function Get-PSWizCLIRelease { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves CLI release information from the Wiz platform based on the specified platform. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PSWizCLIRelease function fetches CLI release information from the Wiz platform's API. It allows filtering of CLI releases based on the specified platform, such as WINDOWS, LINUX, DARWIN, or DOCKER_LINUX. .PARAMETER Platform Specifies the platform for which to retrieve CLI release information. Valid values: 'WINDOWS', 'LINUX', 'DARWIN', 'DOCKER_LINUX' This parameter is optional and helps to filter the results based on the platform. .EXAMPLE Get-PSWizCLIRelease -Platform "WINDOWS" This example retrieves all CLI releases for the Windows platform. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject The function returns a collection of CLI release information based on the specified platform. .NOTES The function constructs a GraphQL query from a local file named getCLIRelease.graphql located in the .\graphql\ directory. The function uses a loop to handle pagination and retrieve all pages of results. Authentication details ($Script:Access_Token and $Script:Data_Center) must be available in the script scope. PowerShell 5.0 or higher is required. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Provide a business impact, low, medium or high")] [ValidateSet('WINDOWS', 'LINUX', 'DARWIN', 'DOCKER_LINUX')] $Platform ) $queryPath = $(Split-Path -Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent) $Query = [PSCustomObject]@{ operationName = "getCLIRelease" query = $(Get-Content -Path "$($queryPath)\graphql\getCLIRelease.graphql" -Raw) variables = @{ platform = $Platform endCursor = $null } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $Collection = @() while ($true) { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.$($Script:Data_Center)" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($Script:Access_Token)" } -Method Post -Body $Query -ContentType 'application/json' $Query = [PSCustomObject]@{ operationName = "getCLIRelease" query = $(Get-Content -Path "$($queryPath)\graphql\getCLIRelease.graphql" -Raw) variables = @{ platform = $Platform endCursor = $ } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $Collection += $ if ($ -eq $false) { break } } $Collection } |