# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. using module .\..\..\Common\Common.psm1 using module .\..\DocumentRule.psm1 $exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt') $supportFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude foreach ($supportFile in $supportFileList) { Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)" . $supportFile.FullName } # Header <# .SYNOPSIS Convert the contents of an xccdf check-content element into a document object .DESCRIPTION The DocumentRuleConvert class is used to extract the documentation requirements from the check-content of the xccdf. Once a STIG rule is identified as a document rule, it is passed to the DocumentRuleConvert class for parsing and validation. #> class DocumentRuleConvert : DocumentRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Empty constructor for SplitFactory #> DocumentRuleConvert () { } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a xccdf stig rule element into a Document Rule .PARAMETER XccdfRule The STIG rule to convert #> DocumentRuleConvert ([xml.xmlelement] $XccdfRule) : base ($XccdfRule, $true) { $this.DscResource = 'None' } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts an existing rule into a document rule .DESCRIPTION Provides a way to convert stig rules that have already been parsed into a document rule type. There are several instances where a STIG rule needs to be documented if configure a certain way. .PARAMETER RuleToConvert A STIG rule that has already been parsed. #> static [DocumentRule] ConvertFrom ([object] $RuleToConvert) { return [DocumentRule]::New($RuleToConvert.Id, $RuleToConvert.severity, $RuleToConvert.title, $RuleToConvert.rawString) } static [bool] Match ([string] $CheckContent) { if ( $CheckContent -Match "Document(ation)?" -and $CheckContent -NotMatch "resourceSACL|Disk Management" -and $CheckContent -NotMatch "Caspol\.exe" -and $CheckContent -NotMatch "Examine the \.NET CLR configuration files" -and $CheckContent -NotMatch "\*\.exe\.config" ) { return $true } return $false } } |