function Enable-AIShortCutKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Enable a shortcut key for getting completions .DESCRIPTION Enables a shortcut key for getting completions. The -ShortcutKey can be customized. If not in Visual Studio Code, the ShortcutKey will default to 'CTRL+G' In Visual Studio Code, the ShortcutKey will default to 'ALT+G' .EXAMPLE # Enables the shortcut key. Outside of VSCode, CTRL+G. Inside of VSCode, ALT+G. Enable-AIShortCutKey .EXAMPLE Enable-AIShortCutKey -ShortcutKey "CTRL+ALT+P" #> param( [string] $ShortcutKey = $( # In Visual Studio Code, CTRL+G is "goto", if ((Get-Process -id $pid).Parent.ProcessName -eq 'code') { "ALT+G" # so we'll use ALT+G by default. } else { "CTRL+G" # If we're not running in code, use CTRL+G by default } ) ) Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key $ShortcutKey ` -BriefDescription OpenAICli ` -LongDescription "Calls Open AI on the current buffer" ` -ScriptBlock { param($key, $arg) $line = $null $cursor = $null [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor) $prompt = "Using PowerShell, just code: $($line)" $output = Get-GPT3Completion $prompt -max_tokens 256 $output = $output -replace "`r", "" # check if output is not null if ($null -ne $output) { foreach ($str in $output) { if ($null -ne $str -and $str -ne "") { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::AddLine() [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($str) } } } } } |