Function Get-NumberOfCpu { return (gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors } Function Get-MemoryMB { return (gwmi Win32_PhysicalMemory | measure -Property Capacity -Sum).sum / 1MB } Function Start-RelayJob { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter( Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="An array of objects to handle" )] $target, [parameter( Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="A script for handling the objects" )] $script, [parameter( HelpMessage="Maximum number of concurrent jobs" )] $job = ( (Get-NumberOfCpu) - 1), [parameter( HelpMessage="Number of objects to be handled in a single job" )] [int] $batch = ($target.count / $job) ) $total = $target.count if ($total % $batch) { $totaljob = [math]::floor($total / $batch) + 1 } else { $totaljob = $total / $batch } $prop = [ordered]@{ TotalObjects = $total ObjectsInOneJob = $batch TotalJobs = $totaljob ConcurrentJob = $job } $info = New-Object PSObject -Property $prop $info | ft | out-string | write-verbose $startTime = get-date "Execution starts at $startTime" | write-verbose $i = 0 $childProc = @() while ($i -lt $totaljob) { while ((get-job -state running).count -lt $job -and $i * $batch -lt $total) { $start = $i * $batch $end = ( $i + 1 ) * $batch - 1 $end = ($end, $total | measure -minimum).minimum start-job -scriptblock $script -argumentlist (,$target[$start..$end]) -name "job-$i" | out-null $i += 1 } $p = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process -Filter "ParentProcessID = '$PID'" foreach ($id in $p.processid) {if ( $childProc.id -notcontains $id ) { $childProc += get-process -id $id }} get-job -hasmoredata $true | receive-job } while (get-job -hasmoredata $true) { get-job | receive-job } get-job | remove-job $endtime = get-date "Execution ends at $endTime" | write-verbose $duration = $endTime - $startTime $TotalAvailableCPUTime = [math]::round($duration.totalseconds * (Get-NumberOfCpu), 2) $TotalUsedCPUTime = [math]::round(($childProc | measure-object -sum cpu).sum, 2) $CPUUsage = [math]::round($TotalUsedCPUTime / $TotalAvailableCPUTime * 100, 2) $TotalMemory = Get-MemoryMB $TotalUsedMemory = [math]::round(($childProc | measure-object -sum workingset).sum / 1MB, 2) $MemoryUsage = [math]::round($TotalUsedMemory / $TotalMemory * 100, 2) $prop += [ordered]@{ 'TotalExecTime (s)' = $duration.totalseconds 'TotalCPUTime (s)' = $TotalAvailableCPUTime 'TotalUsedCPUTime (s)' = $TotalUsedCPUTime 'CpuUsage (%)' = $CPUUsage 'TotalMemory (MB)' = $TotalMemory 'TotalUsedMemory (MB)' = $TotalUsedMemory 'MemoryUsage (%)' = $MemoryUsage } $info = New-Object PSObject -Property $prop $info | fl | out-string | write-verbose } |