function Write-PowerRailsStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Write PowerRails progress to host. .DESCRIPTION Write PowerRails progress to host. This function just makes the output a little prettier. .PARAMETER line The text that you want to appear in your console .PARAMETER type The type of output you want. This changes the display of line accordingly. Validate entries are header, info, task, success, error & warning. .PARAMETER depth Controls how deep the text is indented. For display purposes. .PARAMETER spaces Constrol what is used as the indentation characters. .EXAMPLE Write-PowerRailsStatus -line 'Hello world!' -type 'header' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$line, [ValidateSet('header', 'info', 'task', 'success', 'error', 'warning')][string]$type='info', [int]$depth=1, $spaces=" ", $tabs = " " ) # Determine starting point. $seperator = $spaces * $depth # Switch between type that is required switch ($type) { 'header' { Write-Host $line Write-Host ("=" * $line.length) -ForegroundColor:Green Write-Host "`n" } 'info' { Write-Host "$seperator * " -ForegroundColor:DarkGray -NoNewline Write-Host $line "`n" } 'task' { # This option exists so that we can attach some cool animations to the output for something that is long running. Write-Host "$seperator" -ForegroundColor:DarkGray -NoNewline Write-Host $line -NoNewline } 'success' { Write-Host "$seperator Success! - " -ForegroundColor:Green -NoNewline Write-Host $line "`n" } 'warning' { Write-Host "$seperator ! " -ForegroundColor:Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $line "`n" } 'error' { Write-Host "$seperator X " -ForegroundColor:Red -NoNewline Write-Host $line "`n" } default { Write-Host $seperator $line } } } # Helpers for generator $spaces = " " $tabs = " " |