# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. using module .\..\Common\Common.psm1 using module .\..\Rule\Rule.LoadFactory.psm1 using module .\..\Rule.Skip\Skip.psm1 # Header <# .SYNOPSIS This class describes a STIG .DESCRIPTION The STIG class describes a STIG, the collection of rules for a given technology that need to be implemented in order to enforce the security posture those rules define. STIG takes in instances of many other classes that describe the given technology and the implementing organizations specific settings, exceptions, and rules to skip. Upon creation of a STIG instance, the resulting Xml is immediately available for those preconditions. .PARAMETER StigVersion The document/published version of the Stig to select .PARAMETER Technology The type of the technology of the Stig to select .PARAMETER TechnologyRole The role of the technology of the Stig to select .PARAMETER TechnologyVersion The version of the technology of the Stig to select .PARAMETER StigXml The loaded Xml document of the Stig loaded from StigPath .PARAMETER StigPath The file path to the Stig Xml file in the StigData directory .EXAMPLE .NOTES This class requires PowerShell v5 or above. #> Class STIG { [string] $Technology # this is aligned to a DSC composite resource. [string] $TechnologyVersion # this is 2012R2, 2016, etc. [string] $TechnologyRole # this is DC, MS, Database, Instance, etc. [Version] $Version # this is the version of the STIG hidden [string] $RuleFile # the file name of the processed rule file [System.Collections.ArrayList] $RuleList = @() # the STIG Rules hidden [hashtable] $RuleIdIndex = @{} # an index into $RuleList static $DataPath = (Resolve-Path -Path "$($script:PSScriptRoot)\..\..\StigData\Processed").Path #region Constructor hidden [STIG] _STIG ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [string] $TechnologyRole, [Version] $Version) { $this.Technology = $Technology $ruleFileString = $Technology $this.TechnologyVersion = $TechnologyVersion $ruleFileString += "-$TechnologyVersion" if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TechnologyRole)) { $this.TechnologyRole = $TechnologyRole $ruleFileString += "-$TechnologyRole" } if ($null -eq $Version) { $this.Version = $this.GetLatest() } else { $this.Version = $Version } $ruleFileString += "-$($this.Version)" $this.RuleFile = [STIG]::DataPath + "\$ruleFileString`.xml" if (-not $this.Validate()) { throw "$ruleFileString was not found. Please run [Stig]::ListAvailable() to view the list of avalable STIG's." } return $this } <# .SYNOPSIS DO NOT USE - For testing only .DESCRIPTION A parameterless constructor for STIG. To be used only for build/unit testing purposes as Pester currently requires it in order to test static methods on powershell classes #> STIG () { Write-Warning "This constructor is for build testing only." } # STIG specification w/o role, return latest version or list available STIG ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion) { $this._STIG($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $null, $null) } # Full STIG specification w/o role STIG ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [Version] $Version) { $this._STIG($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $null, $Version) } # STIG specification w/ role, return latest version or list available STIG ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [string] $TechnologyRole) { $this._STIG($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $TechnologyRole, $null) } # Full STIG specification w/ role STIG ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [string] $TechnologyRole, [Version] $Version) { $this._STIG($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $TechnologyRole, $Version) } <# The validate method is used to test that the rule file exists #> [bool] Validate() { if ( Test-Path -Path $this.RuleFile ) { return $true } return $false } #endregion #region List Available static hidden [STIG[]] _ListAvailable ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [string] $TechnologyRole) { $params = @{ Path = [STIG]::DataPath Exclude = "*.org.default.xml" } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Technology)) { # The trailing \* is needed for the Include paramter to work $params.Path = "$($params.Path)\*" $params.Add('Include', "$Technology-") } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TechnologyVersion)) { $params.Include = "$($params.Include)$TechnologyVersion-" } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TechnologyRole)) { $params.Include = "$($params.Include)$TechnologyRole-" } # add the trailing wildcard to the include file name $params.Include = "$($params.Include)*" $stigRuleFileList = Get-ChildItem @params $return = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($stigRuleFile in $stigRuleFileList) { $propertyList = $stigRuleFile.BaseName -split "-" if ($propertyList.count -eq 3) { $null = $return.Add([STIG]::new($propertyList[0], $propertyList[1], [version]$propertyList[2])) } elseif ($propertyList.Count -eq 4) { $null = $return.Add([STIG]::new($propertyList[0], $propertyList[1], $propertyList[2], $propertyList[3])) } } return $return } static [STIG[]] ListAvailable () { return [STIG]::_ListAvailable($null, $null, $null) } static [STIG[]] ListAvailable ([string] $Technology) { return [STIG]::_ListAvailable($Technology, $null, $null) } static [STIG[]] ListAvailable ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion) { return [STIG]::_ListAvailable($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $null) } static [STIG[]] ListAvailable ([string] $Technology, [string] $TechnologyVersion, [string] $TechnologyRole) { return [STIG]::_ListAvailable($Technology, $TechnologyVersion, $TechnologyRole) } #endregion #region Load Rules hidden [void] _LoadRules([string] $OrgSettings, [hashtable] $Exceptions, [string[]] $SkipRules, [string[]] $SkipRuleType) { [xml]$rules = [xml](Get-Content -Path $this.RuleFile) $overRideValues = @{} #region Org Settings if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrgSettings)) { [xml] $settings = (Get-Content -Path ($this.RuleFile -replace '.xml', '.org.default.xml') ) } else { [xml] $settings = Get-Content -Path $OrgSettings } # If there are no org settings to merge, skip over that if($null -ne $settings.OrganizationalSettings.OrganizationalSetting) { $settings.OrganizationalSettings.OrganizationalSetting | Foreach-Object {$overRideValues[$_.Id] = $_.Value} } #endregion foreach ($type in $rules.DISASTIG.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($rule in $type.Rule) { if ( @($SkipRules) -contains $rule.Id -or $type.Name -eq $SkipRuleType ) { $importRule = [SkippedRule]::new($rule.Id) } else { $importRule = [LoadFactory]::Rule($rule) # OrgSettings if ($importRule.OrganizationValueRequired) { if ($overRideValues.ContainsKey($rule.Id)) { $importRule.AddOrgSetting($overRideValues[$rule.Id]) } else { throw "Org Setting not found for $($rule.Id)" } } # Exceptions Need to apply after org settings if ( $null -ne $Exceptions -and $Exceptions.ContainsKey($rule.Id)) { $importRule.AddExceptionToPolicy($Exceptions[$rule.Id]) } } $ruleListIndex = $this.RuleList.Add($importRule) $this.RuleIdIndex.Add($importRule.Id, $ruleListIndex) } } } [void] LoadRules() { $this._LoadRules($null, $null, $null, $null) } [void] LoadRules([string] $OrgSettings) { $this._LoadRules($OrgSettings, $null, $null, $null) } [void] LoadRules([string] $OrgSettings, [hashtable] $Exceptions) { $this._LoadRules($OrgSettings, $Exceptions, $null, $null) } [void] LoadRules([string] $OrgSettings, [hashtable] $Exceptions, [string[]] $SkipRules) { $this._LoadRules($OrgSettings, $Exceptions, $SkipRules, $null) } [void] LoadRules([string] $OrgSettings, [hashtable] $Exceptions, [string[]] $SkipRules, [string[]] $SkipRuleType) { $this._LoadRules($OrgSettings, $Exceptions, $SkipRules, $SkipRuleType) } #endregion #region Help [string] GetExceptionHelp ([string] $RuleId) { # Get the module version from the manifest to inject into the help example $moduleVersion = ( Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\..\PowerStig.psd1 ).ModuleVersion # load the STIG rules if they are not already laoded if($this.RuleList.Count -le 0) { $this.LoadRules() } try { $rule = $this.RuleList[$this.RuleIdIndex[$RuleId]] } catch { throw "$ruleId was not found in the currently loaded STIG." } $exceptionHelp = $rule.GetExceptionHelp() $return = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $return.AppendLine('') $null = $return.AppendLine('RULE TYPE') $null = $return.AppendLine(" $($rule.GetType().ToString())") $null = $return.AppendLine('') $null = $return.AppendLine('DESCRIPTION') $null = $return.AppendLine(" The $($rule.GetType().ToString()) property '$($rule.GetOverrideValue())' can be overridden ") $null = $return.AppendLine(' with an exception using the syntax below.') $null = $return.AppendLine('') if($null -ne $exceptionHelp.Notes) { $null = $return.AppendLine('NOTES') $null = $return.AppendLine(" $($exceptionHelp.Notes)") $null = $return.AppendLine('') } $null = $return.AppendLine('SAMPLE CONFIGURATION') $null = $return.AppendLine('') $null = $return.AppendLine('configuration Sample') $null = $return.AppendLine('{') $null = $return.AppendLine(" Import-DscResource -ModuleName PowerStig -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion") $null = $return.AppendLine('') $null = $return.AppendLine(' Node $NodeName') $null = $return.AppendLine(' {') $null = $return.AppendLine(" $($this.Technology) BaseLine") $null = $return.AppendLine(' {') $null = $return.AppendLine(" OsVersion = '$($this.TechnologyVersion)'") $null = $return.AppendLine(" OsRole = '$($this.TechnologyRole)'") $null = $return.AppendLine(" StigVersion = '$($this.Version)'") $null = $return.AppendLine(" Exception = @{'$($' = '$($exceptionHelp.value)'}") $null = $return.AppendLine(' }') $null = $return.AppendLine(' }') $null = $return.AppendLine('}') return $return.ToString() } #endregion <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the highest available Stig version .DESCRIPTION Returns the highest available Stig version for a given Technology, TechnologyVersion, and TechnologyRole #> [version] GetLatest () { $stigList = [STIG]::ListAvailable( $this.Technology, $this.TechnologyVersion, $this.TechnologyRole) $maximumStigVersion = ( $stigList | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Version).Maximum return [version]::new($maximumStigVersion) } } # Footer $exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt', '*.md') foreach ($supportFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -File -Exclude $exclude) { Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)" . $supportFile.FullName } Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Variable '*' |