#Requires -modules PowerPlan -RunAsAdministrator Describe 'Discovers and and sets power plan' { $plans = Get-Powerplan Context 'List power plans' { ForEach ($plan in $plans) { $plan = $plan.ElementName It "the returned list includes the $plan plan" { $plans.ElementName -contains $plan | Should Be True } It "can specifically get the $plan plan" { (Get-Powerplan -PlanName $plan).ElementName | Should Be $plan } } It 'uses the -ComputerName parameter correctly against localhost' { $ComputerName = 'localhost' $results = Get-Powerplan -ComputerName $ComputerName | ForEach-Object ElementName $results.count -gt 0 | Should Be True } It 'returns the expected properties of a plan' { $properties = Get-Powerplan | Get-Member -MemberType Property $properties.Name | Should Be @('Caption', 'Description', 'ElementName', 'InstanceID', 'IsActive', 'PSComputerName') } It 'returns the expected plan using the -Active parameter' { $active = Get-CimInstance -Namespace 'root\cimv2\power' -ClassName 'Win32_PowerPlan' -Filter 'IsActive=True' (Get-Powerplan -Active).InstanceID | Should Be $active.InstanceID } } Context 'Set a Powerplan active' { Mock -ModuleName PowerPlan -CommandName Invoke-CimMethod -MockWith {} ForEach ($plan in $plans) { $plan = $plan.ElementName It "handles the plan $plan without error" { {Set-PowerPlan $plan} | Should Not Throw } It "calls the correct mocks" { Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName PowerPlan -CommandName Invoke-CimMethod -Times 1 } } It 'uses the -ComputerName parameter correctly against localhost' { $ComputerName = 'localhost' {Set-Powerplan -ComputerName $ComputerName -PlanName 'Balanced'} | Should Not Throw } It "calls the correct mocks" { Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName PowerPlan -CommandName Invoke-CimMethod -Times 1 } } Context 'Set-PowerPlan implements -WhatIf' { Mock -ModuleName PowerPlan -CommandName Invoke-CimMethod -MockWith {} It "handles -whatif without error" { {Set-PowerPlan 'Balanced' -whatif} | Should Not Throw } It "does not call the mock" { Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName PowerPlan -CommandName Invoke-CimMethod -Times 0 } } } |