function Get-NixMemory { <# .Synopsis Gets Unix Memory .Description Gets Unix Memory Statistics .Example Get-NixMemory .Link Get-NixUptime #> [OutputType('PowerNix.Memory')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Test-ForSlowScript", "", Justification="Written for User Clarity")] param() process { if (-not (Test-Path '/proc/meminfo')) { # If /proc/meminfo doesn't exist Write-Error "/proc/meminfo not found" -ErrorId File.Missing # write and error and return return } #region Read /proc/meminfo Get-Content /proc/meminfo | & { begin { $out = [Ordered]@{PSTypeName='PowerNix.Memory'} } # We want to give our output the typename of PowerNix.Memory process { $key, $value = $_ -split ':', 2 # Each line is key:value $value = ($value -replace '\skB') -as [long] # allow the values to be long, and replace kB $value *= 1kb # multiply by kilobytes $out[$key.Trim()] = $value # set the value } end { [PSCustomObject]$out # Output the object. } } #endregion Read /proc/meminfo } } |