
#region Header
using module .\..\private\stigData.psm1
#endregion Header
#region Data
$defaultParameterList = 'StigException|OrganizationSettingsPath|StigTitlePrefix|StigTitleSuffix'
#endregion Data
#region Main Functions
        A proxy function to get the Stig Content from the Windows Server STIG.
        Sets parameters that are used used to filter an additional set of dynamic parameters.
        This function uses several dynamic parmaters that filter the validateset automatilcaly bassed on values provided to OsVersion and OsRole.
        For more information on the Common STIG parameters, Please run 'Get-Help Get-CommonStigParameters -Full'
    .PARAMETER OsVersion
        Filters the STIG version to the OS version.
        Filters the STIG version list to the Domain Controller (DC) or Member Server (MS) role.

function Get-WindowsServerStigData
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            $CommonStigParameters = @{
                Technology        = 'WindowsServer' 
                TechnologyVersion = $OsVersion 
                TechnologyRole    = $OsRole
            Get-CommonStigParameters @CommonStigParameters 
            Write-Error $Error[0]
            Write-Warning "Please run 'Get-Help Get-CommonStigParameters -Full' "
        ################################ Begin Set file path from #################################
        $fileName = "$OsVersion-$OsRole-$($PSBoundParameters['StigVersion']).xml"
        $path = "$(Get-StigDataRootPath)\WindowsServer\$fileName"
        Write-Verbose "$fileName exists --> $(Test-Path -Path $path ) "
        ################################ End Set file path from #################################
        ##################### Begin Standard entry on all public functions ######################
        $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notmatch $defaultParameterList | 
            ForEach-Object { $PSBoundParameters.Remove($PSItem) | Out-Null}
        ##################### End Standard entry on all public functions ######################

        Get-StigData @PSBoundParameters

function Get-WindowsFirewallStigData
    Param( )
            $CommonStigParameters = @{
                Technology = 'WindowsFirewall' 
            Get-CommonStigParameters @CommonStigParameters 
            Write-Error $Error[0]
            Write-Warning "Please run 'Get-Help Get-CommonStigParameters -Full' "

        ################################ Begin Set file path from #################################
        $fileName = "$($PSBoundParameters['StigVersion']).xml"
        $path = "$(Get-StigDataRootPath)\WindowsFirewall\$fileName"
        Write-Verbose "$fileName exists --> $(Test-Path -Path $path ) "
        ################################ End Set file path from #################################
        ##################### Begin Standard entry on all public functions ######################
        $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notmatch $defaultParameterList | 
            ForEach-Object { $PSBoundParameters.Remove($PSItem) | Out-Null}
        $PSBoundParameters.Add('Path', $path)
        ##################### End Standard entry on all public functions ######################

        Get-StigData @PSBoundParameters


function Get-WindowsDnsServerStigData
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            $CommonStigParameters = @{
                Technology        = 'WindowsDnsServer' 
                TechnologyVersion = $OsVersion 
            Get-CommonStigParameters @CommonStigParameters 
            Write-Error $Error[0]
            Write-Warning "Please run 'Get-Help Get-CommonStigParameters -Full' "
        ################################ Begin Set file path from #################################
        $OsRole = "DNS"
        $fileName = "$OsVersion-$OsRole-$($PSBoundParameters['StigVersion']).xml"
        $path = "$(Get-StigDataRootPath)\WindowsDnsServer\$fileName"
        Write-Verbose "$fileName exists --> $(Test-Path -Path $path ) "
        ################################ End Set file path from #################################
        ##################### Begin Standard entry on all public functions ######################
        $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notmatch $defaultParameterList | 
            ForEach-Object { $PSBoundParameters.Remove($PSItem) | Out-Null}
        $PSBoundParameters.Add('Path', $path)
        ##################### End Standard entry on all public functions ######################

        Get-StigData @PSBoundParameters
#endregion Main Functions
#region Support Functions
        A discovery function that returns data about available SITG's in the module
        The name of the technology that the STIG targets such as Windows Server or RHEL
    .PARAMETER ListAvailable
        A swtich that retunrs all available STIGs
        In this example all WindowsServer STIG details are returned.
        Get-Stig -Name WindowsServer
        In this example a list of all available STIGS is returned.
        Get-Stig -ListAvailable

function Get-StigList

    $childItemParameters = @{
        Path = "$(Get-StigDataRootPath)\$Technology"
        Exclude = "*.org.*" 
        Include = "*.xml" 
        File = $true
        Recurse = $true
    $stigList = Get-ChildItem @childItemParameters

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $returnlist = @() 
    foreach ($stig in $stigList)
        $stigProperties = $stig.BaseName -Split "-"

        $stigPropertyList = New-Object PSobject
        $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Technology' -Value (Split-Path -Path $stig.Directory -Leaf)
        $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StigVersions' -Value $stigProperties[-1]
        $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TechnologyVersion' -Value $stigProperties[-3]
        $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TechnologyRole' -Value $stigProperties[-2]

        [void] $returnlist.Add($stigPropertyList)

    return $returnlist  
#endregion Support Functions