function Invoke-PSWizAskAIRuleMatcher { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the AI Rule Matcher to match a rule with provided data. .DESCRIPTION The `Invoke-PSWizAskAIRuleMatcher` function sends a GraphQL query to the API to match a given rule with specific native type and example resource provider data. The function processes the response and returns the AI rule match results or errors if any. .PARAMETER RuleTitle Specifies the title of the rule to be matched. .PARAMETER NativeType Specifies the native type of the resource for which the rule is to be matched. .PARAMETER TFJson Specifies the example resource provider data in JSON format. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $ruleTitle = "Example Rule" PS C:\> $nativeType = "ExampleType" PS C:\> $tfJson = '{"exampleKey": "exampleValue"}' PS C:\> Invoke-PSWizAskAIRuleMatcher -RuleTitle $ruleTitle -NativeType $nativeType -TFJson $tfJson This example matches the specified rule with the provided native type and example resource provider data, returning the AI rule match results. .NOTES The function requires a GraphQL query file named `askAIRuleMatcher.graphql` located in a subdirectory named `graphql` relative to the script's path. The script variables `$Script:Data_Center` and `$Script:Access_Token` must be set with the appropriate API data center and access token, respectively. - PowerShell 5.1 or later - Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet - The GraphQL query file `askAIRuleMatcher.graphql` must be present in the `graphql` directory relative to the script's location. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $RuleTitle, $NativeType, $TFJson ) $queryPath = $(Split-Path -Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent) $Query = [PSCustomObject]@{ operationName = "askAIRuleMatcher" query = $(Get-Content -Path "$($queryPath)\graphql\askAIRuleMatcher.graphql" -Raw) variables = @{ ruleTitle = $RuleTitle nativeType = $NativeType exampleResourceProviderData = $($TFJson | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable) } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 9 $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.$($Script:Data_Center)" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($Script:Access_Token)" } -Method Post -Body $Query -ContentType 'application/json' if ($response.errors) { $response.errors } else { $ } } |