw 'Please set your Azure OpenAI API key by configuring the $env:AzureOpenAIKey environment variable' } else { $params['Headers'] = @{'api-key' = $env:AzureOpenAIKey } } } Write-Verbose ($params | ConvertTo-Json) Write-Information "Thinking ..." Invoke-RestMethodWithProgress -Params $params -NoProgress:$NoProgress } |